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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The capture of Mason and Slidell. (search)
ts. The foreign publications were the letters of the officers of the Trent, Captain Moir, commanding, his purser, and Commander Williams, of the Royal Navy Reserve, who chanced to be a fellow-passenger of the voyaging emissaries. In Captain Moir's report to Lord Palmerston, the Premier, he says that Captain Wilkes sent an order n the greatest state of excitement. As our men were going into their boats, Captain Moir, of the Trent, hailed us. What do you mean, shouted he, by stopping my ship?hip, sir? No, sir; first officer. I would like to see the captain; and Captain Moir, at this instant, walked out of his cabin, and coming forward said, in angryber, had gathered aft around the officer, and the crew also stood about. As Captain Moir made his assertion regarding the right of search the passengers applauded, ation to this speech, delivered with great pomposity of manner, but turned to Captain Moir, and said: You see I have force enough to carry out my orders; and at this j
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Captain Wilkes's seizure of Mason and Slidell. (search)
aving the Trent to evidently was galling to Captain Moir. When he did stop his steamer, he showed hper or promenade deck and was introduced to Captain Moir, who, though very gentlemanly in his way ofup at the same time, thus relieving me from Captain Moir's refusal, which was very polite but very pur gentlemen before me, and then I informed Captain Moir that I had been sent by my commander to arrdreadful consequences. This, together with Captain Moir's excellent commanding manner, had a quieti hurried up with six or eight of the crew. Captain Moir was the first to see this body of armed menw what was due to him, but I also knew that Captain Moir was the only person with whom I could have ndward and in mid-channel, and then said to Captain Moir, Now you can move up nearer to the San Jaci After the war I had a conversation with Captain Moir, in the presence of an English chaplain, atl, and I was in command of the Susquehanna. Captain Moir invited the chaplain and myself to lunch, a[7 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
pressions and acts, by the British Consul and other sympathizers, and there they took passage for St. Thomas, Nov. 7, 1861. in the British mail-steamer Trent, Captain Moir, intending to leave for England in the next regular packet from that island to Southampton. Charles Wilkes. The National Government heard of the departu demand that was heeded. Fairfax was sent on board of the Trent, but found he could do nothing in the matter of his errand without the use of physical force. Captain Moir had declined to show his papers and his passenger-list, and the Ambassadors had treated with scorn the summons to go on board the San Jacinto, which, like all en he was seeking were on board or not. These, hearing their names mentioned, came forward. They protested against arrest, and in this act they were joined by Captain Moir, and by the Mail Agent, Captain, Williams, of the Royal Navy, who said he was the representative of Her Majesty. The Ambassadors refused to leave the Trent,
s then assembled on the upper deck, said to Captain Moir that he came with orders to demand his pass-rooms, on the deck next below, followed by Captain Moir and by the other passengers. The lieutenanto leeward. We were now within hail, when Capt. Moir, commanding this ship, asked the American whines and hurried to the boat, calling out to Capt. Moir as he left that he held him and his Governmeir to go on board his ship, and a second for Capt. Moir to move the Trent closer to the San Jacinto. was so violent he was compelled to request Captain Moir to remove me from the deck --(oh! oh!)--ane single instance of a want of unity between Capt. Moir and myself--(bravo, and that's a refutation can bear testimony to the high character of Captain Moir--(cheers)--the most gallant sailor, the moscase in point. (Hear, hear.) It shows that Captain Moir had no right or power whatever to refuse thso violent that he was compelled to request Captain Moir to remove me. (Nonsense.) But when the mar[8 more...]
