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; price 21 Mess Pork--$45. Sugar scarce: common 15a16; prime 18a19.--A cargo is now being sent from this place to Richmond. White Wheat sells here at 60a$1--indicating a great variety of grades; red 60a80--Supply light. Turks Island Salt $1.50 per bushel; G. A. $6 per sack; Blown $7a$8. Flour — Family $6a7; Extra $6; Superfine $5a5.50. Corn meal 70a75 cts. per bushel, showing considerable difference in the price of this article and that of corn. Anderson's City Mills are now working to the extent of their capacity, and contributes greatly towards supplying the local demand for flour and corn meal. A fire broke out this morning in a store on Roanoke Square, formerly occupied by a butter dealer. No great damage was done. The engine companies soon extinguished the flames and prevented great destruction of property, as the wind was blowing a light gale at the time. An incendiary is supposed to have applied the torch. Professor George, a talented