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Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 161 1 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3 156 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 3 116 2 Browse Search
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2 76 0 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 71 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 49 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 47 1 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 36 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge 33 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson 32 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 81 results in 10 document sections:

Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 6: Samuel Ward and the Astors (search)
ifornia after its cession to the United States. The Indians were then in near proximity to San Francisco, and Uncle Sam, as he came to be called, went much among them, and became so well versed in their diverse dialects as to be able to act as interpreter between tribes unacquainted with each other's forms of speech. He once wrote out and sent me some tenses of an Indian verb which had impressed him with its resemblance to corresponding parts of the Greek language. I showed this to Theodore Parker, who considered it remarkable, and at once caused my brother to be elected as a member of some learned association devoted to philological research. An anecdote of his experience with the Indians may be briefly narrated here. He had been passing some time at a mining camp in the neighborhood of an Indian settlement, and had entered into friendly relations with the principal chief of the tribe. Thinking that a trip to San Francisco would greatly amuse this noble savage, he with some
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 7: marriage: tour in Europe (search)
sler and Cerito were both upon the stage. The former had lost a little of her prestige, but Cerito, an Italian, was then in her first bloom and wonderfully graceful. Of her performance my sister said to me, It seems to make us better to see anything so beautiful. This remark recalls the oft-quoted dialogue between Margaret Fuller and Emerson apropos of Fanny Elssler's dancing:— Margaret, this is poetry. Waldo, this is religion. I remember, years after this time, a talk with Theodore Parker, in which I suggested that the best stage dancing gives us the classic in a fluent form, with the illumination of life and personality. I cannot recall, in the dances which I saw during that season, anything which appeared to me sensual or even sensuous. It was rather the very ecstasy and embodiment of grace. A ball at Almack's certainly deserves mention in these pages, the place itself belonging to the history of the London world of fashion. The one of which I now speak was given
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 8: first years in Boston (search)
heads. What is Julia Howe trying to find at Parker's meeting? asked one of these one day in my peat sympathy with some of their methods. Theodore Parker held them in great esteem, and it was thrffrage. I remember that I was sitting in Theodore Parker's reception room conversing with him whena my husband went often to the Melodeon, where Parker preached until he took possession of the Music my life the years in which I listened to Theodore Parker. Those who knew Parker only in the pulch was also intended for her. To my husband Parker often spoke of the excellence of his wife's din he was a student in Harvard Divinity School, Parker, who was then his fellow student, desired to bnd kindred topics. I am almost certain that Parker was the first minister who in public prayer toever impressed me as deeply as did Theo, dore Parker's prayers. The volume of them which has been ided power of appreciation which distinguished Parker, yet a reverence for the beautiful, rather mor[20 more...]
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 10: a chapter about myself (search)
ty in the way natural to one of my birth and education. I have since been called upon to confront the topic in many ways. Swedenborg's theory of the divine man, Parker's preaching, the Boston Radical Club, Frank Abbot's depreciating comparison of Jesus with Socrates,—after following unfoldings of this wonderful panorama, I must had a bird's-eye view of this wonderful region of the natural sciences, and this, I think, never passed quite out of my mind. I used to talk about the books with Parker, who read everything worth reading. They had not greatly appealed to him. I also, at this time, read Hegel's Aesthetik, and endeavored to read his Logik, which I borrowed from Parker, and which he pronounced so crabbed as to be scarcely worth enucleating. I cannot remember what it was which, soon after this time, led me to the study of Spinoza. I followed this with great interest, and became for a time almost intoxicated with the originality and beauty of his thoughts. While still u
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 11: anti-slavery attitude: literary work: trip to Cuba (search)
at my joy reached its height when I heard Theodore Parker repeat some of my lines from the pulpit. omised to accompany him. The sudden failure of Parker's health at this time was thought to render aen of the New York Tribune, an early friend of Parker, came to see us off. My husband insisted somewe for the entire voyage. I felt very ill, and Parker, who was seated at the same table, looked at md to my cabin without waiting for permission. Parker also took refuge in his berth, and we did not ing. Soon a brighter day dawned upon us, and Parker appeared on deck, limp and helpless, and glad voyage had been of small service to our friend Parker, who was a wretched sailor. Arrived in Havana never to return. Our parting was a sad one. Parker embraced us both, probably feeling, as we did,lopment who could have had any foreknowledge? Parker, indeed, writing to Dr. Howe from Italy, said,, I remarked to my husband: This is poor, dear Parker's foible. He always thinks that he knows what[1 more...]