occasions, a faithful and efficient officer. Captains Earle, Warner, Stibbs, Haddock, Vanduzee and Tousley performed well their part, as did all the lieutenants in the action, in a prompt and willing manner. The non — commissioned officers and men stood bravely up to their work, and never did men behave better. In the death of Lieut. Furguson, of company D, the regiment lost one of its best-drilled officers and a gallant soldier; it also lost a good man and good officer in the death of Lieut. Moir, of company A. J. J. Woods, Colonel Twelfth Iowa Volunteers. Captain Trumbull's report. headquarters Third Iowa infantry, April 17, 1862. Brig.--Gen. Stephen A. Hurlbut, U. S. A., commanding Fourth Division, Army of the Tenn.: sir: I have the honor to report the part taken by the Third Iowa infantry in the actions of the sixth and seventh inst. The Third Iowa occupied the extreme right of the Fourth division, being the first regiment of Col. and Acting Brig.-Gen. N. G. Wil
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), The civil history of the Confederate States (search)
t to quarters, hoist the colors and load the guns. The next proceeding was to fire a shot across the bow of the Trent, which caused that vessel to display the British colors without arresting its onward speed. A shell from the San Jacinto across her course brought the Trent to without delay and Captain Wilkes then sent his executive officer with a guard of marines and a full armed boat crew to board the British ship. Lieutenant Fairfax, the executive officer, went aboard, and informing Captain Moir of the Trent as to the object of his visit, asked for the passenger list, saying that he would search the vessel to find Mason and Slidell. But while the English captain was protesting against this breach of international law and refusing to show any papers, the two Confederate commissioners with their associates, Eustis and McFarland, appeared and united with the British officer in his protest. At this juncture the other Federal officers in the armed. cutter came aboard with a number
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the first autumn. (search)
med men, came forward and informed the commander of the steamer, Mr. Moir, that he intended to exercise the right of visitation. The commander having refused to produce the list of passengers, he declared that he had come to seize the persons of the commissioners, whose presence on board could not be denied. He was determined not to withdraw until he had executed the orders of his commander, and in support of that declaration he called up two boats which were at hand with reinforcements. Mr. Moir and the English mail agent, Mr. Williams, an old retired naval captain, replied to him with much warmth, which capped the climax of the passengers' excitement. In the midst of this scene the commissioners themselves came forward, protesting in their turn against the act of violence with which they were threatened. The reinforcements called for by Fairfax had come aboard and been drawn up amidships with fixed bayonets, while Messrs. Mason and Slidell retired to their respective cabins, dec
The Daily Dispatch: November 29, 1861., [Electronic resource], Incidents of the capture of Messrs. Mason and Slidell. (search)
said: "You see, sir, I have the force, if that is what you require." Then you must use it," replied Mason. With this Lieut Fairfax placed his hand upon the Senator's shoulder and pressed him to the gangway. At this juncture the passengers rushed forward, somewhat excited, and attempted to interfere. The marines immediately showed their bayonets, and Mason consented to the decision of Lieut. Fairfax, asking that he might be permitted to make his protest in writing. Just at this time a fine specimen of an Englishman rushed on deck in military or naval uniform, (the officer in command of the mails, probably,) and demanded why passengers on board that ship were molested.--Lieut. Fairfax informed him that he had stated to Capt. Moir, of the packet, why he had arrested two of his passengers, and further than that he had no explanations to make Protests were then drawn up, and Mason and Slidell, with their Secretaries, Eustis and McFarland, went into the boats of the San Jacinto.
rnment of America. The mail steamer Trent, Captain Moir, was intercepted by the American steamer Saabout a hundred yards from the Trent's bow. Captain Moir immediately stopped the Trent, and the Amergent in charge of Her Majesty's mails, with Captain Moir, positively objected to their being taken, il they were taken by force, and turning to Captain Moir, Mr. Slidell said. "We claim the protectio He then stated that he had orders to take Captain Moir and his papers on board the San Jacinto, and that the Trent was to be moved nearer. Captain Moir replied, "You will find me on my quarter deckowever, went into one of the boats, and told Capt. Moir that he could proceed. The boat pulled for they stated that they were short of stores. Capt. Moir told the four gentlemen that at their requesame up on the quarter deck, and, asking for Captain Moir, demanded a list of passengers. As his "ricondly, that Captain Wilkes suntan order for Capt. Moir to go aboard his ship, and a second, for Cap[5 more...]
she shall make reasonable reparation, if not the alternative will not come in the desired form of protracted negotiation. No cavalry or horse artillery for Canada will be sent till spring. The London Herald takes strong ground against the News' argument in favor of arbitration and says that negotiations cannot be listened to while Messrs. Mason and Slidell are detained as prisoners. The Sheflield "Foreign Affairs Committee" had petitioned Government to visit its high displeasure on Captain Moir and Commander Williams for having, in the Trent affair, violated the Queen's proclamation, and thereby show to America that England's neutrality is strict and impartial. Prussia has rejected Deamark's proposition for a settlement of the Holstein question. Commercial Intelligence. Liverpool, Dec. 14. --Cotton closed flat, but prices unchanged. Sales 4,000 bales. Breadstuffs closed quiet but steady. Provisions closed firm. Consols closed at 90¼ a 90⅜.