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s's independent cavalry companies a-a vanguard, Zollicoffer's brigade ; thus Walthall's Fifteenth Mississippi Regiment in advance, followed by Rutledge's battery, and Cummings's Nineteenth, Battle's Twentieth, and Stanton's Twenty-fifth Tennessee Regiments. Then came Carroll's brigade, as follows: Newman's Seventeenth, Murray's Twenty-eighth, and Powell's Twenty-ninth Tennessee Regiments, with two guns under Captain McClung, and Wood's Sixteenth Alabama Regiment in reserve. Branner's and McClelland's battalions of cavalry were placed on the flanks and rear. A cold rain continued to fall upon the thinly-clad Confederates, chilling them to the marrow, but they toiled painfully along. The road was rough, and very heavy with the long rain following severe freezes. Unencumbered with artillery, the infantry would have made poor progress in the darkness, rain, and mud, but, as the guns from the first began to mire down, the foot-soldiers were called on to help them along. Hence it w
ss on taking his seat. Hie reviewed the ordinance of secession passed by the Richmond convention, and exhorted the delegates to firm, decided, and thorough action. The delegates were then sworn in. The programme of the convention seems to be the formation of a provisional government for the whole State; the deposition of the present State authorities, and the entire reorganization of the municipal Government. Mr. Carlile offered a resolution, which was unanimously adopted, thanking Gen. McClelland for sending troops to Western Virginia; commending the gallant troops at Philippa, and complimenting the bravery of Col. Kelly of the First Virginia Regiment.--N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, June 12. The Louisville Journal of to-day contains the following: A facetious account has been given of Gov. Rector's response to President Lincoln's demand for troops, ( Nary one--see you d — d first. ) We find the genuine despatch embodied in his message to the Legislature, as follows:
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Incidents of the occupation of New Orleans. (search)
ir letters to [the] Flag-Officer, and nothing more; only wanting me to explain the last clause of Flag-Officer's last letter to them. I replied that I could say nothing that could add to or take away from the clause in question — that the language was very clear. It was suggested that the populace in front of the hall was violent, and that they would furnish me a guard for escort to boat, which I respectfully declined as unnecessary. They then ordered a hack, and, accompanied by Chief of Police McClelland, and Mayor's Clerk, and Master Tyson, U. S. N., passing out through a private way, drove to the landing without meeting mob. Mr. Soule was present and seated on the right hand of Mayor — the only man seated in the chamber. Their countenances expressed consternation. They repeated that the man lived not in the city who dared to haul down the flag from over the City Hall. The people-boys generally — were perfectly quiet until near the City Hall, when they began to give vent to the<
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Farragut's demands for the surrender of New Orleans. (search)
house that evening, and he requested me to go off to the Hartford as early as possible the next morning, and explain to Flag-Officer Farragut that the council would meet at 10 that morning, and that a written answer to his demands would be returned as soon as possible after that hour. Mr. Monroe took this step entirely upon his own responsibility, fearing probably that the delay in the official reply might in some way be construed to our disadvantage. About 6 o'clock the next morning, Mr. McClelland, chief of police, and myself took a boat at the foot of Lafayette street, and hoisting a handkerchief upon a walking-stick by way of a flag of truce, were pulled out to the flag-ship. Having made myself known as the bearer of a message from the mayor of the city to Captain Farragut, we were invited on board, and shown to the flag-officer's cabin, where we found assembled the three commanders, Farragut, Bailey, and Bell. Captain Farragut, who had known me from my boyhood, received me
ld thus be added to the already spacious dominions of the Slave Power. There was a hasty consultation, in default of time or opportunity for one more deliberate, among those Democratic members from Free States who felt that the extreme limit of justifiable or tolerable concession to Slavery had already been reached; wherein Messrs. Hamlin, of Maine, George Rathbun, Martin Grover and Preston King, of New York, David Wilmot, of Pennsylvania, Jacob Brinckerhoff and James J. Faran, of Ohio, McClelland, of Michigan, and others, took part; as the result of which, Mr. Wilmot moved to add to the first section of the bill the following: Provided, That, as an express and fundamental condition to the acquisition of any territory from the Republic of Mexico by the United States, by virtue of any treaty that may be negotiated between them, and to the use by the Executive of the moneys herein appropriated, neither Slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territor
