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Evans,) one on the Leesburg Turnpike, and one on Edwards's Ferry heavy firing was also heard in the direction of Dranesville. at 12 o'clock at night I ordered my entire Brigade to the burnt bridge on the Turnpike. The enemy had been reported as approaching from Dranesville in large force. Taking a strong position on the north side of Goose Creek, I awaited his approach. Reconnoitering the Turnpike on Sunday morning, the courier of Gen. McCall was captured, bearing dispatches to Gen Meade to examine the roads leading to Leesburg. From this prisoner I learned the position of the enemy near Dranesville. During Sunday the enemy kept up a deliberate fire, without any effect. early on Monday morning, the 21st instant, I heard the firing of my pickets at Big Spring. Who had discovered that, at an unguarded point, the enemy had effected a crossing, in force of five companies, and were advancing on Leesburg. Captain Duff, of the 17th regiment, immediately attacked him, dri
osition along the line of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, and there have been no movements that decidedly indicate a disposition or intention on the part of Gen. Meade to advance on the army of Gen. Lee, although a small body of infantry, estimated by some refugees at a corps, by others at only a division, crossed a day or twocoolness, vigilance, and general management since the appearance of the enemy in his front, have elicited general satisfaction. Diverse opinions prevail as to Meade's probable intentions, although no movement of his has yet been made which furnishes a key to his plans — if he has yet adopted any. Some are of opinion that he wiody fight at Cedar Mountain, already classic by the memorable rout, the beginning of the series of disasters to the splendidly equipped army of the infamous Pope. Meade, thus far, has made no encroachments on our position. His delay in following up what nobody but his own miserable people claim as a victory at Gettysburg, can be
Later from the North. retaliation on guerillas by Meade — Correspondence between Gov. Seymour, of New York, and Lincoln — Fatal insult of the Gen best expedition up James river, &c. The agent of the Press Association has furnished the following news summary, copied from the Baltimore American, of Tuesday, 11th inst: Gen. Meade has issued an order announcing severe measures of retaliation against the disloyal farmers residing on the line of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, between Alexandria and Warrenton, who aid Mosby in his guerilla raids. They are to be made responsible for all damages committed on the railroad by guerilla force of the road, and their houses to be taken for Government use. With the exception of the capture of a number of Mosby's guerillas, there is no active movement of Gen Meade's army to be reported. Gov. Seymour, of New York, has addressed a letter to the President relative to the draft, in which he complains of the injustice done
From Northern Virginia. From the two opposing armies of Gens Lee and Meade we have very little to report this morning. Beyond some slight skirmishing there has been no important demonstrations since the fight of Saturday last near Kelly's Ford. That a general engagement will take place in a few days there is but little doubt; but at what point it is impossible to state. Reports from passengers who arrived in this city yesterday and last night by the Fredericksburg and Central trains, state that the larger portion of the Yankee army had arrived at a place called Jomini, about eighteen miles from Fredericksburg, and that Meade is rapidly advancing up the Rappahannock towards Fredericksburg, where the decisive contest will probably take place. On Sunday last the Crenshaw battery from this city, were brought into a short engagement with a portion of the Yankee artillery, during which William R. Allegre, son of one of the proprietors of the Enquirer, was severely wounded in t
Later from Europe. The steamship Adriatic, with dates from Liverpool to the 27th ult.--three days later — has arrived at St. John's: Great-Britain. Gen. Lee's advance on Gen. Meade attracted much attention. The Daily News says that, while the Confederates are unable to dislodge Rosecrans, Lee's movements are so inconsistent with ordinary principles as to baffle all attempts at explanation. Gen Meade had nothing to gain by delivering battle in the centre of Virginia, and wiselGen Meade had nothing to gain by delivering battle in the centre of Virginia, and wisely declined to challenge his opponent until he reached his selected field, when, no doubt, he will be ready to receive him. The Times says the last blow has yet to be struck, and the Federals will have extraordinary good for tune if a third battle on the scene of two defeats reverses the associations connected with the ill ened field of Bull Run. The Times thinks Rosecrans will have to capitulate or retreat, and the former appears the most probable. Henry Ward Beecher was entertai
