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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 16 14 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 15 7 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 8 0 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 6 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 18, 1862., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2 6 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 6 2 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 6 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 6 4 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 6 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
ite officers led negro raids into Westmoreland and Richmond counties. Women were violated wherever they were caught by the negroes with the utmost impunity. N. D. Hall, of Larkinville, Alabama, a soldier of Western Virginia, during Hunter's, Crook's and Averill's horrible desolation of Virginia, says that the rebels found a negro man and child, both dead, and a negro woman stripped naked, whose bleeding person had been outraged by Averill's men. That Averill's men offered to give to Dr. Patton's wife, in Greenbrier county, West Virginia, fifteen negro children which they had stolen, and which she refused to take from them. To rid themselves of the burden, and the children from suffering, they were thrown into Greenbrier river. In the valley below Staunton, Crook's men tied an old gentleman, and violated his only daughter in his presence, until she fainted. In Bedford county he saw the corpse of one, and the other sister a raving maniac, from violation of their persons. D
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Stonewall Jackson's Valley campaign. (search)
e of Fremont, conceived the audacious design of attacking his two opponents in succession the next day, with the hope of overwhelming them separately. For this purpose he directed that during the night a temporary bridge, composed simply of planks, laid upon the running gear of wagons, should be constructed over the South river, at Port Republic, and ordered Winder to move his brigade at dawn across both rivers and against Shields. Ewell was directed to leave Trimble's Brigade and part of Patton's to hold Fremont in check, and to move at an early hour to Port Royal to follow Winder. Taliaferro's Brigade was left in charge of the batteries along the river, and to protect Trimble's retreat if necessary. The force left in Fremont's front was directed to make all the show possible, and to delay the Federal advance to the extent of its power. The Confederate commander proposed, in case of an easy victory over Shields in the morning, to return to the Harrisonburg side of the river and
ht in eighteen prisoners, among them Captains M. C. Edwards and Willis, the latter of the Third Georgia cavalry, and dangerously wounded.--Cincinnati Commercial. The battle of Champion Hill, or Baker's Creek, Miss., was fought by the Nationals, under General Grant, and the rebels, under General Pemberton, in which the latter was compelled to fall back behind the Big Black River.--(Doc. 192.) A reconnoitring party of the First New York mounted rifle regiment, under the command of Major Patton, were attacked in the vicinity of Suffolk, Va., by a large body of rebel cavalry and routed with considerable loss. Sixteen men of the First New York cavalry, under the command of Lieutenant Vermillion, attacked a party of twenty-two rebel soldiers, at Berry's Ferry, Va., and killed two, wounded five, and captured ten of them. The rebel government steamer Cuba, was destroyed by the National gunboat De Soto, Captain W. W. Walker, in the Gulf of Mexico, off Mobile harbor, Ala.--Ca
tucky, January 18, 1837. offered a resolution, providing: That all memorials, etc., on the subject of the abolition of Slavery, should be laid on the table, without being referred or printed, and that no further action should be had thereon. Which was adopted-Yeas 129; Nays 69--the Nays mainly Northern Whigs, as before. All debate was precluded by the Previous Question. And still the agitation refused to be controlled or allayed; so that, on the meeting of the next Congress, Mr. Patton, of Virginia, December 21, 1837. offered the following as a timely sacrifice to the peace and harmony of the country: Resolved, That all petitions, memorials, and papers touching the abolition of Slavery, or the buying, selling, or transfer ring of slaves in any State, District, or Territory of the United States, be laid upon the table without being debated, printed, read, or referred; and no further action whatever shall be had thereon. The Previous Question having against been
ning sharply to the right, made their way across the mountains, and joined Gen. Jackson at Monterey. A strong Union force, under Gen. Cox, made an advance from Guyandotte simultaneously with Gen. McClellan's on Beverly, capturing Barboursville after a slight skirmish, and moving eastward to the Kanawha, and up that river. At Scarytown, some miles below Charleston, a detachment of 1,500 Ohio troops, under Col. Lowe, was resisted July 17th by a smaller Rebel force, well posted, under Capt. Patton, and repulsed, with a loss of 57 men. Five officers, including two Colonels, who went heedlessly forward, without their commands, to observe the fight, rode into the Rebel lines, and were captured. The Rebels abandoned the place that night, leaving their leader dangerously wounded to become a prisoner. Gen. Cox pushed steadily forward, reaching Charleston, the capital of Kanawha county, on the 25th. Gov. Wise, who commanded the Rebels in this quarter, had expected here to make a stand
