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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Seacoast defences of South Carolina and Georgia. (search)
ina and Georgia than had been felt for several months. The information received from every quarter led to the belief that the Federal Government was making preparations for a powerful attack upon either Charleston or Savannah. In anticipation of this attack, every effort was made to strengthen these places. General Ripley, who commanded at Charleston, and General Lawton, the commander at Savannah, ably seconded General Lee in the execution of his plans, while Generals Evans, Drayton and Mercer assisted him at other points. The Ordnance Department, under the direction of its energetic chief, Colonel Gorgas, filled with wonderful promptitude the various demands made upon it. This greatly facilitated the completion of the defences. The Federal troops on Beaufort island were inactive during the months of December, January and February, and the fleet was in the offing, blockading Charleston and Savannah. About the first of March the Federal gunboats entered the Savannah river by w
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 29 (search)
y, on the Central Railroad, of 230 acres, for a substitute. There is something significant in this. It was so in France when Napoleon had greatly exhausted the male population. July 26 Letters were received to-day from Gens. Beauregard, Mercer, Whitney, and S. Jones. It appears that Beauregard has some 6000 men of all arms, and that the enemy's force is estimated to be, or to have been (before losing some 3000), about 10,000. It is true the enemy has the benefit of his floating batteries, but we have our stationary ones. I think Charleston safe. Gen. Mercer squeaks for the fate of Savannah, unless the government impresses slaves to work on the fortifications. All our generals squeak when an attack is apprehended, for the purpose of alarming the government, and procuring more men and material, so as to make success doubly sure. And Gen. Whiting is squeaking loudly for the impressment of a thousand slaves, to complete his preparations for defense; and if he does
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XL. July, 1864 (search)
dee's corps made a night march, and attacked the enemy's extreme left to-day. About 1 o'clock he drove him from his works, capturing artillery and colors. Gen. Cheatham attacked the enemy, capturing six pieces of artillery. During the engagement we captured about 2000 prisoners. Gen. Wheeler's cavalry routed the enemy in the neighborhood of Decatur, to-day, capturing his camp. Our loss is not yet fully ascertained. Major-Gen. Walker was killed. Brig.-Gens. Smith, Gist, and Mercer were wounded. Prisoners report that Gen. McPherson was killed. Our troops fought with great gallantry. J. B. Hood, General. It is certain that a considerable force of the enemy has crossed to the north side of James River; for what purpose is not yet clear. A detachment of our forces has been defeated near Winchester, by superior numbers, losing 4 guns. The Dispatch of this morning says: All accounts received of the engagement at Snicker's represent that the Ya
o signs himself Provisional Governor, addressed to Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Legislative Council. The so-called Provision Council has been organized as follows: President of Council, Willis B. Machen, of Lyon; State Treasurer, Judge T. L. Burnett, of Spencer; State Auditor, Capt. Richard Hawes, of Bourbon; Secretary of State, Robert McKee, of Louisville; Clerk of Council, A. Frank Brown, of Pulaski; State Printer, W. N. Haldeman, of Oldham; Sergeant-at-Arms, John E. Thompson, Jr., of Mercer.--N. Y. Times, Dec. 14. A skirmish occurred to-day on the banks of Green River, Ky. Company I of the Fifteenth Ohio was attacked by about one hundred and fifty rebel cavalry, who had dismounted from their horses and approached the patriots unobserved. The rebels fired one round without killing or wounding a man, and it was returned by the Ohio infantry with a couple of volleys, wounding several. The cavalry then retired, bearing their wounded with them.--Louisville Journal, Dec. 16.
