appeals to Otis, 52, 53.
negro, the, how related to the beginning of the struggle between North and South, 25 f.
New Organization, the, 153, 154.
New Testament, the, and slavery's apologists, 200, 201.
New York Herald, denounces G., 201-203; on Rynders Mob, 207 ff.
North Carolina, G. indicted in, 50.
O'Connell, Daniel, 245, 246.
Otis, Harrison Gray, and Southern attacks on G., 50 ff.; quoted, in the Liberator, 54, 55; a silhouette of, 56; at Faneuil Hall, I II, I 12.
Otis, James, 49, 56.
Park St. Church, G.'s address at, the beginning of his mission, 43.
Parker, Theodore, 220, 259.
Pease, Elizabeth, 246.
Pennsylvania Hall, Phila., burning of, 119, 133.
Pharisees, Christ's rebuke to, 181-84; their offenses mild compared with the atrocities of today, 185, 186. Philanthropist, the, 108.
Phillips, Wendell, at Fanueil Hall, 129, 130-32; effect of his speech, 132, 133; quoted, 180, 198; 108, 123, 165, 210, 249.
Pierpont, John, 43.
Polk, James K., 204.