Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Netter or search for Netter in all documents.

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General Butler and General Phelps relative to the contraband negro question in Louisiana, was this day made public by General Phelps. Yesterday a skirmish occurred near Owensboro, Ky., between a force of Union troops under the command of Colonel Netter, and a large body of rebel guerrillas. At the first fire Colonel Netter was killed, when the Nationals retired, permitting the rebels to ride through and through the town. To-day the guerrillas were attacked near the town by about four hundColonel Netter was killed, when the Nationals retired, permitting the rebels to ride through and through the town. To-day the guerrillas were attacked near the town by about four hundred and fifty of the Spencer (Ind.) home guards, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Wood, First Indiana cavalry, and routed with great loss. The home guard had two men killed and eighteen wounded. A fight took place near Shirley's Ford, Spring River, Mo., between the Third Indiana regiment, Colonel Ritchie, and a force of about six hundred rebels, among whom were some eighty or ninety Cherokee Indians, resulting in a rout of the latter with a loss of sixty or seventy killed and woun