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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Organization of the two governments. (search)
ouis P. Harvey (1861-2) Governor Edward Salomon (1862-3) Governor James T. Lewis (1863-6). Confederate States Alabama Governor Andrew B. Moore (1857-61) Governor John Gill Shorter (1861-3) Governor Thomas H. Watts (1863-5) Arkansas Governor Henry M. Rector (1860-3) Governor Harris Flanagin (1863-4) Governor Isaac Murphy (1864-8) Florida Governor Madison S. Perry (1857-61) Governor John Milton (1861-5) Georgia Governor Joseph E. Brown (1857-65) Louisiana Governor Thomas O. Moore (1860-4) Governor Henry W. Allen (1864-5) Union military governors Governor George F. Shepley (1862-4) Governor Michael Hahn (1864-5) Mississippi Governor John J. Pettus (1860-2) Governor Charles Clarke (1863) Governor Jacob Thompson (1863-4) North Carolina Governor John W. Ellis (1859-61) Governor H. T. Clark, acting (1861-2) Governor Zebulon B. Vance (1862-5) South Carolina Governor Francis W. Pickens (1860-2) Governo
hern Confederacy was raised, amid reiterated and prolonged cheers for South Carolina and Louisiana.--National Intelligencer, Dec. 25. The election for delegates to the State Convention to meet January 7th, took place to-day. The separate State secession ticket was elected in Mobile by a thousand majority. The election passed off quietly through the State. In many places there was no opposition; the secession ticket, in the whole State, has 50,000 majority.--Times, Dec. 25. Governor Moore issued a proclamation, convening the Legislature of Alabama January 14th, to provide by State laws for any emergency that may arise from the action of the secession Convention called for January 7th. The Speaker laid before the House of Representatives a letter signed by Messrs. McQueen, Bonham, Boyce, and Ashmore, members from South Carolina, to the effect that the act of secession passed by their State had dissolved their connection with that body, and that they should accordingly
verily believe that the number could be increased to forty or fifty thousand in thirty days. There are perhaps twenty counties in the State that have not as yet furnished a man, but will certainly do so. Of these troops, two regiments have already been ordered to Virginia. John Bell and Edwin H. Ewing, at a public meeting held at Nashville, Tenn., declared themselves in the strongest and most emphatic terms for resistance to the attempted subjugation of the South. --(Doc. 89.) Governor Moore, of Louisiana, issued an address, calling for 5,000 additional State troops. He says:--The Government at Washington, maddened by defeat and the successful maintenance by our patriotic people of their rights and liberties against its mercenaries in the harbor of Charleston, and the determination of the Southern people forever to sever themselves from the Northern Government, has now thrown off the mask, and, sustained by the people of the non-slaveholding States, is actively engaged in l
d to the first mate's room and announced the presence of a gentleman on board, who wanted to see him. The mate came on deck, and Capt. Shivers politely told him to surrender the ship. The mate stated that the captain of the Cahawba was not on board, and therefore he had nothing to say. Capt. Shivers then ordered his men on board, put a guard fore and aft, and elsewhere, thus taking possession.--New Orleans Delta, April 25. The Cahawba was released soon after her seizure, by order of Gov. Moore, who had received orders from the Confederate Government prohibiting, any obstruction to commerce in Southern ports.--N. Y. Herald, April 27. The second detachment of Rhode Island troops passed through New York on their way to Annapolis, Md. The officers of the detachment are:--Lieutenant-Colonel commanding, J. T. Pitman; Major, Joe. W. Bolsch; Lieutenants, Carl C. Harris, Eddy, Luther; Lieutenant Colonel, Charles C. II. Day; Surgeon, M. McKnight. The troops are subdivided as foll
ss victory.--one of many. Several companies of the Third and Fourth Regiments of Georgia passed through Augusta for the expected scene of warfare — Virginia. Sixteen well-drilled companies of volunteers and one negro company, from Nashville, Tennessee, offered their services to the Confederate States.--Charleston Mercury, April 30. At New Orleans, La., the steamships Texas, Tennessee, and the G. W. Hewes, the property of Charles Morgan, Esq., were taken possession of by order of Gov. Moore. Captain Warren of the steam-tug Tuscarora, who was arrested on the charge of having furnished information to the captain of the Daniel Webster, which caused him to leave this port, was released on giving bonds of two thousand dollars for his future loyal conduct. It is ascertained that the blame rests less upon him than upon the owners of the above-named steamers.--New Orleans Delta, April 30. A military review took place at New Orleans, La. The city was one long military camp. Whe
ivil and military, vacant and no longer existing, and making provision for the government of the Territory until such time as the Confederate Congress may otherwise provide. Col. Baylor, as Governor of the Territory, has also appointed a Seeretary of the Territory, Attorney-General, and other officers.--Lieut. R. H. Brewer, late of the first regiment of the United States Dragoons, has arrived in New Orleans, and informs the Picayune that on the 5th ultimo, Gen. A. S. Johnston, who arrived from California, was at Picach, about five miles north of Mesilla, in command of the Confederate forces, which command, tendered by Lieut.-Col. Baylor, the General had accepted. The Confederate forces numbered about five hundred men, and had four pieces of artillery. They were awaiting the approach of four companies of Federal troops (two companies of dragoons and two companies of infantry) under command of Lieut. Moore. Forts Breckinridge and Buchanan had been destroyed.--Mesilla Times, August 3.
