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transported, and the Yankees have undoubtedly found a very inconsiderable share of the booty they expected. I forgot to add, in its proper place above, that the names of our killed and wounded are not yet known, but from several sources I have made the following brief list: Killed.--Lieut.-Col. Clough, Texas; Lieut.-Col. Robb, Clarksville, Tenn.; Capt. May, Memphis; Capt. Porter, Nashville. Fourteenth Mississippi Regiment.--Judge Rogers, Monroe Co., Miss.; Sergt. Jno. Clark, Sergt. John Montgomery, R. M. Bell, J. G. Watt, George James. Wounded.--Major Hewitt, Second Kentucky regiment, (since reported dead;) Capt. Many, Nashville; Capt. Crigier, Fourteenth Mississippi; Capt. Gholson, Fourteenth Mississippi; Lieut. Duquecron, Fourteenth Mississippi. In company C, of the last-named regiment, seventeen were killed and wounded. Col. Baldwin of the same had his horse shot under him, and during the day acted as a Brigadier-General. Such is a history of the battle of Fort Do
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New Jersey, (search)
rew Hamilton, deputy 1687 Daniel Coxe1687 Edmund Andros 1688 Edward Hunloke, deputy 1690 John Tatham 1690 West Jersey Proprietors 1691 Col. Joseph Dudley 1691 Andrew Hamilton 1692 Andrew Hamilton 1692 Jeremiah Basse 1697 Jeremiah Basse1698 Andrew Hamilton 1699 Andrew Bowne, deputy 1699 Andrew Hamilton 1699 Royal governors. Assumes office. Edward Hyde, Lord Cornbury 1702 Lord Lovelace 1708 Richard Ingoldsby, lieutenant-governor 1709 Robert Hunter 1710 William Burnett1720 John Montgomery1728 Lewis Morris, president of council1731 William Crosby 1732 John Anderson, president of council1736 John Hamilton, president of council 1736 Lewis Morris1738 John Hamilton, president,1746 John Reading, president1746 Jonathan Belcher1747 John Reading, president 1757 Francis Bernard1758 Thomas Boone 1760 Josiah Hardy1761 William Franklin1763 State governors. Assumes office. William Livingston 1776 William Patterson 1790 Richard Howell1794 Joseph Bloomfield 1801 Jo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, State of (search)
1688 Francis Nicholson.1688 to 1689 Jacob LeislerJune 3, 1689to 1691 Henry SloughterMarch 19, 1691 Richard IngoldsbyJuly 26, 1691 1692 Benjamin FletcherAug. 30, 1692 1698 Richard, Earl Bellomont1698 1701 John Nanfan 1701 to 1702 Lord CornburyMay 3, 1702 to 1708 John, Lord Lovelace Dec. 18, 1708 to 1709 Richard IngoldsbyMay 9, 1709to 1710 Gerardus BeekmanApril 10, 1710 Robert HunterJune 14, 1710 1719 Peter SchuylerJuly 21, 1719 to 1720 William Burnet Sept. 17, 1720to 1728 John MontgomeryApril 15, 1728 to 1731 Rip Van Dam 1731 to 1732 William CosbyAug. 1, 1732to 1736 George Clarke1736 1743 George ClintonSept. 2, 1743to 1753 Sir Sanvers OsborneOct. 10, 1753 James De LanceyOct. 12, 1853 to 1755 Sir Charles HardySept. 3, 1755to 1757 James De LanceyJune 3, 1757to 1760 Cadwallader ColdenAug. 4, 1760to 1761 Robert MoncktonOct. 26, 1761 Cadwallader ColdenNov. 18, 1761 to1765 Sir Henry MooreNov. 18, 1765 to 1769 Cadwallader ColdenSept. 12, 1769 to 1770 John Lord Du
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), entry on-to-washington- (search)
ery Black Republican who is a dweller there. From the mountain-tops and valleys to the shores of the sea there is one wild shout of fierce resolve to capture Washington City at all and every human hazard. On the same day Governor Ellis, of North Carolina, ordered a regiment of State troops to march for Washington; and the Goldsboro (N. C.) Tribune of the 24th, speaking of the grand movement of Virginia and a rumored one in Maryland, said: It makes good the words of Secretary Walker, of Montgomery, in regard to the Federal metropolis. It transfers the lines of battle from the Potomac to the Pennsylvania border. The Raleigh (N. C.) Standard of the same date said: Our streets are alive with soldiers (North Carolina was then a professedly loyal State); and added, Washington City will be too hot to hold Abraham Lincoln and his government. North Carolina has said it, and she will do all she can to make good her declaration. The Eufaula (Ala.) Express said, on the 25th: Our policy at
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Quebec. (search)
ture. See Wolfe, James. On the day after Montgomery entered Montreal in triumph (Nov. 13, 1775),rembles, and there awaited instructions from Montgomery. The latter had left troops in charge of Gewhen the flag which he sent was fired upon. Montgomery sent a letter to Carleton, but the latter rebattery and compelled him to withdraw. Then Montgomery waited a fortnight for expected reinforcemenle invading army was imminent. On Christmas Montgomery determined to try and carry the city by assaed Cape Diamond Bastion. At the same time Montgomery descended to the edge of the St. Lawrence wiape Diamond. The plan was for the troops of Montgomery and Arnold to meet and assail Prescott Gate the narrow way at the foot of Cape Diamond. Montgomery found that pass blocked with ice, and blindilieving the garrison not to be on the alert, Montgomery shouted to the companies of Captains Mott anrm of grape-shot from the masked cannon, and Montgomery, his aid (Captain McPherson), Captain Cheese[1 more...]
