Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I.. You can also browse the collection for McGowan or search for McGowan in all documents.

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XXII. Secession. Legislature called Gov. Gist's Message Senator Chesnut's speech Boyce Moses Trenholm McGowan Mullins Ruffin Judge Magrath resigns military Convention in Georgia votes to secede facilities to Disunion Houston Letcher Magofiln Conway C. F. Jackson Alex. H. Stephens S. C. Convention Ore Southern States in withdrawing from the present Union, and forming a separate Southern Confederacy. These resolves coming up for consideration on the 9th, Mr. McGowan, of Abbeville, made a zealous effort to stem the furious current; pleading earnestly and plausibly for Cooperation — that is, for consultation with other Slave as to the breeze, Set every threadbare sail, And give her to the God of storms, The lightning and the gale. Mr. Mullins, of Marion, followed; and his reply to McGowan's speech is worthy of record here, since it clearly betrays the consciousness of the disunionists that they were a lean minority of the Southern people, who might
Hutchinsons, etc., 629-630. McClellan, U. S. cutter, betrayed to Rebels, 413. McClelland, Robert, of Mich., 189. McClurken, Major, wounded at Belmont, 697. McClernand, John A., of Ills., 189; 195; 306; 562-3; 597. McCrillis, Mr., of Me., delegate to Chicago, 321. McCurdy, Edward, speech at Charleston, 408. McCulloch, Gen. Ben., 413; 575; defeated at Dug Springs, Mo., 577; commands at Wilson's Creek, 578; 581; his proclamation, 582; is joined by Price at Neosho, 589. McGowan, Mr., of S. C., in Convention, 334-5. McDowell, Gen., 533; his General Order No. 4, 534-5; moves on Centerville, 539; his plan of battle, 540; report of our losses, 545; 550-1; 552; report with regard to the three months men, 553; 618. McDougall, Mr., of Cal., 571. MacFARLANDarland, with Mason and Slidell, 606. McIntosh, Francis J., burnt by a mob, 134. McLean, Judge, decision in Margaret Garner's case, 219; opinion in the Dred Scott case, 260. Mecklenburg Declaration, the