Warrensburg and 4,000 at Georgetown, with pickets extending toward Syracuse. Green is making for Booneville, with a probable force of 3,000. Withdrawal of force from this part of Missouri risks the State; from Paducah, loses Western Kentucky. As the best, have ordered two regiments from this city, two front Kentucky, and will make up the remainder from the new force being raised by the Governor of Illinois. The Rebels of north-eastern Missouri--reported at 4,500--led by Cols. Boyd and Patton, marched from St. Joseph, on the 12th, toward Lexington, where they doubtless had been advised that they would find Price on their arrival. Two parties of Unionists started in pursuit from different points on the North Missouri Railroad, directed to form a junction at Liberty, Clay county. Lieut. Col. Scott, of the Iowa 3d, reached that point at 7 A. M., on the 17th, and, not meeting there the expected cooperating force front Cameron, under Col. Smith, pushed on to Blue Mills Landing, on th
, Gen., (Rebel,) in Northern Missouri,587. Pate, H. Clay, whipped at Black-Jack, 244. Patterson, Com., destroys a Florida fort, 177. Patterson, Gen. Robert, 528; crosses the Potomac, 535; moves from Bunker Hill to Charlestown, 536; Gen. Sanford's testimony, 536 to 538; Patterson falls back to Harper's Ferry and is superseded, 539; Gen. Scott's dispatch, and Patterson's reply, 539; allusion to, 540; 549-50; his politics; refuses to display the American flag, 550; allusion to, 618. Patton, Col., (Rebel,) victor at Scarytown, 524; marches to reinforce Price at Lexington, 587. Patriot and Union, The, on President's call, 457. Paulding, Com. Hiram, captures Walker, 276; takes command at Norfolk Navy Yard, 475; his work of destruction there, 476. Pawnee, U. S. Ship, arrives at Norfolk Navy Yard, 475; two of her officers made prisoners, 476. Payne, Henry B., of Ohio, his resolves in the Charleston Convention. 310; 312; 318. Payne, R. G., threatens Mr. Etheridge, 484
al among veterans of the old service. General Longstreet also mentions the conduct of Captain Marey, of the 17th Virginia volunteers, as especially gallant on one occasion, in advance of the Ford. The regiments of Early's brigade were commanded by Colonel Harry Hays, and Lieutenant-Colonels Williams and Hairston, who handled their commands in action with satisfactory coolness and skill, supported by their field officers, Lieut.-Col. DeChoiseul and Major Penn, of the 7th Louisiana, and Major Patton, of the 7th Virginia Volunteers. The skill, the conduct, and the soldierly qualities of the Washington Artillery engaged were all that could be desired. The officers and men attached to the seven pieces already specified, won for their battalion a distinction which, I feel assured, will never be tarnished, and which will ever serve to urge them and their corps to high endeavor. Lieutenant Squires worthily commanded the pieces in action. The commander of the battalion was necessarily
on.--On Sunday night, the 21st of April, Commissary Patton, of the New York Seventh Regiment, with the platform, than some merchant, with whom Mr. Patton had done business, stepped up and said, Hallwhat are you, a National Guard, doing here? Mr. Patton endeavored to silence him, but not until toollowed the party, overheard the salutation. Mr. Patton walked over the fields to the Annapolis traing him that he was suspected of being a spy. Mr. Patton replied boldly, I am no spy, sir, but a messtermination of the council, the captain told Mr. Patton that he must go back to Washington, and that drunken fellow, armed to the teeth, ordered Mr. Patton to hold on. Mr. Patton said his name was Moup, and, ordering the men to fall back, took Mr. Patton one side, at the same time saying, I know yohey took supper, and apparently went to bed. Mr. Patton, however, slipped out of the back door, and nt such a calamity, returned to Washington. Mr. Patton drove eighty miles, and walked thirty miles [5 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The defence of Mobile in 1865. (search)
There were many instances of fine conduct during these operations. You may remember there were two little batteries constructed on the right bank of the Apalachie river, several miles below Blakely, called Huger and Tracey ; they were to defend that river. They had but little over two hundred rounds of ammunition to each gun; therefore I made them hold their fire during the whole siege. The garrisons of these batteries were 300 men of the Twenty-second Louisiana, under the command of Colonel Patton, of Virginia. Early in the action the enemy opened some Parrott batteries on these forts, and for more than ten days they silently received the fire which they might not reply to. After Blakely fell, these two little outposts remained close to the centre of the army of the enemy (50,000 men), who were continually opening new guns upon them and increasing their fire; still they replied not. On their right lay the great Federal fleet; ten miles to their rear was their nearest support — in