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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Organization of the two governments. (search)
Organization of the two governments. The United States Government. I. The Buchanan Administration. (1857-1861.) President: James Buchanan (Pa.) Vice-President: John C. Breckinridge * (Ky.) Department of State. Secretary of State: Lewis Cass (Mich.) Secretary of State: Jeremiah S. Black (Pa.), appointed Dec. 17, 1860. War Department Secretary of War: John B. Floyd * (Va.) Secretary of War: Joseph Holt (Ky.) (ad interim), Dec. 31, 1860; regularly appointed Jan. 18, 1861. Navy Department. Secretary of the Navy: Isaac Toucey (Conn.) Treasury Department. Secretary of the Treasury: Howell Cobb* (Georgia) Secretary of the Treasury: Philip F. Thomas (Md.), appointed Dec. 12, 1860 Secretary of the Treasury: John A. Dix (N. Y.), appointed Jan. 11, 1861. Justice Department. Attorney-General: Jeremiah S. Black Attorney-General: Edwin M. Stanton (Pa.), appointed Dec. 20, 1860. Department of the Interior. Secretary of the Interior: Jacob T<
95. Dixie. by T . M. Cooley. This song has taken so well, that arrangements have been made to send it to our regiments, that it may be the Michigan patriots song of the campaign.--Ann Arbor (Mich.) News, June 4. Away down South, where grows the cotton, ‘Seventy-six seems quite forgotten; Far away, far away, far away, Dixie land. And men with rebel shout and thunder, Tear our good old flag asunder, Far away, far away, far away, Dixie land. Then we're bound for the land of Dixie! Hurrah! hurrah! In Dixie land we'll take our stand, And plant our flag in Dixie! Away, away, away down South in Dixie! Away, away, away down South in Dixie! That flag — the foemen quailed before it, When our patriot fathers bore it, Far away, &c. And battle-fields are shrined in story, Where its folds were bathed in glory, Far away, &c. And now, when traitor hands assail it, Stanch defenders ne'er shall fail it;-- Far away, &c. Nor from its glorious constellation, Stars be plucked by pirate nation;--
. E; Sergeants Jas F. Copp, Jere S. Prescott, and privates Ira Bridgeford, Henry Fitch, Joseph Goyer, Co. F; musician Wm. Ferman, and privates John Herlick, David Kerr, Herman J. Rosenleaf, Wilfred H. Whitney, Rober Wilson, David E. Sprouse, C. F. Bainbridge, Co. G; privates Orton H. Barnes, James Snowball, Ole H. Johnson, F. W. Godard, Thos. N. Morley, Wm. J. Cooper, Co. H; musician A. W. Parker, and privates A. Bigley, Joseph Guthrie, Jos. J. Lloyd, Chas. Nelson, Henry Schecter, Co. I; privates Mich. Schabinger, Frank Diesel, John P. Adams, Fred. L. Phillips, John Reed, Co. K. Total, forty-five. Missing.--Major Duncan J. Hall; Capt. Thomas Whiting, Co. G; Corporal J. K. Lowrey, and privates Robt. Armstrong, Roger Duffy, Charles Lord, Gardner Fuller, Jasper Luper, Philip Mulinix, Frank Russell, Henry Sterling, Enoch D. T. Sharp, Co. A; Corporal Richard M. Vaughan and private John C. Mercer, Co. B; Corporal Mathew W. Clexton, musician Marcus H. Perry, and privates Jacob Becker, C
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Temperance reform. (search)
s first address in Exeter Hall, London......Aug. 2, 1853 World's temperance convention in Metropolitan Hall, N. Y......Sept. 6-10, 1853 Spirit rations in the navy of the United States abolished after......Sept. 1, 1862 National Temperance Society and publication house, with headquarters at New York, organized......1865 National Prohibition party organized at Chicago, Ill......Sept. 1-2, 1869 National Prohibition party nominates James Black (Pa.) for President and John Russell (Mich.) for Vice-President, who receive 5,608 popular votes......1872 Blue-ribbon movement begun by Francis Murphy, of Maine......1873 Woman's temperance crusade begins in Hillsboro, O.......December, 1873 National Woman's Christian Temperance Union organized......Nov. 18-20, 1874 Women's international temperance congress in Philadelphia, Pa.......June 12, 1876 International temperance congress in Philadelphia, Pa.......June 13-14, 1876 Department of scientific temperance in publi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), War of 1812, (search)
511 merchant-vessels—in all 686, manned by 18,000 seamen. Chronology. The following is a record of the chief battles and naval engagements between the United States forces and the combined British and Indian forces: Action at Brownstown, Mich.......Aug. 5, 1812 Action at Maguaga, 14 miles below Detroit......Aug. 9, 1812 Surrender of Fort Dearborn and massacre (Chicago)......Aug. 15, 1812 Surrender of Detroit by Gen. William Hull (Michigan))......Aug. 16, 1812 Frigate Constissel, having on board Theodosia, the wife of Governor Alston and only child of Aaron Burr, is never heard of afterwards.] Action at Frenchtown, now Monroe, Mich......Jan. 18, 1813 Defeat and capture of General Winchester at the river Raisin, Mich......Jan. 22, 1813 British fleet, Vice-Admiral Cockburn, attempts to blockade the Atlantic coast......January et seq. 1813 Sloop-of-war Hornet captures and sinks British sloop Peacock near the mouth of the Demerara River, South America.....
1stAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. M. L. StanselJune 27, 1863.  Col. Henry Talbird1862.  42dAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Jno. W. <*>ortisMay 16, 1862.  43dAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. T. M. MoodyNov. 4, 1862.Promoted Brigadier-General. Col. Arch. Gracie, Jr1862.Promoted Brigadier-General. 44thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Chas. A. DerbySept. 1, 1862.  Col. James Kent1862.  45thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. E. B. BreedloveMarch 25, 1863.  Col. W. S. Goodwin1862.  46thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Mich'l L. WoodsMay 20, 1862.  47thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. M. J. BulgerJuly 15, 1863.  Col. Oliver1862.  48thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Jas. L. SheffieldMay 23, 1863.  49thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. Jeptha EdwardsMay 8, 1862.  50thAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. J. C. Coltart   51stAlabamaRegimentPartisan RangersCol. Jno. T. MorganSept. 6, 1862.Promoted Brigadier-General. 52dAlabamaRegimentInfantryCol. S. D. Hale   53dAlabamaRegimentPartisan RangersCol. M. W. HannonNov. 5, 186
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Book III (continued) (search)
Yet the most fascinating subject of his clear and sparkling prose is his own egocentric personality, a characteristic of the poet Heine, whose influence upon Reitzel is obvious. Reitzel's self-portraiture is seen to best advantage in his Abenteuer eines Grunen, the story of his life, including his initial hardships in America, when the grinding wheel of fortune made a tramp of him. But even as an outcast he keenly felt the poetry of existence: Ich lobe mir das Leben, Juhei! als Vagabund, Mich drucken keine Sorgen; Frei bin ich alle Stund: Die Erde ist mein Lager, Der Himmel ist mein Dach, Und mit den Vog'lein werda ich Des morgens wieder wach. Rescued from despair by a German minister in Baltimore, he completed a course of study for the ministry already begun abroad, and he soon accepted a charge. But fortune again turned against him, when the congregation recognized in him a freethinker. Once more a wanderer, he lectured for some years and in many places, until he finally foun
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 55: Fessenden's death.—the public debt.—reduction of postage.— Mrs. Lincoln's pension.—end of reconstruction.—race discriminations in naturalization.—the Chinese.—the senator's record.—the Cuban Civil War.—annexation of San Domingo.—the treaties.—their use of the navy.—interview with the presedent.—opposition to the annexation; its defeat.—Mr. Fish.—removal of Motley.—lecture on Franco-Prussian War.—1869-1870. (search)
ner was silent, showing no disposition for controversy, and not doubting the result. The vote was taken on the second day of the debate, and resulted in a tie,— twenty-eight to twenty-eight, not the two-thirds required. The vote was reported as follows (Democrats in italics): For the treaty—Abbott (N. C.), Brownlow (Tenn.), Cameron (Penn.), Cattell (N. J.), Chandler (Mich.), Cole (Cal.), Conkling (N. Y.), Corbett (Oregon), Drake (Mo.), Fenton (N. Y.), Hamlin (Me.), Harlan (Iowa), Howard (Mich.), Howell (Iowa), McDonald (Ark.). Morton (Ind.), Nye (Nev.), Osborn (Fla.), Pratt (Ind.), Ramsey (.Minn.), Revels (Miss.), Rice (Ark.), Spencer (Ala.), Stewart (Nev.), Thiayer (Neb.), Warner (Ala.), Williams (Oregon), Wilson (Mass.). Against the treaty,—Boreman (W. Va.), Casserly) (Cal.), Cragin (N. H.), Davis (Ky.), Edmunds (Vt.), Ferry (Conn.), Fowler (Tenn.), Hamilton (Md.), Harris (La.), Johnston (Va.), McCreery (Ky.), Morrill (me.), Morrill (Vt), Patterson (N. H.), Pool (N. C.), Roberts<
U. S. Army, May, 1870. Retired, May 14, 1870, with rank of Mounted Captain. Loss of left foot from wound in line of duty (Acts, Aug. 3, 1861; July 28, 1866). Buttrick, Edward King. Born at Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 23, 1831. Captain, 31st Wis. Infantry, Dec. 23, 1862. Captain and Assistant Adj. General, U. S. Volunteers, Jan. 25, 1865. Brevet Major, Mar. 13, 1865. Assistant Adj. General, Temporary Division 14th. Mustered out of service, with the regiment, July 28, 1865. Mustering out Mich. troops at Detroit in Sept., 1865. Mustered out of service, Oct. 31, 1865. Byrnes, Richard. Private, Corporal, Sergeant and Sergeant Major, 1st U. S. Cavalry, May 21, 1856, to July 9, 1861. Second Lieutenant, 17th U. S. Infantry, May 14, 1861. Transferred to 5th Cavalry, Sept. 21, 1861. First Lieutenant, July 17, 1862. Colonel, 28th Mass. Infantry, Sept. 29, 1862. See Massachusetts Field Officers. Caldwell, George H. Born in New York. Appointed from Massachusetts. Captain,
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Legal justification of the South in secession. (search)
anted authority. It is indisputable that by far the greater part of the topics of legislation, the whole vast range of rights of person and property—where the administration of law and justice comes closest home to the daily life of the people—are exclusively or chiefly within the power of the States. The number of topics of legislation which lie outside the pale of national legislation greatly exceeds the number to which the power of State legislation does not extend. (Federalist, No. 14; Mich. Lect., 244; 1 Calhoun, 197, 204, 214-15.) If the Union be indissoluble, with equal or greater propriety we may affirm that the States are equal and indestructible. When the adoption of the Constitution was under discussion before the State conventions, with an uncertain result, its enemies were alarmed on account of the magnitude of powers conferred on the general government and its friends were fearful because of alleged feebleness in comparison with extent of reserved powers; but neith