Gen. Heth told Hancock since the war that they remained all night in the position they held when the fighting ceased, and during the night massed fifteen thousand infantry and Hampton's cavalry, with which they had intended to advance upon us at daylight of the 28th. Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac.
Morning reports.
Oct. 25. One recruit received—Timothy Herlehy.
Two horses shot by order E. L. Smith, Lieut. Battery K, 4th U. S. Ar'ty, A. A. I. G.
Oct. 26. Corp. G. A. Pease sent to general hospital.
Oct. 27.
Lieut's Granger and Smith and Privates A. C. Billings and Farrell wounded and sent to hospital.
McAuliffe, leg broken also sent to hospital.
Lieut. E. L. Smith Battery K, 4th U. S. Art'y and Lieut. Deane, 6th Me. Art'y temporarily attached.
Seven horses shot in action.
Hiram Pike slightly wounded.
Oct. 28. Lieut. Asa Smith died at general hospital City Point, Va., from effects of wound received Oct. 27. Lieut. Granger sent to general hospit
own, Sept. 9, 1862,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Goldsmith, Richard, Corp.,23Marblehead,Sept. 9, 1862,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Howes, Francis M., Corp.,19Canton,Sept. 9, 1862,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Lemon, William B., Corp.,21Marblehead,Sept. 9, 1862,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Osborne, Charles E., Corp.,21Marblehead,Sept. 9, 1862,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Paine, Samuel, Corp.,29Truro,Sept. 9, 1862,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Pease, George A., Corp.,27Boston,Sept. 9, 1862,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Richardson, Asa F., Corp.,28Hardwick,Sept. 9, 1862,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.[July 8, 1865.
Shattuck, And. B., Jr., Corp.,24Boston,Sept. 9, 1862,Transferred Jan. 21, 1864, V. R. Corps; discharged
Stevens, John H., Corp.,22Marblehead,Sept. 9, 1862,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Reed, Joshua T., Bugler.45Boston,Sept. 9, 1862,June 2, 1865, disability.
Mugford, John E., Bugler,20Boston,Sept. 9, 186
Nichols, George H.April 8, 1892
Nichols, Wm.
Nowell, TimothyJuly 23, 1893
Neagle, Patrick E.——
Orcutt, HenrySept. 28, 1879
Oliver, Hiram B.Jan. —, 1897
O'Connell, JeremiahMay 5, 1905
Pierce, George H.Mar. 15, 1864
Pierce, WaldoApril 16, 1881
Pierce, Leverett——–
Putnam, George K.Nov. 21, 1864
Putnam, George H.April 8, 1906
Peach, JamesFeb. 6, 1865
Packard, Charles N.Feb. 13, 1887
Parker, Adolphus B.June 13, 1889
Parker, Benjamin F.Feb. 20, 1907
Pike, HiramAug.—, 1892
Pease, George A.April 17, 1895
Paine, SamuelApril 10, 1900
Pedrick, JohnNov. 7, 1901
Rawson, WilliamAug. 23, 1906
Redfield, Timothy G.——, 1865
Reed, Joshua T.Aug. 21, 1886
Riley, JohnDec. 25, 1874
Rollins, Lieut. William E.Nov. 15, 1901.
Rice, Albert E.Nov. 15, 1902
Rising, Justus J.Mar. 31, 1906
Richardson, Asa F.Feb. 18, 1908
Sleeper, Maj. J. HenryAug. 10, 1891
Smith, Lieut. AsaOct. 28, 1864
Smith, James D.Mar. 28, 1880
Smith, Albert W.Nov. 2, 1896
Smith, George A.June
, Gen. E. O. C., 421.
Osborn, Charles E., 149, 150, 203, 208, 408.
Osborn, William, 351.
Otis, Samuel, 401, 402, 403, 408, 409.
Packard, C. N., 48, 85, 86, 149, 163, 323.
Paine, Samuel, 199, 302, 348.
Park, Gen. John G., 345.
Parker, A. B., 202, 203, 208, 326, 339, 397, 408, 440, 441.
Parker, B. F., 31, 202, 303, 397, 408, 426.
Parks, Geo. W., 49, 83, 87, 117, 148, 151, 205, 209.
Patrick, Gen. M. R., 179.
Peach, James, 49, 81, 117, 147, 148, 206, 209, 306, 338, 398.
Pease, Geo. A., 39, 163, 351, 375, 400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407.
Pedrick, Ben. G., 149, 150, 288, 351.
Pedrick, John, 48, 81, 207, 208.
Pegram, Gen. W., 320, 391.
Petersburg, 228. 277, 278, 283, 284, 298, 299, 300, 376, 396, 413, 414.
Phillips, Ben. H., 81, 148, 306. 349, 407.
Pickett, Gen. J., 189.
Pierce, Chas. E., 31, 198, 281, 288, 350.
Pierce, Capt., A. Q. M., 149, 150, 183, 184, 199, 200, 201.
Pierce, Geo. H., 202.
Pierce, Leverett, 85, 398, 400, 404, 406.
Pierce, M. M., 202,