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signs of the enemy having had defences of any kind. The foraging party was quite successful in obtaining large quantities of hay, corn, and oats, which they removed to camp. There was no molestation from the enemy. A company visited the Mount Vernon estate of John A. Washington, and brought away about eight hundred bushels of wheat, near five hundred bushels of oats, and seventy-five barrels of fish; all of which was stored in the commissary's depot at Alexandria.--National Intelligencer, Oct. 1. At Cumberland, Md., a Union meeting was held. Speeches were delivered by Messrs. Bradford and Maffit. The wickedness of the rebellion was portrayed in its true colors; and the deceitfulness of secession under the hypocritical guise of a peace party, was fully exposed. --Cumberland Civilian, October 3. The Fourth regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Thomas J. Whipple, passed through Jersey City, N. J., en route to Washington. The regiment is well
orded on the black list as suspicious and enemies to the South. No home guards allowed unless foreigners or over age. Full authority to enforce discipline by court martial was given; the men to bring such arms as they had.--Cincinnati Commercial, Oct. 7. The Ninth regiment of Iowa Volunteers, Col. Vandeveer, arrived at St. Louis, Mo., from Dubuque, on two steamers — the Denmark and the Canada. Soon after arriving they marched from the boats, at the foot of Washington avenue, to the leveeroached with the intention of destroying it. The Federals came back to the side of the bayou, and after heavy firing on each side for a while, the rebels withdrew, leaving one man badly wounded and several dead bodies in the field.--Dubuque Times, Oct. 2. Acting Governor Root, of Kansas, issued orders that every man in the State, between eighteen and forty-five years, should enroll himself in the militia, and that each company be ready for immediate marching orders.--National Intelligencer
oke and ran. Our small force, in returning, were suddenly confronted by another rebel guard, about eighty strong, and fired on with the result as above stated. The fire was returned with good effect, and each party then fell back.--N. Y. Tribune, Oct. 3. The gunboat Conestoga went down the Mississippi River within three miles of Columbus, Ky. She chased the rebel gunboat Jeff. Davis, obliging her to take shelter under cover of the rebel batteries on shore. It was ascertained that the Jefformed a Home Guard of twelve hundred strong.--(Doc. 63 1/2.) Col. St. George Cooke, of the Utah forces, arrived at St. Louis to-day. His regulars, six hundred strong, will reach Fort Leavenworth in three or four days.--St. Louis Republican, Oct. 2. At Hatteras Inlet the steamer Fanny, with stores for the United States Volunteers on the north coast, was captured by a party of Confederates in their armed steam-tugs. The Fanny was armed with two rifled brass guns, and had on board thi
on of the St. Louis Evening News. Colonel De Villiers, the military instructor of Colonel Ellsworth, who was taken prisoner in Western Virginia, and made his escape from Richmond in disguise, was made a Brigadier-General.--Baltimore American, Oct. 11. A treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation, and for the surrender of fugitive criminals, between the United States and the Republic of Venezuela, is officially proclaimed. Its liberal commercial, civil and religious features are calculent of New York Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Amsberg, left their encampment for the seat of war.--The Thirty-seventh regiment of Ohio Volunteers, commanded by Colonel Siebert, left Camp Dennison for the Kanawha valley.--Ohio Statesman, Oct. 10. About six o'clock this morning General Smith's division at Chain Bridge, above Washington, D. C., advanced and occupied prominent positions in the neighborhood of Lewinsville, Va. On the advance arriving at Langsley's, the hitherto outpo
In the darkness of the morning, the Federals fought with little certainty as to the whereabouts of the enemy, but their rifles and pistols did good execution, for they acknowledged a loss of two of their party, while it is known that at least four of the number were killed, and that several were wounded. Of Captain Taylor's command, three were reported killed-Frank Lacey, orderly of Captain Taylor's company, private Michael Lisle, and a citizen whose name is not known.--Louisville Journal, Oct. 15. Five hundred men of the Piatt Zouaves occupied the town of Winfield, twenty miles below Charleston, on the Kanawha, Western Virginia, whence some rebel cavalry had fired upon a steamer with United States stores a few days previously. Lieutenant-Colonel Toland, in command of the Zouaves, learned at Winfield that eight hundred rebels were encamped at Hurricane Bridge, fourteen miles from Winfield, and at once marched against them, but they abandoned their camp upon his approach and f
s, who took shelter in a house, but a few shells from the batteries on Minor's Hill drove them out, and sent them scampering along the Leesburg road.--N. Y. Herald, Oct. 15. The train on the North Missouri Railroad from St. Louis was stopped at Rewick, Mo., by a party of thirty armed secessionists, and six Federal recruiting o Hessians and tories we will be your friendly neighbors if we cannot be your brothers. M. Jeff. Thompson, Brigadier-General Commanding. --St. Louis Republican, Oct. 26. The gunboat Sciota was launched from the ship-yard of Jacob Brierly, at Kensington, Philadelphia.--Rev. Harvey E. Chapin, of Sandy Creek, Otsego County, Nundertaken by the States individually, in consultation with the Federal Government, and that the expense should be ultimately refunded by the nation.--(Doc. 87.) The Forty-fourth regiment of Ohio Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Woods, left Springfield, Ohio, for the Gauley Bridge, Virginia.--Springfield News, Oct. 15.