folk Navy Yard, 473-5. McCall, Gen., 620; 62-1; 625-6. McCalmont, Col. J. S., (Union,) 626. McClarty, Mr., of Ky., 492. McClellan, Gen. Geo. B., 496; his Address to the West Virginians, 520; 521; 522; Laurel Hill, Cheat Mountain, 523; 524; 528; 593; 615; takes command at Washington, etc., 619; extract from his report, etc., 620-21; 624; 626-7; All quiet on the Potomac, 628; his interdict of the Hutchinsons, etc., 629-630. McClellan, U. S. cutter, betrayed to Rebels, 413. McClelland, Robert, of Mich., 189. McClurken, Major, wounded at Belmont, 697. McClernand, John A., of Ills., 189; 195; 306; 562-3; 597. McCrillis, Mr., of Me., delegate to Chicago, 321. McCurdy, Edward, speech at Charleston, 408. McCulloch, Gen. Ben., 413; 575; defeated at Dug Springs, Mo., 577; commands at Wilson's Creek, 578; 581; his proclamation, 582; is joined by Price at Neosho, 589. McGowan, Mr., of S. C., in Convention, 334-5. McDowell, Gen., 533; his General Order No. 4,
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Contents of Thie first volume. (search)
Hicks' Address,17 17.Gov. Ellis to Secretary Holt, and Reply,18 18.Major Anderson to Gov. Pickens, and Reply,19 19.Alabama Ordinance of Secession,19 20.N. Y. State Resolutions,21 21.Capt. McGowan's Report of Star of the West,21 22.Georgia Ordinance of Secession,21 23.Jefferson Davis's Speech on leaving the Senate,22 24.Sherrard Clemens' Speech,22 25.London Times on Disunion Movement,25 26.Toombs to Mayor Wood, and Reply,26 27.Louisiana Secession Ordinance,26 28.The U. S. Cutter McClelland,27 29.The U. S. Mint at New Orleans,27 30.Texas Ordinance of Secession,27 31.Secretary Dix's Report,28 32.Montgomery Convention, Delegates to,29 33.Constitution of Confederate States,29 34.Southern Opinions,30 35.Memminger's Speech to the Convention,30 36.Counting the Vote for President of U. S.,31 37.Jefferson Davis's Inaugural Speech,31 38.President Lincoln's Journey, &c.,32 39.Twiggs's Treason — Property stolen,35 40.Peace Convention at Washington,35 41.Corwin's Amendment t
; exploits of the members of, P. 80; anecdotes of the, P. 55; list of officers, Doc. 81; letter and resolutions of the 8th Regiment of, in reference to the 7th Regiment N. Y. S. M., Doc. 318 Maury, M. F., his treachery, P. 40 May, R. L., Lieut, U. S. N., Doc. 236 Mcclellan, George B., appointed major-general, D. 65, 72; in Western Virginia, D. 81; proclamation to the people of Western Virginia, May 26, Doc. 293; address to the army, Doc. 293; vote of thanks to, D. 101 McClelland, cutter, papers relating to the scizure of, Doc. 27, 28 Mcclintock, John, Dr., at London, D. 7<*>; Doc. 269; speech in Paris, D. 85 Mcconihe, Isaac, D. 27 McCook, A. D., Colonel First Regiment, Ohio troops, D. 77; Doc. 271 McCook, —, Dr., D. 25 McCook, —, Midshipman, D. 73 Mccullough, Ben, notices of, D. 22, 74; a favorite of Buchanan, P. 24 Mccurdy, R. H., D. 32; Doc. 82 Mcdougall, —, Senator, D. 66 Mcdowell, Irwin, Gen., in command in Virginia,<
A little before sunset, these regiments were advanced to the front of the battery, and engaged the enemy till dark, when they fell back to their former position. The Eighty-first Indiana, Major Woodbury, and the Twenty-fifth Illinois, Lieut.-Col. McClelland, were thrown out as pickets upon the left and front. At daylight on the morning of the eighth, I sent forward a section of Capt. Hotchkiss's Second Minnesota battery, to relieve the section of Capt. Pinney's battery, which, under Lieutll, Eighty-first Indiana volunteers, commanding, was formed in the rear of the Thirty-first brigade. Col. Caldwell's brigade comprised the following regiments and battery: Twenty-fifth and Thirty-fifth Illinois volunteers, commanded by Lieutenant-Cols. McClelland and Chandler; the Eighth Kansas, Lieut.-Col. Martin; the Eighty-first Indiana, commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Timberlake; Capt. Carpenter's Eighth Wisconsin battery. Almost immediately upon the formation of my lines, as mentioned, the
ber 9, 1862. Lieutenant T. W. Morrison, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Ninth Division. I have the honor to report that in obedience to order from headquarters Ninth division, I ordered the Twenty-Fifth regiment Illinois volunteers, Lieut.-Col. McClelland, and the Eighth Kansas battalion, Capt. Block, to proceed on a reconnoisance to the front, in the division of Franklin, at two o'clock P. M. to-day. The command left promptly at the hour, and I rode with it as far as the outside pickets,nd in compliance I immediately ordered the Eighty-first Indiana volunteers, Major Woodbury, and two pieces of Capt. Carpenter's Eighth Wisconsin battery, to join the reconnoissance, and then went forward to join the force in advance. Lieut.-Colonel McClelland had already deployed four companies of the Twenty-Fifth and Eighth as skirmishers in advance, on each side of the road, and these had engaged in a brisk running fight with the enemy, who were also thrown out as skirmishers. The rebels