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f a Mr. Storey. His doors were thrown open, and we entered his parlors. Here we had the honor to be introduced to Miss Storey, a handsome young lady, and Lieutenant O'Brien, nephew of Parson Brownlow. Lieutenant O'Brien is an officer of the rebel army. He accompanied Parson Brownlow to Nashville under a flag of truce, and Lieutenant O'Brien is an officer of the rebel army. He accompanied Parson Brownlow to Nashville under a flag of truce, and has been loitering on his way back until the present time. He wears the Confederate gray, and when we entered the room was seated on the sofa with Miss Storey. After being introduced in due form, I placed myself by the young lady and endeavored to at least divide her attention with my Confederate friend. The apple-jack dilated ess of the weather generally, and the delightfulness of Shelbyville. There was a piano in the room, and finally, after having occupied her attention jointly with O'Brien for some time, I took the liberty to ask her to favor us with a song; but she pleaded an awful cold, and asked to be excused. The apple-jack excused her. The Sto
. But this was Tattoo in the artillery. A somewhat more inspiriting call was that of the infantry, which gave the bugler quite full scope as a soloist. Here it is:-- Ere the last tone had died away, we could hear, when camped near enough to the infantry for the purpose, a very comical medley of names and responses coming from the several company streets of the various regiments within ear-shot. It was Jones! --Brown! --Smith! --Joe Smith! --Green! --Gray! --O'Neil! --O'Reilly! --O'Brien! and so on through the nationalities, only that the names were intermingled. Then, the responses were replete with character. I believe it to be among the abilities of a man of close observation to write out quite at length prominent characteristics of an entire company, by noting carefully the manner in which the men answer Here! at roll-call. Every degree of pitch in the gamut was represented. Every degree of force had its exponent. Some answered in a low voice, only to tease the s
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The draft riots in New York. (search)
ile I went to breakfast at a restaurant, in the next block, to accompany a detachment under Colonel O'Brien, Eleventh New York Volunteers, to Yorkville, where fighting was reported to be in progress.-de-camp, having been detailed as his adjutant general. In the meanwhile, the section with Colonel O'Brien's command had encountered a mob at Second avenue and Thirty-fourth street. Carpenter's polie inflicted a severe punishment upon this gang, and threatening demonstrations were made toward O'Brien, who attempted to awe the crowd by a discharge of blank cartridges. This cleared the streets and Colonel O'Brien, who appears to have been operating thus far on his own responsibility, marched down town and reported to General Brown for orders. As he was in too excited a condition to be fit after a lively fight. My section, of which I had resumed command after it was rescued from Colonel O'Brien, was attacked at Thirty-sixth street and Seventh avenue. I went into battery, but my raw gu
e that the Draft should be arrested, the riots should thereupon be stopped. The riots continued during the fourth day (Thursday); but were then mainly restricted to isolated robberies and assaults on unprotected negroes, many of whom were most inhumanly abused, and two or three murdered. The only continuously embodied force of rioters held the eastern upper part of the city, where many large tenement houses are densely crowded with the poorest of our foreign-born population, and where Col. O'Brien, who had been in command of a volunteer military force, had been followed to his home on Tuesday, and there beaten to death by the rioters, under circumstances of shocking barbarity. Here, especially in and near 21st-st., eastward of Third Avenue, a determined stand was made, during the evening of Thursday, by the rioters, against a small body of soldiers under Capt. Putnam, 12th regulars, whom Gen. Harvey Brown, commanding in the city under Gen. Wool, had sent to quell the riot, and who
of New Orleans, 84. Newport News, reached by Porter's corps, 171. Newton, Gen., at Gaines's Mill, 156; is relieved, 564. New York City, fired by emissaries, 611. New York Riots of 1863, account of, 503-7. New York. State Election of 1862, 484. Niagara, U. S. frigate, takes the Georgia, 646. Niagara, Peace overtures at, 665. Norfolk, Va., capture of, 127-8. North Anna river, Grant advances to the, 577. North Carolina, Burnside's operations in, 73-81. O. O'Brien, Col., killed in New York by rioters, 506. O'Connor, Col., 2d Wise., killed at second Bull Run, 189. Ohio, Gen. Buell commands the Army of the, 212. Ohio, Morgan's raid into, 405; Ohio Democracy vs. President Lincoln, 493. Oliver, Col., at the siege of Corinth, 225. Olustee, Fla., Gen. T. Seymour defeated at. 531. Opdycke, Gen., his heroism at Franklin, 682. Opequan, Va., Sheridan's victory at, 606. Ord, Gen. Edward O. C., at Iuka, 223; at Vicksburg, 315; at Petersbu