July 5. C. M. Irvin, in behalf of the citizens of Lee County, Va., informed the rebel Secretary of War that Gen. Mercer, of the rebel army, had issued an order impressing twenty per cent of the male slaves throughout the State, and inquired if he was authorized so to do by the War Department. In reply to Mr. Irvin, the rebel Secretary of War informed him that Gen. Mercer had not communicated with his department in reference to impressment of slaves, nor had any authority to make such imGen. Mercer had not communicated with his department in reference to impressment of slaves, nor had any authority to make such impressment been granted. Gen. Thompson, of the rebel army, issued a proclamation to the inhabitants of Panola and De Soto Counties, Miss., calling upon them to do the watching and picketing duty which their knowledge of the country peculiarly fitted them for. --(Doc. 85.) The bombardment of Vicksburgh was reopened at about eight o'clock on the evening of this day. The Union fleet of gunboats and mortar-vessels threw shot and shell into the city for an hour. The Governors of Indian
bombardment, a one hundred pound rifled gun on board the Westfield, burst, wounding three men and Acting Master Warren. Governor Brown, of Georgia, issued an address to the planters of that State, calling upon them voluntarily to send to General Mercer one fifth of their negroes, in order to complete the for-tifications around Savannah. If they were not sent in, General Mercer was authorized to impress whatever number he required for that purpose.--(Doc. 22.) The rebel schooner AdventGeneral Mercer was authorized to impress whatever number he required for that purpose.--(Doc. 22.) The rebel schooner Adventurer, laden with salt, leather, etc., was captured by the United States steamer Kensington, in the vicinity of Mermanteau Pass, La.--Major-General Peck, from his headquarters at Suffolk, Va., issued a general order denouncing pillage, and calling upon his forces to cooperate with him in bringing the guilty to a speedy trial.--The Richmond Whig of this date opposes the rebel conscription law as unpopular, if not odious, among a large class of the people. A National force composed of the Firs
government transports, and regulating their transportation.--Governor Horatio Seymour, of New York, replied to the letter of President Lincoln, relative to the draft. This morning, the rebel steamer Robert Habersham, which had been occupied in watching the Union advance movement up the Savannah River, was entirely destroyed by an explosion of her boiler, while lying off Scrieven's Ferry. The entire crew were either killed or mortally injured. A special order was issued by Brigadier-General Mercer, in command at Savannah, Ga., impressing into the rebel service, one fifth of the able-bodied male slaves in Eastern, Southern, and South-western Georgia. for the purpose of erecting additional fortifications for the defence of Savannah. Transportation will be furnished them and wages paid at the rate of twenty-five dollars per month. The Government will be responsible for the value of such negroes as may be killed by the enemy or may in any manner fall into his hands. The g
Doc. 148.-employment of slaves. General Mercer's order. C. S. Engineer's office, Savannah, Ga., Aug. 1, 1863. the Brigadier-General Commanding desires to inform the slaveholders of Georgia that he has received authority from the Secretary of War to impress a number of negroes sufficient to construct such additional fortifications as are necessary for the defence of Savannah. He desires, if possible, to avoid the necessity of impressment, and therefore urges the owners of slave psportation will be furnished and wages paid at the rate of twenty-five dollars per month, the Government to be responsible for the value of such negroes as may be killed by the enemy, or may in any manner fall into his hands. By order of Brig.-Gen. Mercer, Commanding. John McCrady, Captain and Chief Engineer, State of Georgia General Grant's order. headquarters Department of the Tennessee, Vioksburgh, Miss., August 1, 1863. General orders No. 50.--1. All regularly organized bo
made a sally, and driven back our forces at Murfreesboroa. The following day General Forrest was instructed to leave the roads open to Lebanon, in the hope of enticing Rousseau out of his stronghold; preparations were at the same time made to capture his detachment of eight thousand, should he venture to reinforce Thomas at Nashville. He remained, however, behind his entrenchments. General Bates's Division was ordered to return to the Army; Forrest was instructed to direct Palmer's and Mercer's infantry brigades to thoroughly entrench on Stewart's creek, or at Lavergne, according as he might deem more judicious; to constitute, with these troops and his cavalry, a force in observation of the enemy at Murfreesboroa, and, lastly, to send a brigade of cavalry to picket the river at Lebanon. The Federals having been reported to be massing cavalry at Edgefield, Forrest was instructed to meet and drive them back, if they attempted to cross the Cumberland. The same day, the 10th of D
s the Atlantic coast. I had sent Major General Forrest, with the greatest part of his cavalry and Bates's Division of infantry to Murfreesboroa, to ascertain if it was possible to take the place. After a careful examination and reconnoissance in force, in which I am sorry to say the infantry behaved badly, it was determined that nothing could be accomplished by assault. Bates's Division was then withdrawn, leaving Forrest with Jackson's and Buford's Divisions of cavalry in observation. Mercer and Palmer's brigades of infantry were sent to replace Bates's Division. Shortly afterwards Buford's Division was withdrawn and ordered to the right of the Army on the Cumberland river. Nothing of importance occurred until the morning of the 15th of December, when the enemy, having received heavy reinforcements, attacked simultaneously both our flanks. On our right he was handsomely repulsed with heavy loss, but on our left, towards evening, he carried some partially completed redoubts