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Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Longfellow (search)
much in Cambridge or London as it did in Portland, where there has always been a rather superior sort of society. It was like French refinement without being Gallic. No wonder that a famous poet should emanate from such a family. What we notice especially in the Longfellow Letters during this European sojourn is the admonition of Henry's father, that German literature was more important than Italian,--and the poet was always largely influenced by this afterwards; that Henry did not find Paris particularly attractive, and on the whole preferred the Spanish character to the French on account of its deeper under-currents; that he did not seem to realize the danger that menaced him from Spanish brigands, in spite of the black crosses by the roadside; and that he was not vividly impressed by the famous works of art in the Louvre gallery. He only notices that one of Correggio's figures resembles a young lady in Portland. Longfellow would seem to have been always the same in regard
James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 3: Fleshing the sword. (search)
abin. They asked him what he wanted. He replied, To disarm them and demolish their fort. Kagi told him to produce his authority. You are an illegal body, and it is my right to disperse you, said the Sheriff. I have no writ, but I must disperse you, as you are more than five armed men ; and if I don't do it, I'll be covered with shame, and have to leave the country. We can't help that, retorted Kagi; it is no business of ours; there is no use having any nonsense about this; if Paris The lesser Headquarters of the ruffians and Democrats. wants peace, the whole Treaty, amnesty and all, must be observed; if not, there must be war. At this time, the officer could not see more than five armed persons, not knowing that there were thirteen squatters in the cabin, or that Montgomery lay in ambush in a ravine close by, covering the whole wing of the posse, with twenty-one picked men, who were eager for the fight. He was so placed, that, in ten minutes, he could have swep
Ernest Crosby, Garrison the non-resistant, Chapter 7: Garrison the prophet (search)
the words taken from the first editorial in the Liberator, I am in earnest, . . .and I will be heard, and teaches a profound lesson to the young American as to the possibilities of the career of the prophet, even at this late day. What man walking the streets of Boston in the winter of 1831 would have guessed that the most important bit of contemporary history was being transacted in an obscure garret? Their minds were occupied with the doings of Congress and the dispatches from London and Paris, but the real motive power of society rarely shows itself on the surface. What man who looked on at the Boston mob of 1835 would have supposed for a moment that the hatless, coatless, bewildered victim of the crowd would conquer in the end, and that the men who were threatening him would live to be ashamed of their cause? I think it was Whittier who advised young men to seek for some just and despised cause and attach themselves to it. Even from the standpoint of worldly wisdom, this is no
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 3: White reaction. (search)
Kellogg, if he cared to try his right. Though taunted by the citizens to take a case, he shrank from courting a decision, which he feared must go in favour of his enemies, and would weaken his hold on the Federal power. In spite, therefore, of having the support of Packard, the countenance of Pinch, the salary of a Governor, and an official residence in the State House, William P. Kellogg found his situation grow more desperate every passing day. New Orleans is Louisiana, very much as Paris is France. When New Orleans suffers, Louisiana suffers; when New Orleans recovers, Louisiana recovers. Now, under Kellogg and his reign of anarchy, New Orleans was bankrupt in public credit as well as in private means. A mixed executive of Negroes and strangers ruled the city and jobbed the public lands-a Rump Chamber, in which the Negroes had a large majority, pocketing their fees, and voting bills which have no legal force. A band of Negroes, officered by aliens, ruled the streets an
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 66: Italy and Switzerland (search)
ined the fine furniture of the palace. The grounds around the palatial building our party pronounced superb. We were happy that evening after our return to Paris to spend an hour with other intimate friends from the United States. To see them was like a breath of air from home. At our hotel not far from the Opera, there was a group of Theosophists together with the famous Madame Blavatsky, who was at that time their inspiration and leader. Some newspaper people in America had sent to Paris Mrs. Laura C. Holloway, a writer who had previous to this time written a sketch of my life. Mrs. Holloway had been sent to make a study of this society, which claimed at that time to be investigating Buddhism and other religions of the Orient. She was to examine the pros and cons concerning them and make a report to the friends who sent her. I was glad to become acquainted with Madame Blavatsky, a Russian countess, who could speak eight languages with fluency. She spoke English like an En
