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The Daily Dispatch: September 27, 1862., [Electronic resource], Gen. Loring's campaign in the Kanawha Valley. (search)
Charged with robbery. --A soldier, named John Pendergrast, was arrested yesterday about 3 o'clock, in the alley running between 13th and 14th streets, south of Main, and carried to Castle Thundehouse getting a drink. He had his money in his hat, and when he stooped down to get a drink, Pendergrast's accomplice--one Lewis, a deserter from Wheat's La. Battalion--seized his hat and funds and ran off. When he attempted to give chase after Lewis, Pendergrast took hold of him and asked him what was the matter, and would not let him go till the other man had made good his escape. The three men were evidently leagued together, as the one who staid behind with Pendergrast assisted the latter to detain the man who was robbed. Pendergrast was taken in custody by order of Capt. T. M. Brownndergrast assisted the latter to detain the man who was robbed. Pendergrast was taken in custody by order of Capt. T. M. Brown, and will, no doubt, be sent before the Mayor for examination to-day.
ter Lawson was charged with using profane language and fighting in the Second Market. The other party to the fight being unable to appear this morning the investigation of that part of the charge was postponed until Wednesday. A fine was imposed on Mr. Lawson for the other offence. Jacob Essig and Patrick Rady were fined $2 each for selling meat in the Second Market after the hour of closing. The cases of Benjamin Gottlieb, charged with stealing two hogs from John Clash; and John Pendergrast, for robbing John McCarty of $450, were continued until Wednesday. Dan'l Waish, sent up by Capt. Alexander, for shooting at John Head with intent to kill him, was bailed to appear to-morrow morning. Nancy Rix and Charlotte Reese, two free negroes without papers, were dismissed with a reprimand, at the solicitation of the superintendent of the hospital at which they are engaged. Hustings Court.--Yesterday, only one case was tried in this court — that of Edgar Herman, indic
ieb was sufficiently strong, in the opinion of His Honor, to send him on for examination before the Hustings Court. Fritz Freeman, an employee of Gottlieb, also implicated in the larceny, by the evidence of Mrs. Wray, was also sent on. Both parties were admitted to bail in the sum of $500. Thomas R. Stewart was build to appear and answer an indictment for selling liquor without license. Jacob Keck, for selling in the Second Market after the hour of closing, was fined $2. John Pendergrast, for garroting John McCarty, and robbing him of $150, was sent on for examination before the Hustings Court. Edmond, slave of Mrs. John Allen, for threatening to cut the heart out of Nathan, slave of H. Stern, was ordered twenty-five lashes. Joe, slave of — Stanard, found with a Liam and shoulder of bacon in a bag, which he alleged he had bought from another negro, was ordered to be whipped. John Donchoe complained that Michael Finney struck him for nothing at all. The co
all was arraigned for trial on the charge of stealing a gold watch from Robert C. Graham. The jury found him guilty and ascertained the term of his imprisonment at three years in the Penitentiary. Mr. Crane appeared for the defendant. John Pendergrast was tried for stealing $74 in C. S. Treasury notes from John McCarthy, and found guilty by the jury, who assessed his time at 18 months in the Penitentiary. Mr. Ratcliffe appeared for the prisoner. Thomas Samanni was put to the bar fortrial, charged with forging a check for $6,000, purporting to be signed by Owens & Sons, and made pay able to the order of West & Johnston. The trial was concluded often night by the acquittal of the prisoner. The Judge passed sentence on Wall and Pendergrast, who were taken to the Penitentiary yesterday evening. C. S. District Court.--This Court was not in session yesterday, nor will it be to-day but will commence to-morrow, for the purpose of passing sentence on several convicts.