Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 3, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for McCulloch or search for McCulloch in all documents.

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Missouri We have again some glorious intelligence from Missouri. We hope it is true. If the intrepid McCulloch has gotten a start he will now be apt to sweep the Western part of the State, while General Polk advances upon Cairo and St. Louis. We look for a brilliant campaign in Missouri. A Convention is assembled in Jands of the Federalists as it is, they would more than probably be arrested and put in prison for treason. The loyal and free citizens of the State, acting with McCulloch and Polk, will pretty surely put a veto upon the measures of the Convention. We shall not be surprised to learn, in a few days, that the Submissionists have fleate, acting with McCulloch and Polk, will pretty surely put a veto upon the measures of the Convention. We shall not be surprised to learn, in a few days, that the Submissionists have fled from Jefferson City. McCulloch is more than a match for Fremont, and he and General Polk will soon put a new face upon our cause in Missouri.
Reported battle in Missouri.the Hessians again Routed. Nashville, Tenn., August 2. --A messenger has just arrived here, with intelligence that Gen. McCulloch, with 12,000 men, attacked the Federal forces of 18,000, at Springfield, Missouri, on Friday, the 26th of July. The Federalists lost about six hundred killed, and about the same number were taken prisoners, The loss of the Southerners was small. The victory was complete.