October 15. The United States steamer Roanoke took possession of the ship Thomas Watson, which, in the attempt to run the blockade at Charleston, had got on Stono reef and was abandoned by the captain and crew. She was laden with an assorted cargo, which, with the ship, was thought to be worth about a hundred thousand dollars. She was burned.--N. Y. Herald, Oct. 24. The Confederates burned the house of the widow Childs, situated about half way between Falls Church and Lewinsville, Va., to the right of the Leesburg turnpike. A party of ten of the New York Fourteenth regiment went thither to ascertain the cause of the conflagration, when they were surrounded by a largely superior force of Confederates, but by the prompt use of their rifles, killing two of the enemy, they escaped.--The naval fleet which left New York on Monday arrived in Hampton Roads this day, and created a great excitement among the troops, owing to the extensive character of the expedition. A flag of tr
ow ready for the field as soon as arms can be procured, and sixteen more organized and rapidly filling up.--Dubuque Times, Oct. 18. The Twentieth regiment of Ohio Volunteers, under the command of Colonel Charles Whittlesey, left Camp Chase, at Columbus, for the seat of war.--Ohio Statesman, Oct. 17. A skirmish took place about five miles from Warsaw, Mo., between forty National troops and thirty-five rebels, in which the latter lost three killed and three prisoners. The Nationals escaped unharmed.--Cincinnati Gazette, Oct. 23. The Committee of the City Council, of Philadelphia, Pa., presented a sword of honor, on behalf of the city, to General Robert Anderson. In compliance with orders issued by the War Department at it is said, inflicting a serious gash upon his throat, from the effects of which he is now suffering.--Richmond Enquirer, Oct. 19. One hundred and fifty men of the First Missouri Scouts, under Major White, surprised the rebel garrison, at Lexi
exander of the Twenty-first Illinois regiment, having reinforced Captain Hawkins' party near Fredericton, Missouri, they attacked and completely routed the force of rebels in their vicinity. In apprehension of the approach of a larger force of rebels, the Union force at night fell back to Pilot Knob.--(Doc. 94.) Major Wright reached Lynn Creek, Missouri. On his march from Rolla he had three severe skirmishes with the enemy, upon whom he inflicted a considerable los.--Missouri Democrat, Oct. 20. Colonel Guthrie, in command of the National forces at Charleston, Western Virginia, issued a proclamation giving the citizens of that place assurance of protection in all lawful pursuits, and calling upon them to meet on the 19th instant to organize anew their municipal government.--(Doc. 95.) C. G. Memminger, the Confederate Secretary of the Treasury, issued a circular to the commissioners appointed to receive subscriptions to the Produce Loan, in answer to the Southern plante
October 18. Rebel soldiers made their appearance again on Loudon and Bolivar Heights, and renewed the attack upon Major Gould's command with their artillery. Major Gould immediately responded with canister, fired from the 32-pounder columbiad captured on the 15th, and succeeded in driving them back, but not until they had burned the mill at which the National troops had seized the grain, and taken the miller prisoner, whom they accused of giving information to the National troops.--N. Y. Times, Oct. 19. Colonel Stahel, of the Eighth regiment of New York Volunteers, accompanied by Prince Salm Salm and several officers of his staff, made a reconnaissance in the direction of Fairfax Court House, in Virginia.--(Doc. 97.)