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 68: French army maneuvers, 1884; promotion to Major General, United States army, San Francisco 1886-88 (search)
iest favoring us with his lively company. The honored marquis had a delightful home of which his charming wife was the center, sprightly, cheerful, and happy, never at a loss to entertain those with whom she came in contact. The kindness of this family to all the people round about was marked and seemed to be reciprocated, though there were no signs of wealth on the part of the proprietor or of the villagers. After an early breakfast Tuesday, the 16th, the good marquis accompanied me to Paris. When I bade their family good-by I hoped that I might return to them at some time and again enjoy their cheerful company. No society pleases more than that of the French people, where they have, as these do, pure morals, elegant manners, and high culture. I joined my friends in Paris in the middle of the afternoon. That evening our ambassador, the Hon. Levi P. Morton, returned the call that I had previously made upon him. Without previous warning he presented to me from the President
er, I, 28, 34. Cliff, Tony, II, 386. Closson, Henry W., I, 57. Cobb, Deacon, I, 14. Cobb, Howell, I, 278, 384; II, 48. Cobham, George A., I, 620. Coburn, John, I, 615. Cockerell, J. R., I, 565, 566. Cody, W. F., II, 567. Coke, Phillip St. G., I, 147. Colburn, N. B., I, 209. Colby, Abram, II, 384. Cole, A. S., II, 216. Cole, John A., II, 420. Columbia, Taking of, II, 117-133. Colyer, Vincent, II, 176. Comstock, Cyrus B., I, 354, 365, 376. Comte de Paris, I, 377, 401. Coney, Samuel, I, 69. Conway, Thomas W., II, 186, 188, 215-217, 283, 302. Conyngham, David B., I, 532. Cook, B. C., II, 395, 397. Cooke, Jay, 1, 139. Cooper, William, II, 379. Come, J. M., 1, 535, 536; 11, 18, 38, 46, 58-63, 66, 70, 81, 82, 103. Cosby, George B., I, 70. Coster, Charles R., I, 417. Couch, D. N., I, 172, 220, 229, 230, 233-239, 272, 289, 298, 306, 311, 324, 337, 344, 345, 349, 356, 359, 362, 367, 398; II, 181. Courcillon, de, Eu
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Book and heart: essays on literature and life, Chapter 15: the cant of cosmopolitanism (search)
s which make travel easier and cause the world to seem smaller. But it is well to remember how much may be done by staying at home. Hawthorne's fame still rests on his Scarlet Letter. Mr. Henry James derides Thoreau as not merely provincial, but parochial; yet that parochial life has found already three biographers in England, which is possibly two more than the lifelong transplantation of Mr. James may win for him. On the other hand, what place in the world is less truly cosmopolitan than Paris, where no native feels called upon to learn a modern language or visit a foreign country, but each Frenchman remains at home for other people to visit him and learn the language he speaks? Paul Bourget, it is to be noticed, had to place his Cosmopolis elsewhere than in Paris. And what a commentary it is upon the qualities which make for permanence that the genius of Edgar Allan Poe has so impressed itself on French literature as still to be quoted there, while successive literary models i
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 4: in active journalism (search)
prophetic, while in others dealing with more complicated subjects, as for instance in the expression which he credits to a shrewd observer, that the ultimate triumph of socialism is certain, he was at least premature. Dana's first letter from Paris was written June 29, 1848, and gives a graphic account of the contest which was raging in the streets between the temporary government, representing the conservative interests of society, and the proletariat, composed of the working-men who wanteught to be great. On September 28th he wrote two letters, the first of which related exclusively to French affairs, and the second to the progress of the revolution in Germany, Austria, and Italy. On October 4th he wrote his final letter from Paris relating mostly to the policy of France towards the surrounding countries. I shall omit all reference at this time to the second, and confine myself to the consideration of the third. It was a period of universal ferment. The process of consol
pathy with socialism, 79; support of Brisbane's Fourierism, 79-84; director of North American Phalanx, 81; discussion with Raymond, 84; later views on socialism, 84-86; acceptance of Graham's dietetic doctrine, 86; residence on the East River, 88; Margaret Fuller's views, 88, 89; opinion of spiritualism, 89-91; views on farming, 91-93; at Chappaqua, 92; sympathy with Ireland and Hungary, 93; as counselor-at-large, 94; his lectures, 95-97; member of Congress, 98-103, 151; visits to London and Paris, 104; how he edited the Tribune, 105; letters to Dana, 105, 106; experience with beggars, 106-108; editorial-room pictures, 108, 109; advocate of a protective tariff, 110-122; views of President Tyler, 113, 114; early prominence as a protection advocate, 115; his tariff principles, 116-118; support of Clay in 1844, 119, 120; plague of boils, 120; Clay his choice in 1848, 122, 148; part in the abolition of slavery, 123; party influence over, 125, 129; his idea of conservatism, 126; defense of