Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 25, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Miles or search for Miles in all documents.

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ession. House of Representatives.--Messrs. Ewing and Elliot, members elect from the State of Kentucky, appeared and qualified by taking the usual oath. Mr. Miles, of South Carolina, from the Military Committee, reported back without amendment, Senate bill to amend the act to aid any State in communicating with and perfectnsign in the armies of the Confederate States. Passed. Also, Senate bill to amend the several acts in regard to Chaplains. Amended verbally and passed. Mr. Miles also reported a bill to organize a Bureau of Conscription. Postponed, and made the special order after the tax bills are disposed of. Mr. Miles also reportMr. Miles also reported back the resolution of Mr. J. T. Leach, of N. C., calling for information relative to the number of troops furnished by each State, &c., and moved that it be laid upon the table; but withdrew the motion in favor of. Mr. Leach, who made a speech, in which he charged members of the House with impeaching the loyalty of North C