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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alabama. (search)
v. 1890 to Nov. 1892 Thomas G. JonesNov. 1892 to Nov. 1894 William C. OatesNov. 1894 to Nov. 1896 Joseph F. JohnstonNov. 1896 to Nov. 1898 Joseph F. JohnstonNov. 1898 to Nov. 1900 W. J. SamfordNov. 1900 to Nov. 1902 United States senators from the State of Alabama. Names.No. of Congress.Date. William R. King16th to 28th1819 to 1844 John W. Walker16th to 17th1819 to 1822 William Kelley17th to 19th1823 to 1825 Henry Chambers19th1825 to 1826 Israel Pickens19th to 20th1826 John McKinley19th to 22d1826 to 1831 Gabriel Moore22d to 25th1831 to 1837 Clement C. Clay25th to 27th1837 to 1841 Arthur P. Bagby27th to 30th1841 to 1848 Dixon H. Lewis28th to 30th1844 to 1848 William R. King30th to 32d1848 to 1852 Benj. Fitzpartrick30th to 36th1848 to 1861 Jeremiah Clemens31st to 33d1849 to 1853 Clement C. Clay. Jr33d to 36th1853 to 1861 37th, 38th, and 39th Congresses vacant. George E. Spencer40th to 46th1868 to 1879 Williard Warner40th to 42d1868 to 1871 George Goldthw
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Alger, Russell Alexander, 1836- (search)
Alger, Russell Alexander, 1836- Secretary of War: born in Lafayette, O., Feb. 27, 1836; worked on a farm for years earning Russell A. Alger. money to defray the expenses of his education. He was admitted to the bar in 1859, but was forced by ill health to give up practice. When the Civil War broke out he entered the Union army as a captain, and rose to brevet brigadier-general of volunteers. After the war he entered the lumber business, in which he acquired a large fortune. He was governor of Michigan in 1885-87; was a candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination in 1888; was commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic in 1889-90; and became Secretary of War under President McKinley in 1897. During almost all of the American-Spanish War in 1898 he was subjected to much public censure on account of alleged shortcomings in the various bureaus of the War Department. He resigned his office in 1899, and wrote a history of the war with Spain.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Anti-Expansionists, (search)
Anti-Expansionists, An old phrase in American political history which was resurrected during the Presidential campaign of 1900, and applied to those who were opposed to the extension of American territory which had been brought about during the first administration of President McKinley, principally as a result of the war with Spain in 1898. The administration was charged not only by its Democratic opponents, but by many able men in the Republican party, with expansionist or imperialist tendencies considered foreign to the national policy of the country. While those who opposed the territorial expansion which had been accomplished, anti also was pending, in the matter of the future of the Philippine Islands, were not sufficiently strong to organize an independent political party, the large number of them within and without the Republican party created a sharp complication in the Presidential campaign. The position of the two great parties on this issue is shown in the followin
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arbitration, international Court of, (search)
c sitting in the presence of the agents or counsel of the contending parties, who shall finally decide the matter at issue and close the arbitration proceedings. The concluding clauses relate to the revision of proceedings in the case of the discovery of a new fact, and provide that each power shall bear its own expenses and agreed share of the cost of the tribunal without reference to the penalties imposed. The Senate of the United States having ratified the arbitration treaty. President McKinley appointed the American members of the court in 1900 (see below). On Feb. 1, 1901, fifteen nations, embracing all the maritime powers, had appointed their members. The official roster then was as follows: Austria-Hungary. His Excellency Count Frederic Schonborn, Ll.D., president of the Imperial Royal Court of Administrative Justice, former Austrian Minister of Justice, member of the House of Lords of the Austrian Parliament, etc. His Excellency Mr. D. de Szilagyi, ex-Mini
Neb. Commander, Brig.-Gen. Fitzhugh Lee. Department of Texas.--State of Texas; headquarters, San Antonio. Tex. Commander, Col. Chambers McKibbin, 12th Infantry. An act of Congress of June 6, 1900, re-organized the regular army and re-established the grade of lieutenant-general by the following provision: That the senior major-general of the line commanding the army shall have the rank, pay, and allowances of a lieutenant-general. In his annual message to Congress, Dec. 3, 1900, President McKinley urged a provision for increasing the army in order to maintain its strength after June 30, 1901, when it would be reduced according to the act of March 4, 1899. He detailed the employment of the various branches of the army, and asked for authority to increase the total force to 100,000 men, as was provided in the temporary act of 1899. A bill to carry out the President's recommendation was introduced in Congress; was adopted by the Senate, where it originated, Jan. 18, 1901; and the
