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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Organization of the two governments. (search)
omas O. Moore (1860-4) Governor Henry W. Allen (1864-5) Union military governors Governor George F. Shepley (1862-4) Governor Michael Hahn (1864-5) Mississippi Governor John J. Pettus (1860-2) Governor Charles Clarke (1863) Governor Jacob Thompson (1863-4) North Carolina Governor John W. Ellis (1859-61) Governor H. T. Clark, acting (1861-2) Governor Zebulon B. Vance (1862-5) South Carolina Governor Francis W. Pickens (1860-2) Governor M. L. Bonham (1862-4) Governor A. G. Magrath (1864-5) Tennessee Governor Isham G. Harris (1857-65) Union military Governor Governor Andrew Johnson, (1862-5) Texas Governor Samuel Houston (1859-61) Governor Edward Clark, acting (1861) Governor Francis R. Lubbock 1861-3) Governor Pendleton Murrah (1863-5) Virginia Governor John Letcher (1860-4) Governor William Smith, (1864-5) Border States Kentucky Governor Beriah Magoffin (1859-62) Governor James F. Robins
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Confederate Government at Montgomery. (search)
tates could at once be placed on a solid basis. His plan met with much favor, but was opposed by the administration and was not carried through. Money for the long war was to be raised by loans from Confederate citizens on bonds supplemented by the issue of Treasury notes and by a duty on exported cotton. In April, 1865, after the collapse of the Confederacy, Mr. Barnwell, who had steadfastly supported Mr. Davis in the Confederate Senate, met the writer at Greenville, S. C., where Governor Magrath had summoned the Legislature of the State to assemble. There, in conversation, Mr. Barnwell explicitly expressed his judgment in the following words: Mr. Davis never had any policy; he drifted, from the beginning to the end of the war. For practical regret at the issue of the secession movement, the time has long passed by. The people of the South have reconciled themselves to the restoration of the Union and to the abolishment of slavery. They have bravely and strenuously endeavor
Feb. 22. The people of Charleston, S. C., celebrated Washington's birthday with great enthusiasm. The Pickens cadets paraded for the first time, and were presented to Governor Pickens by Lieutenant Magrath. The Governor made the company a brief address, urging upon its members the bright and shining example of Washington as deserving imitation. Subsequently a banner was presented to the Washington Light Infantry, and in the evening the company reassembled in Hibernian Hall, where it was addressed by Colonel Edward Carroll, in an oration of a rather sanguinary hue. Other companies also celebrated the day in their own way.--Louisville Journal. The Collector of Charleston gives official notice that all vessels from foreign States, except Texas, will be treated as foreign vessels, and subjected to the port dues and other charges established by the laws of the Confederated States.--Charleston Courier.
arge number of shots were thrown from both parties. Several balls fell in a portion of Gen. Banks's encampment, killing two and wounding two or three. A few tents were struck and injured, rendering it prudent to move the encampment some distance back. Shot and shell were. thrown rapidly into the Confederate encampments, doing, as is believed, serious damage. The rebels were also obliged to move their quarters.--Cincinnati Gazette, October 30. Yesterday, at Charleston, S. C., Judge A. G. Magrath, in the Confederate court, delivered an opinion with regard to questions raised by J. L. Pettigru, Nelson Mitchell, and William Whaley, as to the constitutionality of the rebel sequestration act.--(Doc. 109.) At a banquet given at Inverary, Scotland, the Duke of Argyle declared that no more tremendous issues were ever submitted to the dread arbitrament of war, than those which are now submitted to it upon the American continent; that it is the absolute duty of Great Britain to re
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Sherman's march from Savannah to Bentonville. (search)
riable reply was, Well, if you will make those people feel the utmost severities of war we will pardon you for your desolation of Georgia. About one month was spent in Savannah in clothing the men and filling the trains with ammunition and rations. Then commenced the movement which was to make south Carolina feel the severities of war. At this time General Lee addressed the following letter to the Governor of South Carolina: headquarters, Army N. Va., 27 January, 1865. his Excellency A. G. Magrath, Governor of South Carolina, Columbia. Sir: I received to-day your letter of the 16th inst., and regret exceedingly to learn the present condition of affairs in the South. I infer from your letter that you consider me able to send an army to arrest the march of General Sherman. If such was the case I should not have waited for your application, for I lament as much as you do his past success, and see the injury that may result from his further progress. I have no troops excep
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 2: preliminary rebellious movements. (search)
