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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 5 (search)
ed her and said Judge Andrews was a d-- d old aristocrat, and deserved to have his house burned down. I suppose they were drunk, or stragglers from some of the conscript regiments enrolled after the flower of our armies had been decimated in the great battles. We had a good laugh on Capt. Irwin this morning. He is counting on the sale of his horse for money to carry him home, and seems to imagine that every man in a cavalry uniform is a horse thief bent on capturing his little nag. A Capt. Morton, of the cavalry, called here after breakfast, with a letter of introduction from friends, and our dear little captain immediately ran out bare-headed, to stand guard over his charger. I don't know which laughed most when the situation was explained. Capt. Palfrey and Capt. Swett, of Gen. Elzey's staff, called later to bid us good-by. They have no money, but each was provided with a card of buttons with which they count on buying a meal or two on the way. Cousin Liza added to their st
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 29: skirmishing at Mine Run. (search)
Church roads where I then was, just in Rodes' rear) that a party of the enemy had fired on his ambulances, on the road from Bartlett's Mill. I had received information that a body of the enemy's cavalry had crossed in front of Fitz. Lee at Morton's Ford, and had been cautioned by General Fitz. Lee to look out for my left flank against molestation of the enemy's cavalry, and supposing the party firing on Johnson's train might be a body of cavalry that had crossed at some of the fords below Morton's, I sent word to General Johnson that such was my opinion and directed him to attack and drive off the cavalry. He at once formed his division and moved forward to the attack, soon encountering, instead of a cavalry force, a very heavy force of infantry advancing towards the Bartlett's Mill road. A very heavy engagement with both artillery and infantry ensued, in which Johnson's division encountered the enemy's 3rd corps under French, supported by the 6th corps under Sedgwick, and, aft
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Operations in Mississippi-Longstreet in east Tennessee-commissioned Lieutenant-General-Commanding the armies of the United States-first interview with President Lincoln (search)
fference, too, is often due to the way troops are officered, and for the particular kind of warfare which Forrest had carried on neither army could present a more effective officer than he was. Sherman got off on the 3d of February and moved out on his expedition, meeting with no opposition whatever until he crossed the Big Black, and with no great deal of opposition after that until he reached Jackson, Mississippi. This latter place he reached on the 6th or 7th, Brandon on the 8th, and Morton on the 9th. Up to this time he moved in two columns to enable him to get a good supply of forage, etc., and expedite the march. Here, however, there were indications of the concentration of Confederate infantry, and he was obliged to keep his army close together. He had no serious engagement; but he met some of the enemy who destroyed a few of his wagons about Decatur, Mississippi, where, by the way, Sherman himself came near being picked up. He entered Meridian on the 14th of the mon
and Judge Holt, in an official report, adopted that as being somewhere near the truth, though others counted them at a full million, The government, cognizant of their existence, and able to produce abundant evidence against the ring-leaders whenever it chose to do so, wisely paid little heed to these dark-lantern proceedings, though, as was perhaps natural, military officers commanding the departments in which they were most numerous were inclined to look upon them more seriously; and Governor Morton of Indiana was much disquieted by their work in his State. Mr. Lincoln's attitude toward them was one of good-humored contempt. Nothing can make me believe that one hundred thousand Indiana Democrats are disloyal, he said; and maintained that there was more folly than crime in their acts. Indeed, though prolific enough of oaths and treasonable utterances, these organizations were singularly lacking in energy and initiative. Most of the attempts made against the public peace in th
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 11: Kentucky. (search)
e of the Government as extraordinary usurpations, the enthusiastic patriotism of the loyal States as the frenzy of fanaticism, and asserted with dogmatic stubbornness that the late American Union is dissolved; recommending, as before, a State convention, military appropriations, and organization of the militia. He also sent a messenger to ask the Governors of Ohio and Indiana to join him in an effort to bring about a truce between the General Government and the seceded States; to which Governor Morton worthily responded, I do not recognize the right of any State to act as mediator between the Federal Government and a rebellious State. The Unionists had a controlling majority in the Legislature, and, considering the deep agitation and serious divisions in Kentucky, used their power with great moderation and tact, doing as much both to aid the Government and to embarrass the conspirators as was perhaps practicable under the circumstances. To still the prevailing neutrality clamor,
