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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter 1: Cambridge and Newburyport (search)
around her and seated her in the big chair he had been in. Then sat down close to her and gazed in her lovely face, and as we talked put his hand gently on hers and called her dearest and darling, and seemed perfectly to idealize her, and I felt that their relation in poetry was cold and barren compared to that in their daily life and I was happy to be with such lovely beings. But alas! Maria has a sad cough. Oh, what a misfortune it would be for the world if she were to pass away.... Maria talked more than I ever heard her before and I should never wish her to stop. She apologized for the aspect of James's room, but said it was much worse before he was married, at any rate. Whereupon James averred that she was like Admiral Van Tromp who carried a broom at his masthead. November 18, 1858 . . It is remarkable that James Lowell was . . . entirely unprepared for Maria L.'s death until a few days previous; she had been so frail so long, and he was so unable to entertain the
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Index. (search)
ull, Ole, 2, 11. Burleigh, Charles, 60-63. Burns, Anthony, case of, 68, 81. Butler, Gen. B. F., 156-58, 260. Butman affair, 66, 68, 69. C Cambridge, Mass., early society in; 1-3; two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of, 321. Canada, descriptions of, 94-98. Carlyle, Thomas, 322. Channing, Barbara, sketch of, 64, 65. Channing, Ellery, quoted, 7; on Emerson, 42; on Thoreau, 42, 43. Channing, Mrs., Susan, 255. Channing, William Henry, at Rochester, 66, 67. Chapman, Mrs. Maria W., described by Whittier, 9-11; letter to, 68, 69. Child, Mrs., Lydia Maria, 82. Civil War, preparation at Worcester for, 154, 155; Bull Run, 156; Manassas, 157; Fort Donelson, 165, 166; Union sentiment at South, 166; anxiety, 166; effects of, 322, 323. Clarke, James Freeman, 162. Clemens, Samuel L., 234, 235; at home of, 270; fame of, 300; at Dublin, N. H., 330. Cleveland, Grover, political campaign, 324, 325. Colfax, Schuyler, Speaker, 250, 253. Collyer, Robert, 329. Con
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Index. (search)
church in, 63-65. Philadelphia Society, 76. Philanthropist, the, mentioned, 32, 33. Pickard, Samuel T., 4, 39, 40, 159, 165; his Whittier, quoted, 32, 33, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45-47, 70, 71, 81, 90, 91, 109, 128-130, 135, 172; cited, 5 n., 39 n., 76 n., 77 n., 115 n. Pierpont, Rev., John, 81. Pike, Robert, 5. Pitman, Mrs., Harriet Minot, 57; her description of Whittier, 29-32. Pius IX., 88. Plato, 38, 111. Plymouth, N. H., 58. Poe, Edgar A., 37. Porlock, 162. Porter, Mrs. Maria S., 141. Portland, Me., 65. Portsmouth, N. H., 3. Powow River, 4. Prentice, George D., his letter to Whittier, 34, 35. Purdy, Mr., 42. Q. Quakers, 5, 112, 155; character of, 118-120. Quebec, 174. Quincy family, 52. R. Radical Club, 100, 102. Ramoth Hill, 141. Rantoul, Robert S., 109; quoted, 86; his delineation of Whittier, 110; his description of Whittier's funeral, 185. Republican party, 68. Reynolds, Mrs., 105. Richardson, Samuel, 165. Richter, Jean
Putnam, Israel, Jr.94 Putnam's Flag86 Quarry Hill81 Queen Mary38 Quincy, Mass.7, 56 ‘Rainbow, The’26 Randall, Mary L.103 Reading, Mass.15 Reed, General90 Reformation The10 Rehoboth, Mass.38 Rehoboth Baptist Church38 Revere, Paul27, 78 Revocation, The10 Revolutionary War, The15, 79 Richardson's Mill54 Robinson, Martha15 ‘Rose of Sharon, The’9, 25, 27 Rouen, France11 Roxbury, Mass.100 Runey, Horace44 Runey, James S.45 Runey, John44, 45 Runey, John, House of44 Runey, Mrs. Maria M.45 Russell, Daniel60 Russell, Frank45 Russell, James, Recorder36 Russell, Thomas53 Rymes, Christopher E.22 Saint Lawrence River49, 52 Salem, Mass.40 Sanborn, David, House of47 Sanborn, David, Jr., House of47 Sanborn, Mrs. David47 Sandwich, England16 Sanitary Commission, The103 Saratoga86 Sargent Ave., Somerville44 Sawyer, Mrs. Caroline M.27 Sawyer, Mrs. Caroline M., Poems of27, 28, 29, 30, 31 Sawyer, Dr. T. J.27 Scammans, Col.94 School Near Reading, First Outside ‘T