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, (search)
720 English establish a trading-post at Oswego......1722 William Bradford issues the New York Gazette, the first newspaper in the province......October, 1725 Fort Niagara built by the French......1726 Governor Burnet succeeded by John Montgomery......April 15, 1728 Boundary with Connecticut established......May, 1731 Governor Montgomery dies......July 1, 1731 Rip Van Dam, acting governor......1731 [Population in the province of New York, 50,289; New York City, 8,632; totalGovernor Montgomery dies......July 1, 1731 Rip Van Dam, acting governor......1731 [Population in the province of New York, 50,289; New York City, 8,632; total number of negroes, 7,231.] William Cosby, governor of New York, arrives......Aug. 1, 1732 First stage runs between New York and Boston, round trip twenty-eight days......1732 John Peter Zenger establishes the New York Weekly journal in the interests of the people......Nov. 5, 1733 Zenger arrested for libel and imprisoned thirty-five weeks......November, 1734 Andrew Hamilton, of Philadelphia, successfully defends Zenger......July, 1735 Governor Cosby dies......March 10, 1736
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
of 1812. Charles, another son of the founder, removed to Alabama, and his son, Andrew B. Moore, became the war governor of that State in 1860. One of the daughters of the elder Charles Moore married Capt. Andrew Barry, who commanded a company in the Spartan regiment during the Revolution, and became known in legend and history as Kate Barry, the heroine of Cowpens. The estate settled by her and her husband is now the property of Colonel Moore. His mother was Nancy Miller, daughter of John Montgomery, a native of Pennsylvania and a soldier of the Revolution. The subject of this mention completed his education at the South Carolina college, and while a student there served with a miltary company of students called out during the siege of Fort Sumter, and again at the time of the capture of Beaufort. In 1862 he abandoned his studies in his senior year and enlisted in Company E, Eighteenth South Carolina regiment, and with this command went into the army of Northern Virginia, and par
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.55 (search)
olden, Calvin M. Harper, Thomas Holden, Thomas C. Johnston, W. J. Johnston, J. Montgomery Johnston, Frank Jordan, John J. Jordan, Jeremiah Kelly, Joseph Kelly, Isaac Caruthers Lackey, James T. Lackey, N. H. Lackey, D. E. Laird, John Ewig Laird, Henry Ruffner Laird, Samuel McKee Laird, Abe Lavelle, Robert Sharp Leake, A. C. Lam, Alfred Leyburn, Jacob Lincoln, Philander Mackey. A. J. Martin, W. P. Martin, W. H. Marks, Samuel R. Moore, Harry E. Moore, Richard L. Moore, Thomas Montgomery, John Montgomery, A. S. Montgomery, J. G. Montgomery, Henry H. Myers, John D. Myers, R. Culton Morrison, Robert H. Morrison, Henry Ruffner Morrison, George Martin, J. McD. McClung, W. H. McFaddin, H. C. McFaddin, Dennis Mc-Gravy, Thomas McGovern, James M. McNutt, W. P. McCorkle, W. T. Meade, Jacqueline S. Morgan, Benjamin Miller, R. McD. McCown, John H. McClintic, Hezekiah Nicely, John McK. Parry, John A. Patton, James E. Poague, James W. Poague, Oliver B. Powers, Charles Pulse, Jacob Pulse, Levi Puls
n he relied solely on volunteer backwoodsmen of south-western Pennsylvania, and from what we now call East Tennessee, Chap. VIII.} 1778. and Kentucky. On the twenty-fourth of June, the day of an eclipse of the sun, his boats passed over the falls of the Ohio. After leaving a small garrison in an island near them, his party consisted of four companies only; but the men were freeholders, each of whom had self-respect, and confidence in every one of his companions. Their captains were John Montgomery, Leonard Helm, Joseph Bowman, and William Harrod. An attack on Vincennes was the first object of Clark, but he learned that its garrison outnumbered his forces. In the north-west, Detroit was the central point of British authority. There Hamilton, the lieutenant-governor, summoned several nations of Indians to council; and from that post he sent abroad along the American frontier parties of savages, whose reckless cruelty won his applause as the best proofs of their attachment to B
ats in the galleries had been provided by the vote of the town, and where the young ladies listened for the most part with devout attention to the eloquent discourses of one of the ablest divines of the day. The anecdote is told that on one Sunday morning the good doctor had given out the hymn, when it was suddenly discovered that the choir, amounting to some forty or fifty, had left their accustomed seats, and that no one appeared to sing a note. In the exigency, Mr. Rowson, with Gen. John Montgomery of Haverhill, N. H., who was then on a visit to the school, rose in his pew below, gave out the tune, and the heavy bass of the one, uniting with the fine tenor of the other, formed a powerful duo, which surprised and delighted the listening congregation. At the close of the service, Dr. Osgood tendered them his cordial thanks, and at dinner invited them to do the singing for him in the afternoon; but when the service opened, every member of the choir was in his or her place. The