ate in rebellion, over which the Stars and Stripes have not waved for some time. On landing on Brazos Island, the Fifteenth Maine, Colonel Dwyer, accompanied by Major Von Hermann, of General Banks's staff, started for Boca Chica, took possession of the Pass, and encamped there, throwing out pickets. No resistance whatever was offered, and no human beings have yet been seen on the island or elsewhere, if I except the repulse of two companies of cavalry by the guns of the T. A. Scott, Captain O'Brien, which anchored off the mouth of Boca Chica this morning, and opened upon the rebels who had attempted to cross. The same transport the night previous anchored off the mouth of the Rio Grande, and amused herself by keeping up an almost constant fire upon the Mexican vessels crossing and recrossing the river. The old salt was a few miles wrong in his reckoning; for he afterward stated that he thought he was peppering away at the damned rebels in Boca Chica instead of the harmless Mexic
had accomplished what he came for. The enemy were all mounted; pursuit with infantry after the deed was done would have been unavailing. Infantry could not have reached the place short of three hours, and the enemy would have then been fifteen miles off. The silly and absurd story that firing was heard at my camp, and that I was thus notified that the little band was in distress, and failed to go to its relief, is known to have no shadow of truth in it, by Cols. Owen, King, Miller, and O'Brien, of the infantry, Captains Nicklin and Lilly, of the artillery, and by all the officers and men of my command. I appeal to them to relieve me of the imputation, and by their testimony I am willing to abide. E. Dumont. Chicago Tribune account. Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 16, 1862. The One Hundred and Fourth regiment Illinois volunteers arrived at Columbus, Ohio, this morning, and are now quartered in Camp Chase. I have heard their account of the Hartsville affair, and am sure many of
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketch of Third Battery of Maryland Artillery. (search)
got off, and the boat went down to Port Hudson. On Saturday night I got on board the steamer Doubloon, bound up Red river. About 11 o'clock A. M., yesterday, I passed Fort Taylor where the Queen was taken. The Fort mounts three heavy guns which were casemated. They also have a raft to swing across the river to stop boats from passing. We arrived there last night about 9 o'clock, and, on coming on board, found our men enjoying a game of cards. They were glad to see me. O'Connell and O'Brien are on the Webb, lying alongside. I can get them whenever we leave here. Edgar is on this boat. Jack Foley and Sanchez were left on the wreck. I presume they have got back to the company by this time. This boat is being repaired, and, from what I can learn, will be here some days. The Webb has a big bite out of her bow. She will be repaired and her prow covered with iron. There is a great deal of indignation here at the destruction of the Indianola. I should not like to be in the
ven wounded, eleven prisoners. In the general assault, on May 27th, a call was made in General Auger's division for volunteers to a storming party of two hundred men. From the Forty-eighth, ninety-two men volunteered; among whom were Lieutenant-Colonel O'Brien, five captains, eleven lieutenants, fourteen non-commissioned officers, and sixty-three privates. In this battle, the regiment lost seven killed and forty-one wounded. Among the killed was Lieutenant-Colonel O'Brien. He fell early in Lieutenant-Colonel O'Brien. He fell early in the engagement, pierced by a rifle-shot, as he turned to cheer forward the storming party he was leading. He was a brave soldier, a generous companion and friend, and a true-hearted patriot. June 5.—The regiment was sent to the Plains Store for rearguard duty. On the 14th, having reported to General Dwight, it formed a part of the assaulting column under command of Colonel Benedict. In that engagement it lost two killed and eleven wounded. The next day, it was ordered back to its brigade,
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 16: San Francisco. (search)
with decent habits, born in the bone and nurtured on the hearth; people who pay their debts, walk soberly to church, and keep the ten commandments, for the sake of order, if no higher rule prevails. In San Francisco, a few rich men, consisting of the various rings, are very rich. Lick, Latham, Hayward, Sharon, are marked five million dollars each. Reese, Ralston, Baldwin, Jones, and Lux are marked still moreseven millions, ten millions, twelve millions each. Flood and Fair, Mackey and O'Brien are said to be richer still. The poor are very poor; not in the sense of Seven Dials and Five Points; yet poor in having little and craving much. A pauper wants to get money, and to get this money in the quickest time. Cards, dice, and share-lists serve him, each in turn. He yearns to be Lick or Ralston-owner of a big hotel, conductor of a prosperous bank; but he neither courts the labour nor endures the selfdenial which have crowned these speculators with wealth. He thinks all life a