ere was a considerable amount of arms and ammunition for United States troops stored at that place, under a guard of the troops composing the camp. The United States Volunteers numbered about three hundred and fifty men, under the command of Captain Moore. The fighting lasted about one hour, when the rebels retreated. In the mean time Captain Moore, having been reinforced by about one hundred and fifty men from Centralia, Iowa, on the opposite side of the river, gave chase to the rebels for Captain Moore, having been reinforced by about one hundred and fifty men from Centralia, Iowa, on the opposite side of the river, gave chase to the rebels for about a mile and a half, killing one, taking eighteen prisoners, and capturing thirty-one horses and two secession flags. Several of the rebels were also wounded in the chase. After the battle, six or eight rebels were found dead on the field. In the afternoon the bearer of a rebel flag of truce to the Union camp was admitted. They carried off fourteen killed, and as many more wounded and missing. The rebels were led by Martin Green, a brother of ex-Senator Green. Of the Union men there w
of papers addressed to prominent Southern citizens, and a map of the seat of war in Virginia. His commission, however, was not discovered. After his examination, Mr. Johnston bade farewell to his friends, and was conveyed to Moyamensing prison in charge of the officers.--N. Y. Commercial, August 26. All the large craft, schooners, and sloops, and small, rowboats and skiffs on the Potomac River, were seized by the Government authorities.--N. Y. Herald, August 27. A Union man named Moore was killed, and another named Neill mortally wounded, this afternoon, by a gang of five secessionists, at Shotwell Toll-gate, Ky., seven miles from Covington. Both men were stabbed in the back. A party of Unionists gave pursuit to the murderers, who fled toward the Tennessee line.--N. Y. Times, August 27. Wm. Halsey, hailing from Ithaca, N. Y., was waited upon by a party of citizens at his hotel, in Scranton, Pa., and requested to leave town in three hours, or accept the alternative o
October 3. The Memphis Argus of to-day contains the following proclamation by Thomas O. Moore, Governor of Louisiana: Concurring entirely in the views expressed by the cotton factors of New Orleans, in the annexed communication and petition from business men here, praying that no cotton be sent to New Orleans during the existence of the blockade, I have determined to take the most decided means to prevent the landing of any cotton in this city. Notice is therefore hereby given to all masters and owners of steamboats and other water-craft, that from and after the 10th of October no cotton must be brought to New Orleans, or within the lines embracing that section of the country between the fortifications above Carrollton and those below the city, and extending back to the lake. All steamboats or other water-craft arriving within the prescribed limits, will be forthwith placed in charge of an armed force, and escorted above the point indicated. This course will be ado
North Carolina, Scott, of Virginia, and Barry, of Mississippi.--Richmond Enquirer, Nov. 19. Judge Thomas S. Richards was shot through a window of the court house in Memphis, Scotland Co., Mo., while confined as a prisoner in the hands of Colonel Moore, of the Home Guard. Colonel Moore subsequently offered a reward of one thousand dollars for the apprehension of the assassin. The steamers Georgia and Georgiana arrived at Baltimore this morning from Newtown, Worcester Co., Maryland. FouColonel Moore subsequently offered a reward of one thousand dollars for the apprehension of the assassin. The steamers Georgia and Georgiana arrived at Baltimore this morning from Newtown, Worcester Co., Maryland. Four thousand Federal troops were preparing to go into Virginia. On the way up the Pocomoke River a boat was sent ashore with General Dix's proclamation, which was read to a large number of Virginians in a farm-house, who declared it entirely satisfactory, and claimed the protection of the Government from the secessionists, who were forcing them into the ranks against their will. The gunboat Resolute had given them protection through the day, but at night they had to seek shelter in the woods.--