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general-in-chief movement of Butler from Deep Bottom capture of Fort Harrison Ord wounded national advance interrupted Grant enters captured work assault by Bihe 29th of September, Butler moved from Deep Bottom; the Eighteenth corps, under Ord, marched by the Varina road, nearest the river; and the Tenth, under Birney, by tes run direct to Richmond, only ten miles north of Deep Bottom. The attack by Ord on the left had been ordered for half-past 3; it was not made until several hou below Chapin's Farm. Several hundred prisoners also fell into Butler's hands. Ord, however, who commanded the assaulting column, was wounded in the leg and obliges if he had been in camp. The despatch was to Birney, and in these words: General Ord has carried very strong works and some fifteen pieces of artillery, and his on the right, by which no especial result was attained. The advantage gained by Ord had not been properly pushed at the instant; the enemy was warned and prepared f
irst received no answer; but Grant was now very much in earnest, and on the 6th, he telegraphed direct to the President: I wrote a letter to the Secretary of War, which was mailed yesterday, asking to have General Butler removed from command. Learning that the Secretary left Washington yesterday, I telegraph you, asking that prompt action be taken in this matter. The order was made the next day, and on the 7th of January, Butler was relieved. He never received another command. Major-General E. O. C. Ord succeeded him. Brevet Major-General A. H. Terry was a volunteer officer who had served in the Department of the South from the first year of the war until April, 1864, when he was transferred to Butler's command. He had been engaged in siege operations, bombardments, and assaults, before Forts Pulaski, Sumter, and Wagner, as well as in most of the important actions of the army of the James, gradually rising to the command of the Tenth corps. Grant desired to send against Fort
. Sherman was approaching from the south, Meade and Ord were besieging it in front, Stoneman had been ordered, in a recent conversation between himself and Major-General Ord, as to the possibility of a satisfactory adjusy difficulties by means of a military convention, General Ord stated that, if I desired to have an interview wireeable to you, we meet at the place selected by Generals Ord and Longstreet for their interview, at eleven A.nication has just been received from General Lee. General Ord met General Longstreet a few days since, at the rted in the President of the United States alone. General Ord could only have meant that I would not refuse an n the Chickahominy, for Grant had given directions to Ord to send out a sufficient force to hold the region alo and on that day Grant issued his orders to Meade and Ord and the great cavalry leader for a movement against this always. He did so now. Meade and Sheridan and Ord were invited to meet Sherman, and on the 28th of Marc
lly about fifteen hundred troopers belonging to Ord. It was then reported to the general-in-chief te Appendix for this entire order. First of all, Ord was to proceed on the night of the 27th, to theey were repelled in several severe assaults. Ord as well as Meade was at Grant's headquarters, d remained unchanged. On the night of the 27th, Ord left the trenches north of the James, and, by dand Hatcher's run; Humphreys was on the left of Ord, extending northwesterly from Dabney's mill; whs formed in the following order: Parke, Wright, Ord, Humphreys, Warren. The Fifth corps had met wiline on Hatcher's run, near Burgess's mill, and Ord, Wright, and Parke made examinations in their f be got from Sheridan; and at 9.45, he directed Ord to forward the cavalry of the army of the James, do so. I have sent the same directions to General Ord. Please let me know when Griffin gets star messages to Lincoln and Sheridan and Meade and Ord; directing first a division and then a corps of[12 more...]
ht were to attack positively, and Humphreys and Ord, if they found the enemy leaving, or if for anythe entire effective strength of Parke, Wright, Ord, and Humphreys, as they stood in line of battlepril, the assault was made by Wright and Parke; Ord and Humphreys at first waiting to ascertain the the Boydton road, and cut the telegraph wire. Ord is now going in to reinforce Wright, and Humphron the Southside railroad, west of Petersburg. Ord has gone in with Wright. I do not see how the arters to receive reports until he learned that Ord as well as Wright had broken the lines, and the works, and Humphreys to come in on the left of Ord. Wright had halted at Hatcher's run to reform han assault on Fort Gregg was ordered. Three of Ord's brigades, under Turner and Foster, moved forwtain whether the enemy had retired. Wright and Ord were notified of the report, and instructed alsll be made immediately. He had already said to Ord: Efforts will be made to intercept the enemy, w[20 more...]
