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ted in the usual course of business. Perhaps we had best look into the Massachusetts Charter before we come to a decision, said one of the Administration. No! cried Lord Townshend. Let us deliberate no longer; let us act with vigor, now, while we can call the Colonies ours. If you do not, they will very soon be lost for ever. Lord Mansfield W. S. Johnson to Pitkin, 11 April, 1767; W. S. Johnson's Journal, 10 April, 1767; De Guerchy to Choiseul, 11 and 13 April, 1767; Horace Walpole to Mann, 17 April, 1767; Walpole's Memoirs, II. 454. spoke in the same strain, descanting upon the folly and wickedness of the American incendiaries, and drawing an animated picture of the fatal effects to England and to the Colonies, which the deplorable event of their disjunction must produce. Mauduit to Hutchinson, 11 April, 1767; Note to Hutchinson's Hist. III. 171. All that he said carried conviction to the House of Lords, Extract of a letter from London. and hastened the very event w