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 12: the Church of the Disciples: in war time (search)
o mention. The great comfort which I had in Parker's preaching came to an end when my children atwhich would militate against that feeling. At Parker's meeting individuals read the newspapers befot to his friend, Horace Mann, that to give up Parker's ministry for any other would be like going tnagogue when Paul was preaching near at hand. Parker was soon made aware of Dr. Howe's views, but nost to him in consequence of his inviting Theodore Parker on one occasion to occupy his pulpit. Thst. It was at this juncture that I heard Theodore Parker make the mention of him which brought himhing was as unlike as possible to that of Theodore Parker. While not wanting in the critical spirihad not the philosophic and militant genius of Parker, but he had a genius of his own, poetical, har Freeman Clarke's exchanging pulpits with Theodore Parker alienated from him a part of his congregature of Massachusetts the parting gift of Theodore Parker, —the gun which his grandfather had carri[1 more...]
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 13: the Boston Radical Club: Dr. F. H. Hedge (search)
t or comfort. I was told that Edmund Quincy, one day, saw Parker and Phillips walking arm in arm, and cried out: Parker, doParker, don't dare to pervert that man. We want him as he is. I was thrice invited to read before the Radical Club. The titles of ors would have become a benefactor to the human race? Theodore Parker once said to me, I do not consider Emerson a philosophmember that in the course of our conversation he said, Theodore Parker has made things easier for us young ministers. He hasre taste. Before I had come to know him well, I asked Theodore Parker whether he did not consider Dr. Hedge a very learned man. He replied, Hedge is learned in spots. Parker's idea of learning was of the encyclopaedic kind. He wanted to know evs. Horace Mann, who was present, corrected this, and said, Parker, that is the first mistake I ever heard you make. Parker Parker seemed a little annoyed at this small slip. I heard a second Phi Beta discourse from Dr. Hedge some time in the sixties.
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 14: men and movements in the sixties (search)
as the Friends say) that I had much to say to my day and generation which could not and should not be communicated in rhyme, or even in rhythm. I once spoke to Parker of my wish to be heard, to commend my own thoughts with my own voice. He found this not only natural, but also in accordance with the spirit of the age, which, hs of religion. On reading this sentence I felt that, in the religious teaching of our own time, the two were apt to be confounded. It seemed to me that even Theodore Parker had not always distinguished the boundary line, and I began to reflect seriously upon the difference between a religious truth and a philosophical propositionorthampton, where a scientific convention was in progress. Finally, being invited to speak before the Parker Fraternity on a certain Sunday, and remembering that Parker, in his day, had not feared to let out the metaphysical stops of his organ pretty freely, I took with me into the pulpit the paper on Ideal Causation, which had s
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Chapter 15: a woman's peace crusade (search)
the society of Friends, but had much to say about the theistic movement in the society. In London Mrs. Winkworth went with me, one Sunday, to the morning service of Rev. Charles Voysey. The lesson for the day was taken from the writings of Theodore Parker. We spoke with Mr. Voysey after the sermon. He said, I had chosen those passages from Parker with great care. After my own copious experiences of dissent in various forms, Mr. Voysey's sermon did not present any very novel interest. I Parker with great care. After my own copious experiences of dissent in various forms, Mr. Voysey's sermon did not present any very novel interest. I had come to London to do everything in my power to found and foster what I may call a Woman's Apostolate of Peace, though I had not then hit upon that name. For aid and counsel, I relied much upon the presence in London of my friend, Rev. William Henry Channing, a man of almost angelic character. I think it must have been through his good offices that I was invited both as guest and as speaker to the public banquet of the Unitarian Association. I confess that it was not without trepidation t
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Index (search)
Goethe and Schiller, 147; tries to teach Theodore Parker to sing, 162, 163; Henry James reads a paings reported: his paper on Thoreau, ago; Theodore Parker's opinion of, 291; character and attainmeavesty of Dr. Howe's letter, 142; attends Theodore Parker's meetings, 150; life in South Boston, 15hed, 230; trip to Cuba, 231; parting with Theodore Parker, 233, 234; her book about the Cuban trip,Club, 294. Loring, Judge, denounced by Theodore Parker, 164. Lothrop, Rev. Samuel K., attendss. Howe's lecture in Washington, 309. Parker, Theodore, 105; Mrs. Howe attends his meetings, 150 Howe's desire for expression, 305. Parker, Mrs., Theodore, 160, 162. Parnell, Charles S., escorer, 399. Quincy, Edmund, his remark to Theodore Parker, 287. Quincy, Jr., Mrs. Josiah, woman' Russell, Mrs., Sarah Shaw, a friend of Theodore Parker, 168. St. Angelo, Castle of, 130. Sy to Mr. Abbott, 289. Webster, Daniel, Theodore Parker's sermon on, 164; defeated for the senato[1 more...]