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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Hampton roads--Confederate official reports. (search)
ustained himself gallantly during the remainder of the day, and speaks highly of all under his command. That evening he was ordered to Norfolk for repairs. The Beaufort, Lieutenant-Commanding Parker, was in close contact with the enemy frequently during the day, and all on board behaved gallantly. Lieutenant-Commanding Parker expresses his warmest thanks to his officers and men for their coolness. Acting Midshipman Foreman, who accompanied him as volunteer aid, Midshipmen Mallory and Newton, Captain's Clerk Bain, and Mr. Gray, pilot, are all specially mentioned by him. On the 21st instant, I forwarded to the Department correct lists of the casualties on board all the vessels of the squadron, on the 8th; none, it appears, occurred on the 9th. While in the act of closing this report, I received the communication of the Department, dated 22d instant, relieving me temporarily of the command of the squadron for the naval defences of James river. I feel honored in being reliev
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Colonel W. C. Wickham's report of an engagement near Aldie, 17th of June, 1863. (search)
skirmishers whenever they attempted to advance. Captain Litchfield's sharp-shooters were, as they always are, most efficient. Two much praise cannot be awarded to Captain Breathed and his brave men, who handled their guns with the utmost coolness, while their comrades were falling dead under the point-blank range of the enemy's carbines. This position I held until ordered to retire, bringing off all my killed and wounded. For the part borne by my own regiment, under the command of Captain Newton, who always acts well his part, I refer to his report. Suffice it to say, that its conduct gave me entire satisfaction. Its loss was one killed, seven wounded, and nine missing. Your obedient servant, Wm. C. Wickham, Colonel Fourth Virginia Cavalry. List of casualties. Casualties in the First Virginia cavalry: Company F--Thomas Lemer, killed. Company D--David A. Fields, wounded.  R. C. Williams, captured. Company K--J. Rench, wounded in hand.  Lieutenant Georg
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Operations around Winchester in 1863. (search)
e Fifth regiment lost during the day, three men killed, sixteen wounded and ten missing. About four o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy advanced a considerable body of men against the right of the line of skirmishers compelling it to fall back and capturing ten prisoners. At this time Lieutenant-Colonel Williams, who had command of the regiment during the day, with activity, coolness and courage, was wounded by a musket ball through the thigh and the command of the regiment devolved on Major Newton. The Eighteenth Connecticut Regiment was deployed in front of our skirmishers, and from the testimony of some of its officers captured by this brigade the next day, I was highly gratified at the efficiency and accuracy of the fire of my skirmishers. During the day the rest of the brigade occupied a position in rear of the hills under cover of a ravine and lost not a single man either killed or wounded. After dark I received an order from Lieutenant Heindrick's, of Major-General J
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 9: (search)
homas to Sherman, 10:45 A. M., June 27: Yours received. General Harker's brigade advanced to within twenty paces of the enemy's breast-works, and was repulsed with canister at that range, General Harker losing an arm. General Wagner's brigade of Newton's division, supporting General Harker, was so severely handled that it is compelled to reorganize. Colonel Mitchell's brigade of Davis' division captured one line of rebel breastworks, which they still hold. McCook's brigade was also very severorks, and to the fact that they were well manned, thereby enabling the enemy to hold them securely against the assault. We have lost nearly two thousand officers and men, among them two brigade commanders, General Harker, commanding a brigade in Newton's division, and Colonel Dan. McCook, commanding a brigade in Jeff. Davis' division, both reported to be mortally wounded, besides some six or eight field officers killed. Both General Harker and Colonel McCook were wounded on the enemy's breastw
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 11: (search)
om General Halleck which intimated that the authorities in Washington were willing I should undertake the march across Georgia to the sea. The translated dispatch named Horse-i-bar sound as the point where the fleet would await my arrival. After much time I construed it to mean Ossabaw sound, below Savannah, which was correct. [General Sherman gives none of the dispatches which passed in regard to the matter.] On the 16th I telegraphed General Thomas at Nashville: Send me Morgan's and Newton's old divisions. Reestablish the road, and I will follow Hood wherever he may go. * * * * General Thomas' reply was (October 17): * * * * Mower and Wilson have arrived and are on their way to join you. I hope you will adopt Grant's idea of turning Wilson loose, rather than undertake the plan of a march with the whole force through Georgia to the sea, inasmuch as General Grant can not cooperate with you as at first arranged. So it is clear that at that date neither General Grant nor
