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y, Capt. Cabell, 43 men and battery, 4 pieces; next, Howitzers, Capt. Randolph, 74 men, and battery of six pieces; next, the Public Guard, Capt. Dimmock, 50 strong, led by the Armory Band; next, the Junior Volunteers, Capt. Gay, 41 strong; next, Company A, (Grays,) Captain Elliott, 71 strong, led by the drum corps and Regimental Band; next, Company F, Capt. Cary, 74 strong; next, Montgomery Guard, Capt. Dooley, 47 strong; next, the R. L. I. Blues, Capt. Wise, 30 strong; next, Company I, Captain Morriss, 40 strong, (nearly their whole strength;) next, Company G, Captain Gordon, 44 men; next, Virginia Rifles, (Co. K.) Capt. Miller, 44 men, rank and file. When the Regiment took up its line of march from the Square, it was joined by the Chesterfield Troop, Capt. Ball, 45 men, and the Governor's Mounted Guard, Capt. J. G. Cabell, 37 strong, who preceded it. The display was further augmented by the appearance with the Regiment of the Henrico Dragoons, Col. J. L. Davis, 40 men, and the
$200 reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber, on the 6th inst. my Negro Many William Munroe 28 years old. about 5 feet 6 inches high; about. well built, color black wore a scraggy beard; small eyes and his the peculiarity of not looking you in the face whilst speaking. Supposed to have forged passes or free papers. He may be in the city or lurking about my plantation on the Chickahominy rice. The above reward will be paid for the apprehension and conviction of the while man who is supposed to have enticed him away $100 if arrested and delivered on board a vessel or out of the State; $20 if arrested and delivered in the city or adjoining county. Robert F Morriss. Franklin street. de 12--6t
Target practice. --Company I. Capt. Morriss, of the First Regiment Virginia Volunteers, paraded yesterday afternoon, and celebrated their first anniversary by a target practice. --The company, after parading through the streets, marched to the valley west of the Poor House, where the target was set up, and the firing commenced. At the conclusion of the usual number of rounds, it was ascertained that Sergt. D. A. Tyree had made the three best shots, and was, therefore, entitled, not only to the Company's medal, but to the silver goblet, both of which were presented to him with the usual ceremonies. Company I, though in its infancy, is rapidly increasing in numbers, and from present indications is soon to bear the palm from some of its older rivals. Thus far both officers and men have been very prompt in their attendance of drills, and if they continue so, the corps must succeed.
$200 reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber, on the 6th inst., my Negro Man, William Munroe. 28 years old; about 5 feet 6 inches high; stout, well built; color black, wore a scraggy beard; small eyes and his the peculiarity of not looking you in the face whilst speaking. Supposed to have forged passes or free papers. He may be in the city or lurking about my plantation on the Chickahominy, in Henrico. The above reward will be paid for the apprehension and conviction of the white man who is supposed to have enticed him away; $100 if arrested and delivered on board a vessel or out of the State; $20 if arrested and delivered in the city or adjoining county. Robert F Morriss, de 12--6t Franklin street.