ss the river — our Army on the South side of the Rappahannock — occupation of Fredericksburg by our troops. This is the dashing heading given by the New York Herald to its account of the fight of Saturday on the Rappahannock. It appears that Meade's whole army commenced moving about daylight Saturday morning, the 1st, 2d, and 3d army corps, under Gen. French, moving to Kelly's Ford, and the 5th and 6th, under Gen. Sedgwick, marching to Rappahannock Station bridge. The 6th corps reached Ran a crowd — the largest lot ever captured by our forces on the Virginia side — and they were guarded by cavalry to prevent straggling and escape. French's prisoners were also gathered in one body and similarly guarded. The following are Meade's official dispatches: [first Dispatch.] Hdq'rs Army of the Potomac, Nov. 7, 9.30 P. M. Major General Sedgwick advanced to the railroad crossing, where he drove the enemy to the river, assaulted and captured two redoubts with artille
The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1863., [Electronic resource], The raid into Southwestern Virginia--depredations of the enemy. (search)
ned, but been ordered back to his command. Horace Maynard, the Yankee Attorney General of the State of Tennessee, declares in a published letter that the usual county elections are to be held in March next in that State. Gen. French, of Meade's army, is under arrest for Jetting Johnson's division whip him. He says he was ordered to find the enemy and fight him, and he did what he was ordered. The pickets of the Army of the Potomac still occupy a post south of Culpeper C. H. r quotas of volunteers by recruiting contrabands from Virginia and other border States, and arrangements in this end have in several cases, nearly reached completion. The Legislature of Kentucky has postponed the time for the election of United States Senator from that State to the 21st of January. Gen Meade demands a court of inquiry into the conduct of the recent advance across the Rapidan, and the sudden retreat across that river. Gold was quoted in New York Tuesday at 149½
ders, and the defeat of Fredericksburg is attributed to the failure or disobedience of Gen. Franklin in his flank attack. Gen. Hooker's unfortunate campaign is quickly placed outside of the responsibility of the General-in-Chief, from the fact that no reports were rendered to him by this officer. Gen. Dix is sharply rapped over the knuckles for his campaign against Richmond. In the battle of Gettysburg we discover, to our surprise, that an "error" of Gen. Sickles's nearly ruined us, and Gen Meade himself gets but faint praise for his victory; while the escape of Lee over the Potomac calls out some words which, though not directly asserting, imply the strongest censure of the inaction of that General. Gen. Pope is convicted of a gross blunder in his operations against the Indians. Gen Banks receives no praise, and it is intimated that Port Hudson could have been taken much earlier had we known its weakness. Gen. Grant's campaign alone, in the rear of Vicksburg, is spoken of w
oon, next day, (31st,) says: "Everything seems to have resumed its usual quiet. The rebels are believed to have dispersed. The 47th Indiana had left, etc." The Red river expedition had gone up as far as Natchitoches, sixty miles above Alexandria, and had captured four hundred prisoners, four cannon, etc. Deserters arriving at Knoxville report that all of Gen. Longstreet's baggage had been sent back to Richmond, and that his whole force was under marching orders. It is reported that a large force of rebels is concentrating at Pound Gap, under Buckner, for a raid into Kentucky. Gen. Grant and Gen Meade had been to Fortress Monroe to confer with Gen. Butler. Ten Brigadier Generals have been ordered to report to Gen. Sherman for duty. It is believed that Gen. Buell will supersede Gen. Schofield in command of the army of Ohio in East Tennessee. At 2 o'clock, on the 1st, sold in New York was 166¼. The closing quotation in Baltimore same day was 168.
esent there seems no immediate prospect of an advance of the enemy from the Tennessee river. The transfer of Grant to the North Virginia Department is in some respects an indication of a recently concocted programme for one more vigorous grasp after the Capital of the Confederacy. --It such be the case, the doom of the great Ulysses is near at hand, and his political and military death inevitable. He will surely go the way of all the famous leaders of that atmosphere, from McClellan to Meade, and bring his somewhat remarkable career of fortunate accident to a woefully disgraceful conclusion. Richmond cannot be taken. It the North has not been taught that lesson often enough, the book is still open, and the men and the Commander are there to converse them, with an other sound thrashing of the futility of that very absurd enterprise. On all sides we are better prepared for defence, and in a better condition for the aggressive, that at the beginning of any previous summer ca