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e with all his forces to unite with him and make an attack upon Corinth. On the same day Price received a letter from General Ord, informing him that Lee's army had been destroyed at Antietam; that, therefore, the rebellion must soon terminate, andf blood, he gave him this opportunity to lay down his arms. Price replied, correcting the rumor about Lee's army, thanked Ord for his kind feeling, and promised to lay down his arms whenever Mr. Lincoln should acknowledge the independence of the Soeen miles distant. In addition to this force the enemy had at Memphis, under Sherman, about 6,000 men; at Bolivar, under Ord, about 8,000; at Jackson, Tennessee, under Grant, about 3,000; at bridges and less important points, 2,000 or 3,000—making wagons, and a defeated army of about eleven thousand muskets. But Van Dorn was never for a moment dismayed. He repulsed Ord, and punished him severely; while he checked Rosecrans at the Tuscumbia, until he could turn his train and army short to t
oined by Sheridan's division of cavalry. It will be remembered that Lee had sent Longstreet to the north side of the James as soon as he discovered that Grant had sent a corps across with the supposed purpose of attacking Richmond from that side. It was intended that Longstreet should return whenever the enemy withdrew his main force from the north side of the James; it appears, however, that this was so secretly done as to conceal the fact from General Longstreet, and that both Hancock and Ord had joined Grant, to swell his forces by two corps before our troops returned to join Lee. Grant, thus strengthened, made a more determined movement to gain the right of Lee's position; before he was ready to make his assault, however, Lee marched with a comparatively very small force, took the initiative, and on the 31st struck the enemy's advance and repulsed him in great confusion, following until confronted by the heavy masses formed in open ground in the rear, when Lee withdrew his men b
74-75. Norfolk Navy Yard, 169-70. Attempted destruction, 164. Removal of machinery, etc., 170. Norris, William, 171. North, Colonel, 414-15. North, The. Lack of comprehension of impending war. 4. North Carolina. Reconstruction, 623-25. North Carolina (frigate), 171. Northrop, Colonel, 571. O Odium, Capt. F. H., 199, 200, 201. Report on battle of Sabine Pass, 199. O'Hare, Peter, 201. Old Capitol prison, 418. O'Loughlin, Michael, 417. Oneida (gunboat), 186. Ord, General, 327, 328, 330, 555, 618, 635-36, 637. Oreto (ship), 217-18. Orr, —, 626. Osterhaus, General, 39. Ould, Robert C., 500, 504, 510, 513, 515. Attempt to relieve condition of prisoners, 506. Negotiations with Butler concerning exchange of prisoners, 506-08. Offer to purchase medicine for U. S. prisoners, 509. Owasoo (gunboat), 196. Owens, Col., John, 499. P Palmer, General, 364, 490. Palmetto State (ironclad), 172. Paris, Comte de, 87. Account of occupation of Norfolk