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 4: Yorktown and Williamsburg (search)
had been a special feature of McClellan's strategy that on our retreat from Yorktown we should be intercepted at Eltham's landing by a large force. But our battle at Williamsburg had proved a double victory, for it had prevented Franklin's division from being reenforced so as to be either formidable or aggressive. It arrived at the mouth of the Pamunkey at 5 P. M. on the 6th. During the night it disembarked and next morning reconnoitred its vicinity and took a defensive position, sending Newton's and Slocum's brigades through a large wood to examine the country beyond. On the far edge of that wood about 9 A. M. their skirmishers ran into those of Hood's and Hampton's brigades of Whiting's division, which were there to see that our trains passed without interruption. The Federals fell back and were followed until they were under the protection of Franklin's intrenched camp, and all our trains passed unmolested. The Federals reported: killed 48, wounded 110, missing 28, tot
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, chapter 9 (search)
ion:— While conversing with my brigade commanders, shouting was heard on our right, followed by the roar of musketry. We all agreed that this was the signal agreed upon, and I ordered my division to advance. This, as near as I could judge, was about an hour and a half before sundown. . . . The division fought heroically and well, but fought in vain. Garland, in my immediate front, showed all his wonted courage and enthusiasm, but he needed and asked for reenforcements. I sent Lt.-Col. Newton, 6th Ga., to his support, and, observing a brigade by a fence in our rear, I galloped back to it and found it to be that of Gen. Toombs. I ordered it forward to support Garland, and accompanied it. The brigade advanced handsomely to the brow of the hill, but soon retreated in disorder. Gordon, commanding Rodes's brigade, pushed gallantly forward and gained considerable ground, but was forced back. The gallant and accomplished Meares, 3d N. C., Ripley's brigade, had fallen at the head
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 12: Boonsboro or South Mountain, and Harper's Ferry (search)
ldwell, Meagher, Brooke2 SumnerSedgwickGorman, Howard, Dana2 FrenchKimball, Morris, Weber3 5th CorpsMorellBarnes, Griffin, Stockton3 PorterSykesBuchanan, Lovell, Warren3 HumphreysHumphreys, Tyler, Allabach2 6th CorpsSlocumTorbert, Bartlett, Newton4 FranklinSmith, W. F.Hancock, Brooks, Irwin3 CouchDevens, Howe, Cochrane4 9th CorpsWillcox, O. B.Christ, Welsh2 BurnsideSturgisNagle, Ferrero2 RodmanFairchild, Harland1 CoxSeammon, Crook3 12 CorpsWilliamsCrawford, Gordon3 MansfieldGreeneTle the enemy deployed Slocum's division on his right and Smith's on his left. Having, by then, gotten the measure of their enemy, and deployed lines which outflanked him upon both sides, a handsome charge was made by four brigades, — Bartlett's, Newton's, Torbert's, and Brooke's. Of course, there could be no effective resistance. The whole Confederate line was overwhelmed and driven back in confusion. The reserve endeavored to rally the fugitives, but the small force — only about 2200 men in
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 14: fall of 1862 (search)
MeadeRoot, Lyle, Taylor Sinclair, Magilton, Jackson11 Batteries Franklin6th CorpsBrooksTorbert, Cake, Russell W. F. SmithHowePratt, Whiting, Vinton11 Batteries NewtonCochrane, Devens, Rowley 6 Corps18 Divisions51 Brigades53 Batteries Burnside began his campaign with a blunder. He adopted Richmond as his objective, insteade support. Doubleday's division was moved up nearer behind Meade's left, and engaged with Stuart's skirmishers and artillery across the Massaponax. Birney's and Newton's divisions of the 3d and 6th corps were also sent forward to the Bowling Green road to support the attack, which Meade, at 1 P. M., was about to renew with Gibbo He made the issue boldly, first with Hooker, and next with Franklin, and his principal officers. The proposed order dismissed from the Army Hooker, Brooks, and Newton, commanding divisions, and Cochrane, commanding a brigade in the 6th corps; and it relieved from further duty with the army, Franklin, Smith, commanding the 6th c
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 15: Chancellorsville (search)
wn, Bartlett, Russell954 SedgwickHoweGrant, Neill NewtonShaler, Brown, Wheaton 23,667BurnhamBurnham cora much stronger assault than that of the morning. Newton's division, supported by Burnham's brigade, was to one La. of Hays's brigade. About 11 A. M., both Newton and Howe renewed the assault. Newton advanced rapiNewton advanced rapidly through the fire of the few Confederate guns, but recoiled soon after the infantry opened, although Barksdone of our best officers, proved our undoing. When Newton's line was beaten back, the firing on both sides ne of about 100 killed and wounded. The casualties in Newton's division and Burnham's brigade, in the whole battry fire. Before they reached the Confederate line, Newton's division had made its second charge and was in po divison, formed across the road in two lines, with Newton's division in the same formation upon Brooks's righ039233661,492 Howe's Div., 6th Corps916975021,290 Newton's Div., 6th Corps986053071,010 Burnham's Div., 6th