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An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 10 2 Browse Search
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865 8 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 6 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 13, 1862., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier 4 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 20, 1865., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
James Redpath, The Roving Editor: or, Talks with Slaves in the Southern States. 4 0 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 4 0 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 4 0 Browse Search
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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 7 (search)
in our midst that many good Christians have absented themselves from the Communion Table because they say they don't feel fit to go there while such bitter hatred as they feel towards the Yankees has a place in their hearts. The Methodists have a revival meeting going on, and last night one of our soldier boys went up to be prayed for, and a Yankee went up right after and knelt at his side. The Reb was so overcome by his emotions that he didn't know a Yankee was kneeling beside him till Mr. Norman alluded to it in his prayer, when he spoke of the lamb and the lion lying down together. But the congregation don't seem to have been greatly edified by the spectacle. Some of the boys who were there told me they were only sorry to see a good Confederate going to heaven in such bad company. It is dreadful to hate anybody so, and I do try sometimes to get these wicked feelings out of my heart, but as soon as I begin to feel a little like a Christian, I hear of some new piece of rascality
ngagement, July first reckless sacrifice of life by Magruder gallantry of Colonel Norman the enemy, fully routed and demoralized, seek protection under their gunbo On the edge of the timber Cobb was exhausted, and gave over the command to Colonel Norman, of the Second Louisiana. Creeping through the woods as far as practicable, Norman deployed the brigade in open ground, and rushed up to the plateau at the double-quick. Directly this gallant command arrived in full view, a flash of light d under the storm of fifty pieces, and thousands of rifles to their rear, young Norman advanced with colors flying to within a hundred yards of the guns, and there hanfantry who hovered near, but dared not approach. For more than twenty minutes Norman held his ground; but finding half the command lying dead, he gathered all that of this command to retire to the rear, to mourn the loss of hundreds, who, like Norman, fell, sabre in. hand, with their face to the enemy. Wright's brigade was a
terest of a tragedy whose scenes sweep on before the spectator to the catastrophe. Nor were the actors in the tragedy blocks of wood, or merely official personages playing coldly their stage parts. They were men of flesh and blood, full of high resolve, vehement passion; subject to hope, fear, rejoicing, depression; but faithful through all to the great principles which drove them on-principles in which they believed, and for which they were ready to die. They were noble types of the great Norman race of which the Southern people come-brave, honourable, courteous, social; quick in resentment, proud, but placable; and these conspicuous traits were everywhere seen in their actions and daily lives. The portraits here presented of a few of these men may be rude and incomplete, but they are likenesses. No personage is spoken of with whom the writer was not more or less acquainted; and every trait and incident set down was either observed by himself or obtained from good authority.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Confederate torpedoes in the Yazoo. (search)
al strength thus added to our defenses may be inferred from an anecdote reported to me soon after. One of our Confederate people went on board a Union gun-boat off the mouth of the Yazoo, under flag of truce, and met there an old messmate and friend, and said banteringly to him, Tom, why don't you go up and clean out the Yazoo? I would as soon think of going to----at once, was the answer, for Brown has got the river chock-full of torpedoes. I also made a contract with Dr. Fretwell and Mr. Norman, then at Yazoo City, for fifty or more of these destructives on Dr. Fretwell's plan — automatic action on being brought in contact with a vessel or boat. But the difficulty of procuring materials prevented the completion of the contract for the whole number in time. On the morning of the Union advance upon Yazoo City [July 13th, 1863], I had myself placed two of these Fretwells half a mile below our land-battery of one rifle 6-inch gun — handled by the same men — the same gun, in fact,<
e it. Through all the multitudinous mutations of their history, this hatred has been the only established principle which pervaded the entire nation. If color is to be the badge of bondage, they know that they must succumb to it, if the Southern Norman obtains dominion in their land. For the Mexicans of the frontier provinces are of mixed Indian, Negro and Spanish origin. There are numbers of fugitives from American slavery among them, who superadd to a deadly national animosity, a still stro Westward, slavery cannot go. Northward, its influence daily diminishes. The sentiment of the Eastern world is hostile to it always. Can it extend Southward? It will look in vain to Central America. The same mixed races who hate the modern Norman in Mexico inhabit those regions, and are animated by the same true spirit; and the attempt, if ever made, to subdue this people, in order to extend the area of bondage, will justly precipitate a war with the powers of Europe. The South does not
