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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
ine of the railway toward Bowling Green, about forty thousand men, under General Alexander McD. McCook. As this strong body advanced, the vanguard of the Confederates, under General Hindman (late memgreater portion of Colonel August Willich's German regiment (the Thirty-second Indiana), forming McCook's vanguard, were thrown across the river, where they were attacked, Dec. 17. at Rowlett Station army was divided into four grand divisions, commanded respectively by Brigadier. Generals Alexander McDowell McCook, Ormsby M. Mitchel, George H. Thomas, and Thomas L. Crittenden, acting as major-gee divisions occupied a line across the State, nearly parallel to that held by the Confederates. McCook's, as we have observed, was in the vicinity of Mumfordsville. Brigadier-General William Nelson ut ten miles farther east, with a considerable force, and Mitchel's was held as a reserve to aid McCook in his contemplated attack on Hindman, at Cave City. General Thomas was at Columbia, midway betw
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 10: General Mitchel's invasion of Alabama.--the battles of Shiloh. (search)
enerals William Nelson, Thomas T. Crittenden, and Alexander McDowell McCook. Nelson's division was composed of three brigadeenden-hall's regular and Bartlett's Ohio batteries. General McCook's division was composed of three brigades: the first, service, and Bartlett's Ohio Battery, were on the field. McCook, who had been moving all night, so. as to be a participant his center. A contest was maintained for some time, when McCook's division arrived on the ground, accompanied by General Buell, who assumed the direction of affairs. McCook's forces were formed on Crittenden's right, and some straggling troops that were on the field the day before were placed on McCook's right, making Buell's entire line about a mile in length, extenrell, with a loss of several of their cannon. Meanwhile McCook's division had been fighting the Confederate center, pushiugust Willich, with his splendid Thirty-second Indiana, of McCook's division, dashed against the Confederates, and drove the
kiss, with one section, being engaged with General McCook, on the left,) I formed on the right of thed with his brigade to the left, and, under Gen. McCook's direction, formed upon his left, and therwas placed in position, under the orders of Gen. McCook, and for nearly three hours, almost unsuppouantity for my command. This movement brought McCook's brigade of Sheridan's division to within twovements the arrival of the First corps--Major-General McCook's — was announced on my left, and the s used the point to its utmost advantage. Col. McCook, of the Fifty-second Ohio volunteers, was a, we came upon an open knob, where we found Gen. McCook and all his staff watching some beautiful aith me a little to the rear, where we found Gen. McCook. He rode with us up to Colonel Webster's cofficers left me and I believe reported to General McCook. On the decease of our General, Captain Btry, was detailed before the engagement on General McCook's staff; and of him and of the other staff[6 more...]
tone River indicated that it would soon be unfordable. Late on Friday night I had received the captured papers of Major-General McCook, commanding one corps d'armee of the enemy, showing their effective strength to have been very nearly if not quite his journey to Bridgeport and Chattanooga. As addendum I must mention an incident of Wednesday's battle. Gen. Alexander McDowell McCook's headquarters were at the chateau of a gentleman resident in the rear of their lines. He commanded the enem turning to the gentleman in whose house he was, hurriedly asked: Who is opposing me to-day? Major-General Cheatham. General McCook, turning ashy pale and trembling from some nameless emotion, rejoined: Is it possible that I have to meet Cheatham agh he was engaged at the battle's alarum. That day General Wharton came along with his cavalry, and took charge of all Gen. McCook's baggage, and I really haven't heard whether he is done shaving yet. He had met Cheatham at Perryville, and it is pos
ding the street in front of the hotel, several horses are tied to the hotel posts, and the officers evidently have gone into the hotel headquarters. General Alexander McDowell McCook, commanding the old Twentieth Army Corps, took possession of the hotel as temporary headquarters on the movement of the Army of the Cumberland from Tullahoma. On August 29, 1863, between Stevenson and Caperton's Ferry, on the Tennessee River, McCook gathered his boats and pontoons, hidden under the dense foliage of overhanging trees, and when ready for his crossing suddenly launched them into and across the river. Thence the troops marched over Sand Mountain and at length into Lookout Valley. During the movements the army was in extreme peril, for McCook was at one time three days march from Thomas, so that Bragg might have annihilated the divisions in detail. Finally the scattered corps were concentrated along Chickamauga Creek, where the bloody struggle of September 19th and 20th was so bravely f