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Barton, Clara, 1830- (search)
to aid the sufferers by the Mississippi and Ohio floods. In 1883 she was made the superintendent, steward, and treasurer of the Reformatory Prison for Women, at Sherborn. Mass., and in the same year was special commissioner of foreign exhibits at the New Orleans Exposition. In 1884 she was a delegate of the United States to the Red Cross Conference, and also to the International Peace Conference, both held in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1889 she directed the movements for the relief of the sufferers by the flood at Johnstown, Pa.. and in 1896 went to Armenia and personally managed the relief measures. Prior to the war with Spain she carried supplies to the reconcentrados of Cuba. at the request of President McKinley, and was also active during the war in army relief work. In 1900, after the Galveston disaster, she directed the movement for the relief of the sufferers, till her health failed. She is author of History of the Red cross; and History of the Red cross in, peace and War.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Beaver, James Addams, 1837- (search)
Beaver, James Addams, 1837- Military officer; born in Millerstown, Pa., Oct. 21, 1837; was graduated at Jefferson College in 1856; entered the army in 1831; was shot through the body at Chancellorsville, in the side at Petersburg, and lost a leg at Ream's Station; brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers; was elected governor of Pennsylvania as a Republican in 1887; and was a member of President McKinley's commission to investigate the conduct of the War Department during the American-Spanish War.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bell, James Franklin, 1857- (search)
1899, when operations were begun against the Filipino insurgents, he attached himself to the staff of General MacArthur, and rendered important service in scouting. On Sept. 9, for most distinguished gallantry in action near Porac. Luzon, President McKinley directed that a congressional medal of honor should be presented to him. On Nov. 12, Colonel Bell took possession of Tarlac, where Aguinaldo had established his headquarters. The following month he was promoted to brigadier-general of volunteers. On the reorganization of the regular army in February, 1901, President McKinley appointed Colonel Bell one of the new brigadier-generals--an act that caused considerable surprise, as this officer was only a captain in the regular army, and was advanced over the heads of more than 1,000 officers who, according to the rules of seniority, would have been entitled to precede him in promotion. General Bell is widely known in the army as a dashing cavalry officer, and when General Otis reco
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bering sea. (search)
t after another year of seal slaughter, agreed to submit the claim to arbitration In July, 1896, Judge G. E. King, of Canada, and Judge W. E. Putnam, of the United States, were chosen commissioners to settle the matter. On Jan. 14, 1898. President McKinley submitted to Congress the report and awards of the commission, the last aggregating $473,151 in favor of Great Britain, and on June 14 Congress appropriated that amount. In the mean time (June, 189)6) President Cleveland appointed a commission to make an exhaustive study of the fur-seal question, and on its report (1897) president McKinley appointed a new commission to devise protection for the seals. Then efforts were made to induce Great Britain to consent to an international conference, but Canada objected to the representation of Russia and Japan, whom the United States had invited, and on this objection Great Britain declined. Subsequently the United States invited all interested nations to a conference separately. See A
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Delaware, (search)
nnsylvania until 1776, when the inhabitants declared it an independent State. A constitution was adopted by a convention of the people of the three counties—New Castle, Kent, and Sussex —Sept. 20, 1776. A State government was organized, and John McKinley was elected its first governor. In 1792 a second constitution was framed and adopted. Although Delaware was a slave State, it refused to secede at the outbreak of the Civil War; and, though it assumed a sort of neutrality, it furnished seve Dutch. Peter Stuyvesant 1655 to 1664 governors of Delaware: English colonial. From 1664 up to 1682, under the government of New York; and from 1683 up to 1773, under the proprietary government of Pennsylvania. State. Name.Date. John McKinley1776 to 1777 Caesar Rodney1778 to 1781 John Dickinson1782to 1783 John Cook1783 Nicholas Van Dyke1784 to 1786 Thomas Collins1786 to 1789 Joshua Clayton1789 to 1796 Gunning Bedford1796 to 1797 Daniel Rodgers1797 to 1798 Richard Bassett1