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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 1: operations in Virginia.--battle of Chancellorsville.--siege of Suffolk. (search)
ng about eight miles in length. During the siege General Getty stormed and carried, with the Eighth Connecticut and Eighty-ninth New York, aided by Lieutenant Lamson and the gun-boats, a Confederate battery on the west branch of the Nansemond. He captured 6 guns and 200 prisoners. General Peck mentioned with commendation Generals Corcoran, Terry, Dodge, and Harland, and Colonels Dutton and Gibbs, commanding front lines; Colonels Gurney and Waddrop, commanding reserves; Colonels Spear and Onderdonk, of the cavalry. and Captain Follet. chief of artillery. The forts were in charge of the following officers: Fort Union, Colonel Drake; Nansernond, Colonel Hawkins; Halleck, Colonel Sullivan; Draw-bridge Battery, Colonel Davis; Battery Mansfield, Colonel Worth; the Redan and Battery Sosecrans, Colonel Thorpe; Battery Massachusetts, Captain Johnspn; Battery Montgomery, Colonel England; Battery Stevens, Colonel Pease; Fort Dix, Colonel McEvilly. and the Confederates, with overwhelming numb
d attention to the suffering and wounded, not only on the field, but afterward at the hospital, when almost exhausted; also, Lieut. Gouv. Carr, who was commanding Company B, his captain being ill, and Lieut. Geo. Duryea; also, Sergeants Agnes, Onderdonk, Allison, and Corporal Brunner. Yet there was no flinching on the part of any officer or private, and I might mention many more with honor. In closing I cannot but speak of Col. Townsend, of the Third, who, with his whole command, stood up isplayed the greatest bravery. Lieut. York's sword was broken by a grape shot, and he was slightly wounded in the leg. I shall ever be grateful to Capt. Winslow, who rescued me after our forces had left. He came to my aid, assisted by Sergeants Onderdonk and Agnes, at the last moment, but in time to rescue me from the enemy. I would also favorably mention private Wood, who brought me valuable information, and who fired the first shot; private John Dunn, whose arm was shattered by a cann
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 19. the siege of Suffolk, Virginia. (search)
column on the old road near Leesville. He was compelled, from the smallness of his force, to wait for the command under General Corcoran, and could not again strike the column before it reached the river. The cavalry of Colonel Spear and Colonel Onderdonk were pushed on numerous roads, and rendered valuable services, procuring information and capturing prisoners. Thus ends the present investment, or siege of Suffolk, which had for its object the recovery of the whole country south of the ely engaged with the enemy. It can be regarded only as an unfortunate termination of a hitherto brilliant career of service. To Generals Corcoran, Terry, Dodge, Harland, Colonels Dutton and Gibbs, commanding fronts lines; Colonels Spear and Onderdonk, of the cavalry; Colonels Gurney and Waddrop, commanding reserves, and Captain Follett, Chief of Artillery, I am under very great obligations for the able, faithful, judicious, and cheerful discharge of every duty incident to their important po
Death of Bishop Onderdonk. New York, May 1. --Bishop Onderdonk died on Tuesday. Death of Bishop Onderdonk. New York, May 1. --Bishop Onderdonk died on Tuesday.
Newspaper suspension. --The "Churchman," an Episcopal journal in New York, has been compelled to suspend publication. Reasons--"disturbed state of the country, failure of remittances, etc." But the editors, in taking leave of the readers, intimate an expectation that they will be able to resume are long. The first number of the Churchman was printed March 26, 1881, at the instance of the late Bishop Onderdonk,
prisonment, I am yet ignorant of the causes of my arrest; that my house has been seized and converted into a prison by the Government; that the valuable furniture it contained has been abused and destroyed; that during some period of my imprisonment I have suffered greatly for want of proper and sufficient food. Also, I have to complain that, more recently, a woman of bad character, recognised as having been seen on the streets of Chicago as such by several of the guard, calling herself Mrs. Onderdonk, was placed here in my house, in a room adjoining mine. In making this exposition, I have no object of appeal to your sympathies. If the justice of my complaint, and a decent regard for the world's opinion do not move you, I should but waste time to claim your attention on any other score. I may, however, recall to your mind, that but a little while since, you were quite as much proscribed by public sentiment here for the opinions and principles you held, as I am now for mine.
The Daily Dispatch: February 11, 1864., [Electronic resource], The raiding expedition up the Peninsula. (search)
The raiding expedition up the Peninsula. We are enabled, through a scout who captured two soldiers of the raiding force which came up the Peninsula on Sunday, to give a reliable statement of the regiments engaged in the expedition. The white infantry consisted of the 118th, 139th, and 148th New York regiments. The negro infantry of the 4th and 6th Maryland and 5th Pennsylvania regiments. The cavalry force was under command of Col. Onderdonk, and included the 1st New York Mounted Rifles, Col. Dodge; the 11th Penn., Col. Spears; the 5th Penn., the 3d and 20th New York, the 1st District of Columbia, (negro,) mounted and armed with sixteen shooter revolving rifles, and another company from Washington city. The artillery consisted of four batteries (16 pieces) of 12 pounder guns. The whole expedition is supposed to have numbered 10,000 men, and was piloted by Wilson, Thomas, and another deserter from our army. Gen. Wistar was in command of the whole force.
passing down the pike towards Petersburg. It was conjectured that the trains were either carrying supplies for the moving columns, or they were being sent to Petersburg to be loaded with supplies for Lee's army or the forces in Richmond. At any rate the capture or destruction of any of the trains was an object very desirable at the present juncture of rebel affairs, and it was determined to attempt it. Gen R S Foster, Chief of Gen Gilmore's Staff, took command of the force, consisting of Onderdonk's Mounted Rifles, a battalion of the 4th Massachusetts cavalry, two regiments of negro cavalry, and a portion of the 11th Maine infantry. A night expedition. Gen Foster started with his column at about nine o'clock in the evening, and moved quietly out to our picket lines, and a few hundred yards behind, when he halted, stationed pickets on different loads to guard against a move to cut him off, and then attempted to move up the road leading to the pikes. He encountered the rebel