being retired in 1876, as brigadier-general. He died in Washington, December 1, 1887. Twentieth Army Corps The right wing of the Army of the Cumberland was made the Twentieth Army Corps on January 9, 1863, under Brigadier-General A. McD. McCook, who held it until October 9, 1863, when it was merged in the Fourth Corps, which had been created on September 28th. It was prominent in the engagement at Liberty Gap, Tennessee, June 25th, during the advance of the army to Tullahoma, and eight of its brigades were in the battle of Chickamauga. Major-General Alexander McDowell McCook (U. S.M. A. 1863) was born in Columbiana County, Ohio, April 22, 1831, and was the son of Major Daniel McCook, whose eight other sons also served in the Civil War. He did garrison duty in the West and was an instructor at West Point. He was colonel of the First Ohio at Bull Run, and then, as brigadier-general of volunteers, went to the department of the Ohio, where he had a command, and, later, a
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), McCook, Alexander McDowell 1831- (search)
McCook, Alexander McDowell 1831- Military officer; born in Columbiana county, O., April 22, 1831; a son of Maj. Daniel McCook (q. v.); graduated at West Point in 1852; served against the Indians in New Mexico in 1857; was assistant instructor of tactics at West Point in 1858-61; and was colonel of the 1st Ohio Regiment at the battle of Bull Run. In September, 1861, he was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers, and in July, 1862, having distinguished himself at Shiloh and Corinth, heimself at Shiloh and Corinth, he was promoted majorgeneral. He fought in the battle of Perryville in command of the 1st Corps of the Army of the Ohio, and commanded the right wing in the battle at Stone River (q. v.). He was afterwards in command of the 20th Army Corps, and fought in the Alexander McDowell McCook. battle of Chickamauga (q. v.). In 1880 he was promoted to colonel of the 6th Infantry; in 1890 to brigadier-general; and in 1894 to major-general; and was retired April 22, 1895.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Stanton, Edwin McMasters 1814- (search)
ettes manufactured at West Point. He regarded Stanton as a clerk to the President, and the President as an impertinent interference in the management of the great war, which interference he regretted that the Constitution prevented removing. I have said he had brilliant qualities as a general in command. He could plan a campaign and fight a battle equal to any officer in the United States. But in the selection of his subordinates he could not distinguish George H. Thomas from Alexander McDowell McCook, and in receiving instructions or advice from his superiors he could not see that they were apt to be wiser than he, from their having escaped what he was pleased to call a military education. In the personal intercourse first had between the Secretary and the soldier occurred a mutual misunderstanding of each other that continued to the end. Nature has given to all its creatures an instinctive knowledge of their enemies. This enmity really had its origin in ignorance, but it is
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Stoneman, George 1822-1894 (search)
he command of the cavalry in the Department of the Ohio. In July, 1864, General Sherman ordered General Stoneman, at Atlanta, to take his own and Garrard's cavalry, about 5,000 in all, and move by the left, around Atlanta, to Macdonough, while McCook was to move by the right to Fayetteville, and, sweeping round, join the latter at Lovejoy's Station, on the Macon Railway. He moved on the night of July 28. Stoneman, ambitious, tried to do too much, and failed in nearly all his undertakings on that raid. He obtained consent to go farther than Lovejoy's, after reaching that station, and attempt the capture of Macon, and, pushing on, release the captives at Andersonville. He omitted to cooperate with McCook in his movement upon the railway at Lovejoy's, and with his own command, separated from Garrard's, about 3,000 in number, pressed on to Macon. There he was met by Confederate cavalry, under General Iverson, and was compelled to turn hastily back, closely pressed by the Confederat
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Vienna, skirmish near (search)
Vienna, skirmish near At the mid dle of June, 1861, the Confederates were hovering along the line of the railway between Alexandria and Leesburg, Va., and on the 16th they fired upon a railway train at the little village of Vienna, 15 miles from Alexandria. Ohio troops under Gen. Alexander McD. McCook were ordered to picket and guard this road. They left their encampment near Alexandria on June 17, accompanied by Brig.-Gen. Robert C. Schenck, and proceeded cautiously in cars towards Vienna. Detachments were left at different points, and when they approached that village only four companies (less than 300 men) were on the train. A detachment of 600 South Carolinians, a company of artillery, and two companies of cavalry, sent out by Beauregard, were waiting in ambush. These had just torn up the track and destroyed a water-tank, when they heard the whistling of the coming train. In a deep cut at a curve of the railway they planted two cannon so as to sweep the road, and mask