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ne in the chair) pronounced out of order, because involving the same principle as voted on and rejected yesterday. Mr. Neeson appealed from the decision; on which the yeas and nays were called, and resulted — yeas 13, nays 18. The Senate rey, Smith, and Thompson--28. Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, August, Dickenson of Grayson, Gatewood, Greever, Layne, Logan, Neeson, Newton, Paxton, Stuart, Townes, and Wickham--13. Belmont Bridge Company.--The bill suspending the levying of taxes eeling and Belmont Bridge Company for six years, was next called up and passed. Virginia Canal Bill.--On motion of Mr. Neeson, the House bill to incorporate the Virginia Canal Company and to transfer the rights and franchises of the James Riveran unimportant nature, supplying omissions, were concurred in. Pending the consideration of the bill, on motion of Mr. Neeson, the Senate adjourned at quarter to 3 o'clock. House of Delegates. Wednesday, March 27, 1861. The House was