Henry Raugth, C, 26th Wis; W R Porter, C, 137th N Y; D G Caywood, I, 33d N Y; L C Small, B 7th Maine; R M Meguire H, 1st Mass; S W Beardsley K 154th N Y, A A Casler, G, do; J S Mitchell, H 84th Pa; Capt Orlando Coombs, 101d Ya; W T McAdams chaplain, 57th Pa; Lieut Col J W Patterson, 102 Pa; Capts Wm Wallace F 43d N Y; J W Wilkinson, B, do; S B Van Patton, C do; W L Thompson, K, do; H Shickardt, F, 31st N Y; Geo A Ebbotts, a do; 1st Lieut C S Barclay, H, 102d Pa; Geo Harman, F. 31st N Y; E H Morriss, G, 62d N Y; Wm Hastings, F, 43d N Y; H Van Buren, G, do; 2d Lieut J Ehrhardt, C, 21st N Y; A M Moreland, F 102d Pa; A M Heath, 12th Bow Hampshire; L J Stewart, B, 62d N Y; J H Smith N, 46d N Y; Jno N Webster, A, 31st N Y; H S Ehrhardt, E, 135th Pa; J H Conn, A, 1st Va Abolition cavalry. A Talk with the prisoners. Our columns show that we are experiencing some of the results of the late decisive action at Chancellorsville, in the arrival of thousands of the hybrids with whom the So
or Governor — Flournoy, 62; Smith, 31; Munford, 8. Lieutenant-Governor--Price, 58; Imboden, 36; Edmondson, 1. Attorney General--Tucker, 99. Congress — Wickham, 79; Lyons, 8; scattering, 6. State Senate--Richmond city — Randolph, 22; Haskins, 9. Henrico and Hanover counties — Garnett, 45; Davis, 7. House of Delegates--Richmond city — Robertson, 32; Wynne, 16; Bigger, 16; Saunders, 11; Walker, 6; Taylor, 1. Henrico — Mayo, 23; English, 3; Carter, 2. Hanover — Fox, 12; Goodall, 5; Swift, 2; Morriss. --Constable for District No. 2 Henrico — Thos. E. West, 11. Henrico county. Court-House.--For Governor: Thomas S Flournoy, 422; Wm Smith, 173; Geo W Munford, 134. For Lieutenant Governor: Jno Io Imboden, 393; Samuel Price, 289. For Attorney General: J R Tucker, 650. For Congress: Wm C Wickham, 342; James, Lyons; 176. For State Senate: John R Garnett, 362; John N Davis, 236. For House of Delegates: Ro A Mayo, 319; Jos J English 308. Refugee vote The refugee
Fifty Dollars reward. --Strayed or stolen, a pale red and white Milch Cow, of moderate size. She is marked with a crop, slit, and underkeel in the right ear, and a crop and two slits in the left; her horns are small, crooked, and bent forward. I will give the above reward for the conviction of the thief, if stolen, and $20 if returned to me. Richard G Morriss. my 30--1t*
The Daily Dispatch: November 2, 1863., [Electronic resource], The victory at Philadelphia, Tenn.--further particulars. (search)
, seventy wagons and teams, ten ambulances and teams, and six pieces of artillery, was much baggage, commissary stores, guns, while our loss is 68 wounded and 10 killed. Lieut. Col. Harper had his right thigh bone broken with the fragments of a shell while riding in front of his line, ordering his men to charge the enemy. Lieut. Hardy, of the "Legion, " or Ship, (as Rucker calls it,) it is feared is mortally wounded. Lt. Russell, of Wharton's command, (commanding detachments under Col. Morriss,) was also wounded. We will attack the enemy at Loudon to-morrow morning. East Tennessean are following Burnside's army by hundreds, and East Tennessee is fast becoming purified. The country is filled with Vicksburg prisoners. You can find from one to three at almost every farm-house. They seem to rely upon their "paroles," and are quite unconcerned. Won't we make them hustle, though?--Gen Vaughan is here after them. I had almost forgotten to mention about the flag of truce. W
Lost--$50 reward. --Ranaway or stolen from my farm, on the Mechanicsville Turnpike, Henrico county, on the 22d inst, two negro boys--Isaac and Wm Henry--about 14 years of age. Isaac is black, likely and intelligent. Wm Henry is of a dark gingerbread color, and likely. They may be in some of the camps near the city. The above reward will be paid for their delivery, or information so I recover them. Should they have been stolen, all persons are cautioned against purchasing them. Robt F Morriss. oc 30--eod6t*
50 Dollars reward. --Ranaway, about foot weeks ago, a negro man named Irvine. Irvine is about 25 years old, of dark gingerbread color, about 5 feet 9 inches high, heavily built, and round shouldered. He wears a long drab sack coat, stammers if confused, and probably has hired himself in Richmond. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to Lee & James, Richmond. Richard G Morriss. de 16--1aw3t*