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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
Book notices. J. H. Coates & Co., 822 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, the publishers, have kindly sent us the first volume of the translation (embracing two volumes of the French edition) of History of the civil war in America, by the Comte de Paris. The favorable notices of this book by the Northern press, and an extract we had seen from the preface, which seemed just and fair, made us anxous to see the book. As the work of a foreigner of distinction, it is worth the attention of our people, and will find a place in the libraries of our military men. But it can never be accepted by us as at all fair to the Confederate side, and some portions of the volume before us smack of the bitter partisan rather than of the disinterested foreigner who is trying to mete out even-handed justice to both the blue and the gray. The author evidently sees through only the bluest of spectacles. Reserving the privilege of pointing out in a future number some of its most glaring mistakes,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
ut in a philosophical and impartial spirit. How far the learned author has succeeded in his avowed purpose is altogether another matter. Indeed it requires only a glance through these volumes to see that instead of writing in a philosophical and impartial spirit, Dr. Draper is so bitter a partisan, that it seems simply impossible for him to make accurate statements about even the most trivial matters. We may take occasion to pay our respects to Dr. Draper more fully hereafter, and to show how his narration of the causes and events of the war is so colored by partisan prejudice as to render it utterly worthless as history. Books received. From the publishers (Jos. H. Coates & Co., Philadelphia,) we have received the second volume of the translation of the History of the civil war in America, by Comte de Paris. From Geo. W. Harris, of Albemarle, The Confederate soldier, by Rev. J. E. Edwards. These books, and any others which may be sent us, shall have due notice.
or more; whiskey (very inferior) five dollars per quart; other liquors and wines in proportion; smoking tobacco, one dollar and fifty cents per pound; socks, one dollar per pair; shoes, eighteen dollars to twenty-five dollars; hair-cutting and shaving, one dollar; bath, fifty cents; cigars (inferior) four for one dollar, etc. The city, however, knew no interruption to the stream of its floating population, and balls, parties, and theatres, made a merry world of it; and Frenchmen say, it was Paris in miniature. Four in the afternoon was grand promenade hour; and, in fine weather, the small park and principal streets were crowded. Military and naval officers would sun themselves on balconies, or stretch their limbs elegantly at hotel-doors. Here it was that I first saw Commodore Lynch (late U. S. N.) of Dead sea notoriety in literature, and Commodore Hollins, the hero (?) of Greytown. The first-named was a small, quiet, Jewish-looking man of about fifty; thin, sallow complexion,
ence, by Stuart to the young officer; and those who witnessed, during that arduous movement, the masterly handling of his guns, can tell how this confidence was justified. It was the eye of the great soldier, the hand of the born artillerist, which was evident in his work during those days of struggle. He fell back neither too soon nor too late, and only limbered up his guns to unlimber again in the first position which he reached. Thus fighting every inch of the way from Aldie, round by Paris, and Markham's, he reached the Rappahannock, and posted his artillery at the fords, where he stood and bade the enemy defiance. That page in the history of the war is scarcely known; but those who were present know the obstinacy of the contests, and the nerve and skill which were displayed by the young officer. That may be unknown, but the work done by Pelham on the great day of Fredericksburg is a part of history now. All know how stubbornly he stood on that day-what laurels encircled
kinridge had found him hiding in the ranks, and had added A. A. G. to his title. Knew it, old man! was his comment--Virtue must be rewarded-merit, like water, will find its level. Captain Wyatt, A. A. G.-demnition neat, eh? Now, I'll be here a month, and we must do something in the social line. I find the women still industry mad; but the sewing-circles get up small dullabilties- danceable teas, as papa Dodd abroad calls them. They're not splendid to a used — up man, like you — not Paris nor yet Washington, but they'll show you our people. And Wyatt was right. The people of Richmond had at first held up their hands in holy horror at the mere mention of amusement! What! with a war in the land must people enjoy themselves? Never! it would be heartless! But human nature in Virginia is pretty much like human nature everywhere else; and bad as the war was, people gradually got used to the situation. They had lost friends — a relation or two was pretty badly marked perh<
Thomas C. DeLeon, Four years in Rebel capitals: an inside view of life in the southern confederacy, from birth to death., Chapter 31: the Chinese-Wall blockade, abroad and at home. (search)