und Ruffin. officers had resigned. That morning, the United States District Court had assembled in Charleston, over which one of the leaders of rebellion, Judge A. G. Magrath, presided. The Grand Jury, according to instructions, declined to make any presentments. They said that the action of the ballot-box on the previous day hence of the Government of which this Court is the organ. They therefore declined to act. This solemn judicial farce was perfected by the formal resignation of Judge Magrath. With ludicrous gravity, he said to the jurors:--For the last time I have, as Judge of the United States, administered the laws of the United States within th the Union had not yet been authorized, the conspirators and their political instruments throughout South Carolina now acted as if disunion had been actually A. G. Magrath. accomplished. On the morning of the 7th, November, 1860. when the telegraph had flashed intelligence of Lincoln's election over the length and breadth of
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 4: seditious movements in Congress.--Secession in South Carolina, and its effects. (search)
cial Relations and Postal Arrangements ; and Committee on the Constitution of this State. Judge Magrath moved to refer to a committee of thirteen so much of President Buchanan's Message as relatedforce the laws of the nation within its borders. He says he has no constitutional powers, said Magrath, to coerce South Carolina, while, at the same time, he denies to her the right of secession. H. Thompson.Georde Rhodes.H. D. Green. W. Peronneau Finley.W. H. Campbell.William S. Grisham.A. G. Magrath.Mathew P. Mayes. I. I. Brabham.T. J. Withers.John Maxwell.Wm. Porcher Miles.Thomas Reese En the Legislature, or other competent body, should provide otherwise. This elicited debate. Judge Magrath wished immediate action, for, to his understanding, there was then no collector of a port or of the Chief Magistrate of an independent nation. His constitutional advisers consisted of A. G. Magrath, Secretary of State; D. F. Jamison, Secretary of War; C. G. Memminger, Secretary of the Trea
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 6: Affairs at the National Capital.--War commenced in Charleston harbor. (search)
r States, composed of disgust and indignation — disgust, because the Government had attempted to do secretly and deceptively what it should have done openly and honorably, with a strong arm; and indignation, because traitors in arms had dishonored the old flag, and boasted of their crime. How that indignation, as a sentiment, speedily ripened into positive action, we shall observe hereafter. Two days after the attack on the Star of the West, Governor Pickens sent his Secretary of State, Magrath, and Secretary of War, Jamison, as commissioners, to make a formal demand on Major Anderson for the immediate surrender of Fort Sumter to the authorities of South Carolina. They tried every art to persuade and alarm him, but in vain. He assured them that, sooner than suffer such humiliation, he would fire the magazine, and blow fort and garrison in the air. They returned fully impressed with the conviction that only by starvation or assault could the fortress be secured for South Carolina
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 10: Peace movements.--Convention of conspirators at Montgomery. (search)
e South Carolinians were specially ambitious for distinction. They longed for the most lofty honors and the most prodigal emoluments. Had they not been leaders in the revolutionary movements? Had they not struck the first blow for the destruction of the Republic, on whose ruins they were about to build the majestic fabric of free government, founded on Slavery? See picture of banner, page 106. Had they not, therefore, a pre-emptive right to the best domain in the new commonwealth? Judge Magrath, who with ludicrous solemnity laid aside his judicial robes at Charleston, See page 48. sent word that he would like to put them on again at Montgomery as attorney-general. Memminger mentioned to the delegates that he was requested by Judge McGrath to say to them, that he would be glad to be appointed attorney-general by the President of the Confederacy. There will be solicitations enough from South Carolina for offices. But keep this to yourself. --Autograph Letter of R. B. Rhet
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 11: the Montgomery Convention.--treason of General Twiggs.--Lincoln and Buchanan at the Capital. (search)
preached like a patriot, but practised like a traitor. His preaching offended and alarmed them, especially the South Carolina politicians, for its burden was against the dignity of their Sovereign nation. While Sumter was in possession of National troops, they felt that South Carolina was insulted and her sovereignty and independence were denied. So, on the 11th of January, two days after the attack on the Star of the West, Governor Pickens, as we have observed, See page 160. sent A. G. Magrath and D. F. Jamison, of his Executive Council, to demand its surrender to the authorities of the State. Major Anderson refused to give it up, and referred the matter to the President; whereupon Pickens sent Isaac W. Hayne, the Attorney-General of the State, in company with Lieutenant Hall, of Anderson's command, to Washington City, to present the same demand to the National Executive. Hayne bore a letter from the Governor to the President, in which the former declared, that the demand fo