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dye except at the mordanted parts. See calico-printing. De-cor′ti-cator. A process or a machine for removing the hull from grain. In the hominy-mill the fibrous envelope is taken from the corn, which may be left nearly intact otherwise, if desired. The process is sometimes performed by a preliminary steaming, followed by rubbing or rasping. Decorticating was practiced by the Romans, the whole grain being pounded in mortars with some abradant which rasped off the cuticle or bran. Mills for decorticating are known in England as barley-mills, that grain being principally used as human food in the condition known as pearl barley. The barley-mill has a roughened exterior, and revolves in a wooden casing. The middle portion of the latter is lined with sheetiron pierced like a grater with holes, the sharp edges of which turn upward. In Germany grain is decorticated between stones set at such a distance apart as to rasp the bran off the grain without mashing the latter. Cor
thickness upon fabric, by rolls of even motion; and the rubber fabric is then cut into pieces according to pattern, for boot or shoe soles, etc. In′dia-rub′ber spring. The first known use of india-rubber for springs is in Lacy's English patent of 1825. He employed blocks of rubber with interposed plates of iron. Melville, 1844, obtained a patent for hollow spheres of rubber, enclosing air and separated by disks of wood or metal, the whole enclosed in iron cases. In 1845, Walker and Mills patented rubber bags filled with air and enclosed in a case for use as springs. Fuller, 1845, cylindrical rings of rubber having perforated disks between them, and a guide-rod passing through the whole. These had a tendency to swell out at the center under pressure, breaking or injuring the material. To remedy this defect, Spencer, 1852, 1853, formed the rubber rings of the shape which they would assume under pressure, and surrounded them with an annulus of iron. These have been used as
forming paper-weights. It is a species of mosaic enveloped in a transparent bulb. Mill-fur′nace. (Metal.) A reheating furnace. A furnace where the puddled metal is reheated, preparatory to again passing through the rolls. Mill-gang. In warping; that part of the warp which is made by a descending and ascending course of the threads round the warping-mill. Mill-hop′per a-larm′. An attachment to grinding-mills to indicate that the grist has about run out of the hopper. Mills have been burnt by the heat and sparks generated by the stones when running empty, and several devices have been patented to turn off the power and stop the machinery when the grist is expended. Other patents have been granted for arrangements by which timely notice is given of the fact that the hopper is nearly empty. In the example, a plate hinged to the side of the hopper is held down by the grist until the latter is about expended. The plate then rises, and its attached cord allo
er in the way above described, and a continuous flow of water allowed to circulate through the hollow spaces within the beds; by this means the particles of paint may be ground to an extreme degree of fineness without material evolution of heat. Mills constructed on this principle may also be used for grinding other substances. Paint-mill. Pair-horse Har′ness. The general name given to double harness in England. Paix′han gun. A large chambered shell-gun, so called from Colonel an Atmospheric Railway as ordinarily understood. See air-engine; air-engine, compressed. See also pneumatic tube. Pneu-mat′ic spring. Air confined in bags and used as a spring in carriages is specified in the English patent of Walker and Mills, July 3, 1845. It has been used to receive the recoil of a gun in firing, to arrest the blow of a reciprocating bed in a printing-press, and in many other positions. Pneumatic car-spring. Fig. 3852 represents its adaptation to a car-spr<
vessels of the same material at his shops in Millwall. He was one of the very first to plan and construct buildings of iron. He was chosen to assist Stephenson in the construction of the great tubular iron bridge over the Menai Strait, for the Chester and Holyhead Railway. He was chiefly instrumental in the introduction into general use of wrought-iron plate girders in building operations, as well as in railway engineering. His principal works are on The history and manufacture of iron, Mills and mill-work, and Iron shipbuilding. He died August 18, 1874. Riveting-machine. Riveting-machine. The machine illustrated in Fig. 4349 is set in motion by a band on the pulley a; on the axis of the latter is a pinion gearing into a large spur-wheel b, on whose axis is a cam c operating the riveting-lever d, the face of the cam being steeled and the end of the lever having a roller to diminish the friction. The riveting-lever has a fulcrum in the frame, and acts by its face upon th
69. 91,101DucheminJune 8, 1869. 92,912VetlerJuly 20, 1869. 93,731MillsAug. 17, 1869. 94,389BrownAug. 31, 1869. (Reissue.)3,635DestorySept. 7, 1869. 95,571DestoryOct. 5, 1869. 95,944MillsNov. 16, 1869. 97,951MillsDec. 14, 1869. 111,197GoodyearJan. 24, 1871. 112,802GoodMillsDec. 14, 1869. 111,197GoodyearJan. 24, 1871. 112,802GoodyearMar. 21, 1871. 113,593SteinApr. 11, 1871. 116,947GoodyearJuly 11, 1871. 121,237DucheminNov. 28, 1871. 124,393SteinMar. 5, 1872. 127,423MillsJune 4, 1872. 131,084DestorySept. 3, 1872. 135,032DucheminJan. 21, 1873. 135,787DucheminFeb. 11, 1873. (Reissue.)6,081DunhamO127,662VroomanJuly 4, 1872. 129,059RosinskeyJuly 16, 1872. 131,291MillsSept. 10, 1872. 134,303MillsDec. 24, 1872. 135,047SheffieldJan. 21MillsDec. 24, 1872. 135,047SheffieldJan. 21, 1873. 138,764Ross et al.May 13, 1873. 140,586MillerJuly 8, 1873. 145,687RichardsonDec. 16, 1873. 153,428DucheminJuly 28, 1874. 155,932lum. 77,167CarterApr. 28, 1868. 11. Wheel driven by Shot. 110,667MillsJan. 3, 1871. sole. A cast-off works in connection with the needl
Wetherill, Nov. 13, 1855. 15,448.Wharton, July 29, 1856. 15,830.Wetherill, Sept. 30, 1856. 16,594.Kent, Feb. 10, 1857. 20,655.Monnier, June 22, 1858. 20,926.Wharton et al., July 13, 1858. 27,142.Millbank, Feb. 14, 1860. 32,320.Titterton, Patented in England. May 14, 1861. 33,911.Weissenborn, Dec. 10, 1861. 36,414.Lewis, Sept. 9, 1862. 37,150.Wharton, Dec. 16, 1862. 38,493.Lewis, May 12, 1863. 43,587.Jenkins et al., July 19, 1864. 67,839.Bartlett et al., Aug. 20, 1867. 69,573.Mills, Oct. 8, 1867. 72,032.Hall, Dec. 10, 1867. 73,146.Wetherill, Jan. 7, 1868. 73,147.Wetherill, Jan. 7, 1868. 83,643.Lees, Nov. 3, 1868. 95,484.Jones, Oct. 5, 1869. 108,965.Burrows, Nov. 8, 1870. 138,684.Osgood, May 6, 1873. 136,685.Osgood, May 6, 1873. 139,701.Bartlett, June 10, 1873. 142,571.Lang, Sept. 9, 1873. 145,976.Trotter, Dec. 30, 1873. See also white-lead. Zir-co′ni — a light. One in which a stick of oxide of zirconium is exposed to the flame of oxyhydrogen gas.