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 34. attack on Santa Rosa Island. October 9, 1861. (search)
s week. I don't feel well. I have got the diarrhea. We will want eight hundred uniforms. Your obedient servant, William Wilson, Colonel Commanding. Captain Norman's statement. The following account of the engagement was furnished by Captain Norman, of the Wilson Zouaves: On the morning of the 9th of October, at thCaptain Norman, of the Wilson Zouaves: On the morning of the 9th of October, at three o'clock, it being pitchy dark, the attack was made. On the evening previous to the fight the rebels landed five hundred men on the lower part of the island, and on the same evening two steamboats were noticed to leave Warrenton, which circumstances had the effect of putting the Zouaves a little on their guard. On the muster est by the Federal troops. Lieutenant Baker, of Company F,. distinguished himself bravely throughout the whole struggle. Colonel Wilson fought valiantly. Captain Norman was cut off three times by the rebels from the main body, and would have been taken prisoner but for his cool and determined bravery. But for the steady acti
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Southern opinions: from the Charleston Mercury, April 30. (search)
eanly habits, language, laws, and personal appearance, prove beyond a doubt that they were of Latin origin. The South was settled by Anglo-Normans, Welshmen, Scotchmen, Irishmen, Frenchmen, and Spaniards. These were all Celts, all belonging to what may be classed as Mediterranean people. Few Teutons and few Anglo-Saxons (who are of Teutonic extract) settled in the South. What Teutonio blood did settle in the South, has been diluted and neutralized by frequent intermarriage with our Anglo-Norman families. Every schoolboy knows that the Mediterranean races have almost monopolized the chivalry of the world, and, until within the last three hundred years, quite monopolized its civilization. The people of the South belong to a different and superior race from those of the North. It suffices, however, for our present purpose to show that we have never been one people, and that the war between us is no civil or fratricidal war, but a very natural, orthodox, and proper war, if there c
of tide, likely to stay so until morning. An effort was made by us to burn the wharf, but failed, owing to shelling the men at work. The inhabitants of Pass Christian are generally leaving for the woods and back country, and as soon as I can learn from my reliable runners that the women and children are out of danger, if the enemy remain on shore, I wish, if at all prudent, to attack them toward evening. My men will then be rested from their march, and I may avoid their guns in ships. At present they have stopped shelling. Col. Deason has been notified of the landing. I have for duty one hundred and sixty infantry, one section Brown's artillery, and Norman's cavalry. The New-London, Calhoun, Water-Witch, and Lewis, are the boats. They will either take or destroy all of the stores. What shall I do? T. A. Mellens, Lieutenant-Colonel. The Ninth regiment, of Connecticut, and the section of the Sixth Massachusetts battery, behaved admirably throughout the whole expedition.
wanting when battle was nigh? The blue lilies shake — not with fear — and they may yet Give to treason the lesson once taught by Fayette! The gauntlet we fling when we fain would unglove-- We have shoulder to shoulder in battle once stood-- Not lost to our hearts the old national love, When a Sumter poured forth for his country his blood: That name, if we take, we but keep to restore, Undimmed, when our brothers' short madness is o'er. We are Saxon — we cling to the land we inherit; We are Norman — we cling to the lands we have won; For their pet, Annexation, we claim not the merit! But, thoa crooked the bow, straight the arrow went on: They may work at the warp — at the woof — at their will; But a weaver too mighty is mocking their skill. Then up with the thistle — the shamrock — the lilies-- The tri-color gathers the nations in one!-- Each patriot, armed with the strength of Achilles, Will strike for the flag that floats nearest the sun! Mid Sinai's deep thunders its colo
18. Anglo-Saxon whittling song. Your Yankee is always to be found with a jack-knife, and when he has nothing else to do, is eternally whittling.--Growling old traveller. In the olden time of England, the days of Norman pride, The mail-clad chieftain buckled on his broad-sword at his side, And, mounted on his trusty steed, from land to land he strayed, And ever as he wandered on, he whittled with his blade. Oh! those dreamy days of whittling! He was out in search of monsters — of giants grim and tall, He was hunting up the griffins — the dragons, great and small-- He broke in through the oak doors of many a castle-gate, And what he whittled when within, 'tis needless to relate. Oh! those foolish days of whittling! But when the pomp of feudal pride, like a dream had passed away, And everywhere the knightly steel was rusting to decay, The common people drew their blades in quite another cause, And in the place of giants grim, they whittled up the laws. Oh! those stern old days o