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Ran away --From the subscriber, Wednesday evening, the 6th inst, my servant girl Maria. She is about 18 or 20 years of age, tolerably bright mulatto, low, thick built, good set of teeth, and quite sprightly; well dressed, and carried with her several good calico dresses; says she had acquaintances on Grace and Franklin sts above 1st and 2d sts. She no doubt will endeavor to get days' work or jobs, as she has been accustomed to such work. A liberal reward will be paid for the apprehension or delivery of said girl to me, on Belvidere streets, just at the back gate of the penitentiary. G W Yager. jy 8--6t*
Police Arrests. --Officers Bibb and Granger arrested yesterday afternoon a free negress named Fanny Lowis, charged with harboring Peter, slave of Neil McCurdy. Maria, slave of John Clark, charged with stealing a lot of meat, soap and wood from W. R. Davidson, was also arrested and committed to the cage.
rance before the Grand Jury of the Hustings Court. Barry Loving and Clement J. Wheeler were fined $5 for fighting in the Second Market yesterday morning. David Nicholas and Jim, slave boys were ordered to be whipped on the charge of stealing $300 from Major Claiborne. Fanny Lewis, free negro, and George, slave of James New, charged with harboring Peter, slave of Neil McCurdy, had a partial bearing, and were afterwards committed to jail for a further one on Wednesday next. Maria, a slave, charged with stealing an undershirt and some bacon and soap from W. B. Davidson, was ordered to be whipped. Forty-two negroes, arrested on Thursday night while participating in the festivities of a wedding party at the house of Mr. Pendleton, on 5th and Jackson streets, were each ordered ten lashes. Much of the time of his His Honor was consumed in listening to the appeals of the owners of some of these servants to let them off, some alleging, one thing and some another as a
s in the market by the exhibition of a game at which there was no possibility of winning, were committed for want of security in the sum of $500 to be of good behavior; Willis, slave of Turpin & Yarborough, arrested with corn in his possession supposed to have been stolen, was ordered thirty-nine lashes; Sam, slave of city of Richmond, charged with breaking into the store-room of Samuel M. Price and stealing groceries, shoes, &c.--suspicion light, punishment thirty-nine stripes; William Sullivan and Thomas Dolan, boys, attempting to enter Conrad Sauer's cellar with false discharged with an admonition; Ben, slave or J. H. Gentry, charged with breaking into the room of a slave woman named Maria and stealing a trunk containing a valuable collection of clothing, jewelry, &c., was remanded for examination before the Hustings Court; a charge was preferred against Julia, slave of Richard Fox, of receiving a silk dress valued at $150, but the evidence being very slight, she was discharged.
Fifty Dollars Reward for My Servant Girl, Maria; about nineteen years old; tolerably black; quite stout; walks slowly; wore a light homespun dress and brown bonnet; carried with her a basket and bandbox, containing a bright-flowered muslin dress, black silk bonnet and black felt hat. The above reward will be paid for her delivery or information as to where she may be round. Thomas Nowlan, Governor street. de 6--3t*
Fifty Dollars Reward for My Servant Girl, Maria; about nineteen years old; tolerably black; quite stout; walks slowly; wore a light homespun dress and brown bonnet; carried with her a basket and bandbox, containing a bright-flowered muslin dress, black silk bonnet and black felt hat. The above reward will be paid for her delivery or information as to where she may be found. Thomas Nowlan, Governor street. de 6--3t*
The Daily Dispatch: December 8, 1864., [Electronic resource], Promotion of Lieutenant-Colonel Mosby. (search)
Fifty Dollars Reward for my Servant Girl Maria about nineteen years old; tolerably black; quite stout; walks slowly; wore a light homespun dress and brown bonnet; carried with her a basket and handbox, containing a bright-flowered mousun dress, black silk bonnet and black felt hat. The above reward will be paid for her delivery or information as to where she may be found. Thomas Nowlan, Governor street. de 6--3t*
Five Hundred Dollars reward. --Ran away, last night, my servant girl Maria; black; about twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old; straight hair. I will pay the above reward for her delivery to me. L. Greentree, corner of Mayo and Broad streets. de 17--3t*
Five Hundred Dollars reward. --Ran away, last night, my servant girl Maria; black; about twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old; straight hair. I will pay the above reward for her delivery to me. I. Greentree. corner of Mayo and Broad streets. de 17--3t
Fifteen Hundred Dollars reward. --Ran away, last night, my servant girl Maria; black; about twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old; straight hair. I will pay the above reward for her delivery to me. I. Greentree, corner of Mayo and Broad streets de 17--3t*