ostered the widest latitude in press-rumors thereanent, but deemed it politic to forget contradiction, when — as was invariably the case — the next blockade-runner brought flat denial of all that its precedent had carried. Still, constant promises with no fulfillment, added to limited private correspondence with foreign capitals, begat mistrust in elusive theories, which was rudely changed to simple certainty. Edwin DeLeon had been sent by Mr. Davis on a special mission to London and Paris, after Mr. Yancey's return; his action to be independent of the regularly established futility. In August, 1863, full despatches from him, to the southern President and State Department, were captured and published in the New York papers. These came through the lines and gave the southern people the full and clear expose of the foreign question, as it had long been fully and clearly known to their government. This publication intensified what had been vague opposition to further reten
es Favre — the head of the Provisional Government-had sent him the suggestion that, the Empire being gone, peace should be made and the Germans withdrawn, but that he (Bismarck) was now compelled to recognize the impossibility of doing this till Paris was taken, for although immediately after the surrender of Sedan he desired peace, the past few days had made it plain that the troops would not be satisfied with anything short of Paris, no matter what form of Government the French should ultimang toward Meaux. Preceded by a General Sheridan and staff, Dinwiddie Court-House. flag of truce and accompanied by a single companion, he was searching for Count Bismarck, in conformity, doubtless, with the message the Chancellor had sent to Paris on the 17th by the British secretary. A half-mile further on we met Bismarck. He too was traveling toward Meaux, not in the best of humor either, it appeared, for having missed finding the French envoy at the rendezvous where they had agreed to
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Our Gettysburg series. (search)
tions to some of the Confederate leaders who are still alive, and with whom you are in correspondence. The opinion of General Early, for whom I have the greatest consideration as a soldier, would be especially valuable for me. Of course I do not pledge myself to accept wholly any one's opinion, but it would be of the greatest importance for me to know what Confederate officers think now of the causes of their repulse at Gettysburg. Believe me, dear sir, yours truly, L. P. D'Orleans, Comte de Paris. [Address: Chateau d'eu Seine-Inferieure, France.] Letter from Maj. Scheibert, of the Prussian Royal Engineers. [As the opinion of a distinguished foreigner who witnessed the battle of Gettysburg and has manifested the liveliest interest in the discussion concerning it, the following letter will have an interest for all of our readers; but for those who knew the gallant Prussian, and appreciated his warm sympathy for our struggling people, it will have a peculiar interest.]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Remarks on the numerical strength of both armies at Gettysburg (search)
Remarks on the numerical strength of both armies at Gettysburg Comte de Paris. [We publish with great pleasure the following paper from our distinguished friend, and only regret that a clear, conclusive note from Colonel Walter H. Taylor, pointing out the errors which the Count still holds (in spite of the fair spirit in which he writes), is crowded into our next number.] The returns of both armies generally gave three figures for each body of troops, which figures it is essential not treported by Meade was 13,621, but as this figure includes 7,262 wounded prisoners treated in the Federal hospitals, it leaves a balance of 6,359 valid prisoners only, which agrees well with the Confederate statement, about a thousand of the men reported missing, especially in Pickett's division, being really wounded left on the ground. There is therefore no discrepancy between these figures. Louis Philippe D'Orleans, Comte de Paris. Chateau d'eu Seine Inferieure, France, December 4th, 1877.
September 24. Louis Philippe d'orleans, Comte de Paris, the heir of Louis Philippe, (the eldest son of his eldest son,) and Robert d'orleans, Duc de Chartres, the brother of Louis Philippe d'orleans, were duly commissioned as captains of volunteers in the service of the United States, and attached to Major-General McClellan's staff as aids. These young princes made it a condition of their service that they should receive no pecuniary compensation. General Prentiss, U. S. A., assumed command of the National forces at St. Joseph, Mo. No man in the whole Western army could have been sent there who is more acceptable to the people north of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad; and, under his command, the Union troops, whether Federal or State, are willing to do battle.--National Intelligencer, Sept. 28. A portion of Colonel Geary's force had an action to-day with five hundred rebels on the Virginia side of the Potomac, near Point of Rocks. They were sheltered on a high p