The Daily Dispatch: November 3, 1860., [Electronic resource], English view of the late Royal visit. (search)
Paraley miss M W Purkins miss P D Penny miss J E Phillips mrs L D Place mrs E D Power miss Cora Quarles mrs M E W Read mrs E Reamey mrs S J Rice mrs M Rice mrs Mary R Richardson miss J Richmond mrs Roberts mrs Jane F Roy mrs Kesiah Roberts mrs M E Ryley mrs D Richardson miss J Roane miss Sarah J Stokly Mary Stewart miss S G Seeley miss M J Sullavan mrs A S Snyder mrs Jno Stratton mrs G Smith mrs J P Smith mrs J B Smith mrs C M Simons mrs Maria Swain mrs Cath Saunders mrs Schuagarle mrs J Shuman mrs O E Shillingham mrs E Tabb mrs Louisa Taylor miss H Timberlake miss L 2 Thomas miss Ella Tompkins miss M A Turner miss M J Tucker miss F B Vaughn miss Sallie Venable mrs Mc D R Vaughn mrs M A Wood ward miss M E Watts miss M S Wilson miss Jane Wilson miss B H Willeroy miss M A Willis miss E Woodward miss S E Wallington mrs E R White mrs H G White mrs L R Williamson mrs A Williams mr
The Daily Dispatch: November 24, 1860., [Electronic resource], The Chicago Rescuers.--arrest of the Rescuers. (search)
Ordered to leave. --Three free negroes, Maria, Harriet and Wm. Hill, were before the Mayor yesterday, for remaining in the city improperly, and on promising to leave Richmond by Monday morning, were discharged. These negroes are all from King William county, and have once before been directed to return to the place of their nativity. The Mayor is of the opinion that there are not less than one thousand free negroes from other towns and counties in the State, now remaining in Richmond, contrary to law, and he has determined to have them ferreted out by the police, and punish them by the lash every day they remain here. The free negro population as a mass are regarded as indolent and dishonest; and to prevent them from roving about, to the injury of slaves, the laws are to be executed to the letter.
F Cabaniss mrs A M B Carr mrs Mary A Carper mrs M J Carey mrs Mary E Carroll mrs Electa Carter mrs C M Chappell mrs E B Cook mrs John Chandler mrs Maria V Childrey mrs Eliza Coleman Mollie (col'd) Clark mis Catherine Cobb mrs Mary F Coutts mrs Sophia Carr mrs Jno Crutch field mrs Mary Catter miss rs Cath Houdager mrs E Himman mrs Fannie Hall mrs Martha E Hayley mrs Hancock mrs E P Hansburger mrs M Haynes mrs E H Hogan miss Anna Hughes miss Maria Hunt miss E Houchins miss Martha Hodges miss C Hogan miss M E Hill miss L H Heath miss M E Heath miss E J Hatcher miss M C Harrington miss Bridget Hayes miss M E Johnson mrs Mary A Johnson mrs Maria L Jones mrs Thos Jones mrs E A Johnston miss L M J Judah miss Lydia Kelley mrs Eo King miss Mj Lewis mrs M Lewis mrs M A Lee miss A Lewis miss F A Lovenstein miss S Mana mrs S Mosby mrs S L Morris mrs E V Mitchell mrs P Minnis mrs M J Mess
Lucy A Bullock mrs Lucy Burroughs mrs G W Buchanan mrs Sarah E Ballard miss Fannie Barnes miss A M Barrett miss M A E Barber miss C A Brandon miss Lizzie Burch miss Marietta Brown mrs Sophia Brady mrs Brennan miss Burck miss Eliza Bates miss Pattie A Brooks miss Nancy Bowser miss Frances Crenshaw mrs F E Curry mrs Lucy L Crenshaw mrs Sarah B Campbell mrs E N G Carter mrs Mary E Caulfield mrs J A Caldwell mrs Caligan miss Maria Cullen miss Ellen Connolly miss Kate Cooke miss Sarah J Cook miss Mary A Cook miss Fannie Charters miss A V Clarke miss Delia Chandler miss M W Carter miss Georgie Carter miss H K Dillard mrs Wm Dixon mrs Martha Dillard mrs S F Doherty mrs John Dudley mrs Lucy Driscoll mrs Dewey mrs Elvira Dabney mrs L J Daniel mrs Eliz Everhart miss Mary England miss Mary F Faircloth mrs Mary C Frayser mrs E A Frawner mrs Octavia Fle
The Mayor, yesterday, ordered punishment to be bestowed on Shadrack, slave of Crew & Timberlake, for beating his wife, Maria, slave of Robert Howard, on Sunday night.
Discharged --A negro girl, named Maria, the property of Mary Fox, arrested for stealing a gold watch and chain from Mary Blinis, was discharged by the Mayor, yesterday.