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
vance to Manassas, 174; misconduct and suspension of, 199, 204 Militia, first call for, 73 et seq. Milroy, Colonel, 152 et seq. Melvale, 90 Mississippi, attitude of, with regard to secession, 2, 8; secession of, 14 Missouri, attitude of, with regard to secession, 52, 80, 115; Unionists of, 120; without local government, 124; rescued from secessionists, 125, 131, 133 Mitchell's Ford, 176, note Montgomery, 92 Morgan, Fort, 79 Morris, General, 143, 147, 151 Morton, Governor, 129 Moultrie, Fort, 21 et seq., 28; seizure of, 32 N. National property in the Southern States, 15; seizure of, by secessionists, 16; S. Carolina Commissioners treat for delivery of, 27 Nelson, Lieut., William, U. S. N., 131 et seq. New York City, proposition for secession of, 71; war meeting in, 92 New York Seventh Regiment, 103 Norfolk Navy Yard, 83; destroyed, 96 North Carolina, attitude of, with regard to secession, 1, 80 North, its misapprehension of
so thickly wooded, and traversed by so many almost parallel streams; but conscious that he would be compelled sooner or later either to change his mind or partially give way to the pressure of events, I entered on the campaign with the loyal determination to aid zealously in all its plans. General Lee's army was located in its winter quarters behind intrenchments that lay along the Rapidan for a distance of about twenty miles, extending from Barnett's to Morton's ford. The fords below Morton's were watched by a few small detachments of Confederate cavalry, the main body of which, however, was encamped below Hamilton's crossing, where it could draw supplies from the rich country along the Rappahannock. Only a few brigades of Lee's infantry guarded the works along the river, the bulk of it being so situated that it could be thrown to either flank toward which the Union troops approached. General Grant adopted the plan of moving by his left flank, with the purpose of compellin
ntor of Popular Sovereignty, who was in his seat and voted just before, did not respond to the call of his name on this occasion. of Michigan; Pettit, of Indiana; Douglas and Shields, of Illinois; Dodge (A. C.) and Jones, of Iowa; Walker, of Wisconsin; Hunter and Mason, of Virginia; Pratt, of Maryland; Badger, of North Carolina; Butler and Evans, of South Carolina; Dawson, of Georgia; Fitzpatrick and C. C. Clay, of Alabama; Adams and Brown, of Mississippi; Benjamin and Slidell, of Louisiana; Morton, of Florida; Houston and Rusk, of Texas; Dixon, of Kentucky; Bell and Jones, of Tennessee; Atchison, of Missouri; Sebastian and Johnson, of Arkansas; Gwin and Weller, of California--36. So the Senate decisively voted that the people of the new Territories, formed by this act from the region shielded from Slavery by the Compromise of 1820, should not have the right, under this organization, to prohibit Slavery, should they see fit. On motion of Mr. Badger, of North Carolina, it was fur
nd, Erie, Buffalo, Albany, New York City, Trenton, Newark, Philadelphia, Lancaster, and Harrisburg, on his way to the White House. He was everywhere received and honored as the chief of a free people; and his unstudied remarks in reply to the complimentary addresses which he day by day received indicated his decided disbelief in any bloody issue of our domestic complications. Thus, at Indianapolis, where he spent the first night of his journey, he replied to an address of welcome from Gov. Morton, as follows: fellow-citizens of the State of Indiana: I am here to thank you much for this magnificent welcome, and still more for the very generous support given by your State to that political cause which, I think, is the true and just cause of the whole country and the whole world. Solomon says, There is a time to keep silence; and, when men wrangle by the month with no certainty that they mean the same thing while using the same word, it perhaps were as well if they would keep s
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
d on the eastern shore of the bay. A line of redoubts from the river-bank north of the city, to the bay-shore southwest of it, promised a sufficient protection on the landside, when finished. A naval force under Admiral Buchanan was to cooperate with these forts and batteries; but, with capacity to command a squadron, and officers competent to handle its ships, that gallant seaman then had but three little wooden vessels. Near the end of the month, before leaving Mobile to return to Morton, I received, from an officer to whom it had been intrusted, a letter from the President, ostensibly to correct a misapprehension of mine in relation to the telegram of May 9th, directing me to assume immediate command of the army in Mississippi, but actually commenting very harshly upon much of my military conduct since the previous December. It was not unexpected, for General Wigfall, of the Confederate States Senate, had told me, in recent letters, that a friend of his had twice seen such