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General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 16 (search)
ollow him up sharply, leaving him to go north, defending depots, towns, etc., with small garrisons and the militia. If the President thinks it advisable that I should go to Washington in person, I can start in an hour after receiving notice. The President answered, saying that he thought it would be well for the general to come to Washington, but making it only as a suggestion. General Grant replied to this: I think, on reflection, it would have a bad effect for me to leave here, and, with Ord at Baltimore, and Hunter and Wright with the forces following the enemy up, could do no good. I have great faith that the enemy will never be able to get back with much of his force. The general said, in conversation with his staff on the 10th: One reason why I do not wish to go to Washington to take personal direction of the movement against Early is that this is probably just what Lee wants me to do, in order that he may transfer the seat of war to Maryland, or feel assured that there wil
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 17 (search)
in order to keep up the deception and detain the enemy on the north side of the river, many clever ruses were resorted to, in which the general-in-chief's ingenuity and rare powers of invention were displayed to the greatest advantage. Meade and Ord were directed to cease all artillery-firing on the lines in front of Petersburg, and to conceal their guns, with a view to convincing the enemy that the troops were moving away from that position. Hancock withdrew one of his divisions quietly on carefully instructed to prepare his parapets and abatis in advance for the passage of his assaulting columns, so that when daylight came the troops would have no obstacles in their way in moving to the attack rapidly and with a strong formation. Ord had been moved to a position in Burnside's rear. Burnside had proposed to put Ferrero's colored troops in advance, but Meade objected to this, as they did not have the experience of the white troops; and in this decision he was sustained by Grant
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 19 (search)
were issued on the 27th for the break which was in contemplation. Birney's and Ord's corps of Butler's army were to cross on the night of September 28 to the northugh, of creating a panic in Richmond, and getting inside of its inner works. Ord and Birney moved out promptly before daylight on September 29. General Grant lefhim and Meade, and rode out, taking the rest of us with him, to Butler's front. Ord moved directly against Fort Harrison, a strong earthwork occupying a commanding n of an entire line of intrenchments. Everything promised further success, when Ord was wounded so severely in the leg that he had to leave the field, and proper adnder him, and wrote the following despatch to Birney, dating it 10:35 A. M.: General Ord has carried the very strong works and some fifteen pieces of artillery, and his corps is now ready to advance in conjunction with you. General Ord was wounded, and has returned to his headquarters, leaving General Heckman in command of the c
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 25 (search)
3, just as the general was starting to the mess-hut for dinner, a communication was handed to him from General Lee, which had come through our lines, and was dated the day before. After referring to a recent meeting under a flag of truce between Ord and Longstreet, from which the impression was derived that General Grant would not refuse to see him if he had authority to act for the purpose of attempting to bring about an adjustment of the present difficulties by means of a military conventioeplied to Lee: In regard to meeting you on the 6th instant, I would state that I have no authority to accede to your proposition for a conference on the subject proposed. Such authority is vested in the President of the United States alone. General Ord could only have meant that I would not refuse an interview on any subject on which I have a right to act, which, of course, would be such as are purely of a military character, and on the subject of exchanges, which has been intrusted to me.
