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The Daily Dispatch: April 6, 1863., [Electronic resource], Proposed execution of Brigham Young. (search)
Proposed execution of Brigham Young. --The Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer states that, at a Cabinet meeting held last week, General Nye, Governor of Havana who was present, expressed the belief that nothing short of the arrest and execution of the leaders, including Brigham Young, would bring peace and order to that section.
Odd Fellows' Election. --The R. W. Grand Lodge of Virginia, I. O. O. F., held its annual communication on Wednesday last, 13th inst., in this city. A short and harmonious session was had, at which the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: M W Grand Master, Isaac Schriever, No. 10, Richmond; R W D G Master, W A R Nye, No. 7, Richmond; R W Grand Warden, E H Folks, No. 94, Lynchburg; R W Grand Secretary, Wm J Riddick, No. 12, Richmond; R W Grand Treasurer, J W Ferguson, No. 12, Richmond; R W Grand Chaplain, Rev Geo Jacobs, No. 10, Richmond; W Grand Conductor, J H Flood, No. 17, Lynchburg; W Grand Marshal, J Gorst, No. 57, Danville; W Grand Guardian, A Grant, No. 4, Richmond; W Grand Herald, Thos Foster, No. 7, Richmond.
Proceedings of Congress. Washington, Monday, December 11. --Senate.--The President pro tempore announced the following committee to act with the House committee on the subject of Mr. Lincoln's death; Messrs. Foot, Yates, Fessenden. Wilson, Doolittle, Lane of Kansas. Harris, Nesmith, Lane, Wiley, Buckalow and Henderson. Mr. Nye gave notice of a bill to change the eastern boundary of the State of Nevada so as to include additional territory, to be taken from Utah and Arizona; and also of a bill for the speedy completion of the Pacific railroad. At 1 o'clock, P. M. the Senate adjourned. House.--Mr. Bland, of Maine, introduced a resolution for the reimbursement to the loyal States of advances made and debts contracted by them for the preservation of the Union. Referred to a special committee of seven members. Mr. Elliott, of Massachusetts, introduced a joint resolution, which was referred to a select committee of fifteen, declaring the condition of the Sta
bay, at the mouth of the Susquehanna river, to Lake Ontario. The President sent a large batch of appointments, accumulatad during the recess, to the Senate to-day for confirmation, and they were all referred in executive session. The Committee on Appropriations had the naval bill under consideration to-day. They cut down all the estimates for the navy and navy-yards. The House Military Committee had under consideration propositions for the re-organization of the army. Senator Nye, of Nevada, will introduce in the Senate, in a few days, a bill to repeal the city charter of Washington. A delegation of Friends from Pennsylvania were at the White House a long time to-day, but did not succeed in obtaining an interview. Senator Doolittle obtained a long interview with the President this afternoon. The "disunionist" have received a check at least, if not a repulse, in the Senate to-day.--Mr. Sumner, who had expected to advance his cause by procuring the pu