le Sheridan moves to Prince Edward advance of Ord to Farmville retreat of Lee across Appomattox e Cox road, to guard the railway in the rear of Ord. At 2.30 P. M., Meade replied: The necessarytive point, and to capture that is all we want. Ord has marched fifteen miles to-day to reach here,lle, about five miles west of the railroad, and Ord was directed to cut the bridge over the Appomatat Farmville. But Grant had already directed Ord to cut the bridge at Farmville, a little town od. At the same time Grant sent a dispatch to Ord, who bore an important part in all this programd. Early on the morning of the 7th of April, Ord discovered that the rebels had broken away in te, and there received reports from Sheridan and Ord and Meade, and issued orders not only to his pr the specified time a second interview was had, Ord and Longstreet now accompanying Sheridan and Gogiven their enemies much trouble; and Sheridan, Ord, Griffin, and the men on Grant's staff, met th[50 more...]
Appendix to Chapter XXXII. Lieutenant-General Grant to Major-generals Meade, Ord, and Sheridan. City Point, Virginia, March 24, 1865. General: On the e shortest notice by such route as is designated when the order is given. General Ord will detach three divisions, two white, and one colored, or so much of them s from the army of the James will commence on the night of the 27th instant. General Ord will leave behind the minimum number of cavalry necessary for picket duty in the absence of the main army. A cavalry expedition from General Ord's command will also be started from Suffolk, to leave there on Saturday, the 1st of April, undeof the James the same number of days' supplies with the army of the Potomac, General Ord will direct his commissary and quartermaster to have sufficient supplies del a repulse of the enemy. U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General. Major-Generals Meade, Ord, and Sheridan. Statement showing the strength of the forces, under General G
President, of May 29, 1865. Endorsement on the foregoing by Lieutenant-General U. S. Grant: Headquarters, armies of the United States, June 16, 1865. Respectfully forwarded through Secretary of War to the President, with earnest recommendation that the application of General Robert E. Lee, for amnesty and pardon, may be granted him. The oath of allegiance required by recent order of the President to accompany application does not accompany this, for the reason, as I am informed by General Ord, the order requiring it had not reached Richmond when this was forwarded. U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General. Brief. Richmond, Virginia, June 13, 1865. Lee, General R. E., States, that being about to be indicted with others, for crime of treason, by grand jury at Norfolk, Virginia, says that he is ready to meet any charges that may be preferred against him. Had supposed his surrender protected him. Desires to comply with provisions of the President's proclamation. Encloses applic
; dismissed from volunteer army, 52. Burksville, Lee's flight to, III., 531, 537; manoeuvres of Grant to acquire possession of; 547-563; Jefferson Davis at, 555; Ord arrives at 567. Burnside, General A. E., campaign of in East Tennessee, i., 439; destitution of troops, 452; anxiety in regard to 481; Sherman ordered to his relI., 287; at Augusta, 288; at Savannah, 305; evacuates Savannah, 306; abandons Columbia, 422; defeat and retreat from Averysboro, 448. Harrison, Fort, captured by Ord, III., 71. Hatch, General, at Franklin, III., 212; at Rutherford creek, 260. Hatcher's run, battle of, 116-128; declared a defeat by Northern democrats, III.572; high officers in, propose to Lee to surrender, 590; fed by Grant, 607; lays down its arms, 613. Ohio, Buell in command of department of, i., 23. Ord, General E. O. C., in pursuit of rebels at Hatchie river, i. 118; succeeds McClernand before Vicksburg, 863; in command of Eighteenth corps, II., 465; captures Fort Harrison