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 26 (search)
to meet Mrs. Meade, who had arrived by steamer at City Point, and General Grant suggested to him that he had better remain over till the next day, which he did. General Ord also stayed at headquarters that night. About six o'clock the next morning, March 25, the camp was awakened and was soon all astir by reason of a message frary of War, winding up with the words: Robert just now tells me there was a little rumpus up the line this morning, ending about where it began. Generals Meade and Ord returned as soon as they could to their respective commands, and took vigorous measures against the enemy. It seems that the Richmond authorities had come to thed her that we had better stick to the wagon as our only ark of refuge. Finally we reached our destination, but it was some minutes after the review had begun. Mrs. Ord, and the wives of several of the officers who had come up from Fort Monroe for the purpose, appeared on horseback as a mounted escort to Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Gr
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 27 (search)
general to be more sanguine of victory than in starting out on this campaign. When we reached the end of the railroad, we mounted our horses, started down the Vaughan road, and went into camp for the night in an old corn-field just south of that road, close to Gravelly Run. That night (March 29) the army was disposed in the following order from right to left: Weitzel in front of Richmond, with a portion of the Army of the James; Parke and Wright holding our works in front of Petersburg; Ord extending to the intersection of Hatcher's Run and the Vaughan road; Humphreys stretching beyond Dabney's Mill; Warren on the extreme left, reaching as far as the junction of the Vaughan road and the Boydton plank-road; and Sheridan still farther west at Dinwiddie Courthouse. The weather had been fair for several days, and the roads were getting in as good condition for the movement of troops as could be expected; for in that section of country in summer the dust was usually so thick that t
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 28 (search)
enthusiasm, and having in them a ring of the true soldierly metal. Ord said he would go into the enemy's works as a hot knife goes into buts now sweeping down from the west. All now looks highly favorable. Ord is engaged, but I have not yet heard the result in his front. A che your force from the west to finish up the job on this side. Soon Ord was heard from as having broken through the intrenchments. Humphrey most of the garrison. At 8:30 A. M. a despatch was brought in from Ord saying that some of his troops had just captured the enemy's works swork. Grant, after taking in the situation, directed both Meade and Ord to face their commands more toward the east, and close up toward thdecided that these should be stormed, and about one o'clock three of Ord's brigades swept down upon Fort Gregg. The garrison of 300 men, comstruggle continued, but nothing could stand against the onslaught of Ord's troops, flushed with their morning's victory. By half-past 2 57 o
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 29 (search)
, he said he must ride on to the front and join Ord's column, and took leave of the President, who and the rest of the Army of the Potomac; while Ord was swinging along toward Burkeville to head ofbest distance record. Grant rode this day with Ord's troops. Meade was quite sick, and had to takto strike at. On the 5th he marched again with Ord's column, and at noon reached Nottoway Court-homiles east of Burkeville, where he halted with Ord for a couple of hours. A young staff-officer here rode up to Ord in a state of considerable excitement, and said: Is this a way-station1 The grimroad for a few minutes, and wrote a despatch to Ord, using the pony's back for a desk, and then, moin Sheridan's front, he first sent a message to Ord to watch the roads running south from Burkevilleview, with Grant as the reviewing officer. Ord and Gibbon had visited the general at the hotelrd. After issuing some further instructions to Ord and Sheridan, he started from Farmville, crosse[2 more...]
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 30 (search)
The enemy was seen with his columns and wagon-trains covering the low ground. Our cavalry, the Fifth Corps, and part of Ord's command were occupying the high ground to the south and west of the enemy, heading him off completely. We saw a group os are honored, the hearts of a grateful people will beat responsive to the mention of the talismanic name of Sheridan. Ord and others were standing in the group before us, and as our party came up General Grant greeted the officers, and said, Ho answered Sheridan. Well, then, we'll go over, said Grant. The general-in-chief now rode on, accompanied by Sheridan, Ord, and others. Soon Colonel Babcock's orderly was seen sitting on his horse in the street in front of a two-story brick houextended his hand saying, General Lee, and the two shook hands cordially. The members of the staff, Generals Sheridan and Ord, and some other general officers who had gathered in the front yard, remained outside, feeling that General Grant would pr
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 31 (search)
be orderly and quiet as these prisoners pass, and to make no offensive remarks. There were present in the room in which the surrender occurred, besides Sheridan, Ord, Merritt, Custer, and the officers of Grant's staff, a number of other officers and one or two citizens, who entered the room at different times during the interviems of surrender, for the purpose of presenting it to Mrs. Custer, and handed it over to her dashing husband, who galloped off to camp bearing it upon his shoulder. Ord paid forty dollars for the table at which Lee sat, and afterward presented it to Mrs. Grant, who modestly declined it, and insisted that Mrs. Ord should become its Mrs. Ord should become its possessor. General Sharpe paid ten dollars for the pair of brass candlesticks; Colonel Sheridan, the general's brother, secured the stone ink-stand; and General Capehart the chair in which Grant sat, which he gave not long before his death to Captain Wilmon W. Blackmar of Boston. Captain O'Farrell of Hartford became the possesso