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Pardons Granted --Gov. Letcher, on Wednesday last, released the following convicts from the Penitentiary by pardon: Robert D. Dickey, sent up by the Circuit Court of Fairfax country on the 21st of June, 1855, for 15 years, for murder in the second degree had served seven years of his time. Andrew J. Parsons, sent up in 1855 by the Circuit Court of Cabell county for burglary, for eight years, Had served seven years, and proved intent indefatigable in extinguishing the last fore at the prison. John Adams sent up from the Richmond in 1860, for seven years, for of col. James Lyons. Conduct as pardon recommended by a large Edward W. Cole sent up in 1st Court of Brunswick county for five der in the second degree. Conduct as had been faithful and obedient to the of law. Pardon asked for by many wick county.
rt, Tuesday, Oct. 28 1862. --The case of Bernard, charged with shooting John O. Taylor, was called up, and a jury having been empaneled the examination of witnesses commenced. As the circumstances connected with the unfortunate affair are no doubt fresh in the minds of our readers, (an elaborate report having been published in the Dispatch at the time of the rencontre, which resulted in the death of Taylor,) we for bear recapitulating the testimony. The prisoner is defended by the Hon. James Lyons and Judge Wm. W. Crump. John B. Young, Esp., represents the Commonwealth. At a late hour last night the testimony of witnesses was still progressing. The case will probably occupy the attention of the Court for several days. Supreme Court of Appeals. --There was a quota of the Judges of this Court present yesterday, and arguments on cases were resumed, The absence of Judge Moncure (who has returned) during last week, has prevented, as yet, the announcement of any decisions.
Prison Items. --Forty men will be sent from Castle Thunder this morning under guard to rejoin their regiments. James B. Shook, a deserter for six months from the Fayette Artillery, was sent to prison yesterday. John Haley, a member of Company I, 16th Miss. Reg't, was sent out from the Castle last night, with a soldier armed with a musket, to get his clothes, prior to being sent to his regiment. Getting on Main street, he tripped up the unfortunate son of Mars, who fell sprawling in the street, and rapidly retreated. John F. Roberts, of the 19th Va. Battalion, was received at the prison for trial by Court-Martial. James Lyons, a paroled prisoner, was put in for deserting from Camp Lee. John W. Harris, of Capt. Robertson's Company, was put in on the charge of aiding a prisoner to escape. William B. Fleshman, of Bossioux's Guard, in confinement for a similar offence, was tried yesterday and honorably acquitted.
d. Acquitted.--E. H. Taliaferro, charged with obtaining money from the State by means of forged checks, was carried before the Mayor on Saturday for examination. Nothing being offered in evidence either on that or the previous examination directly sustaining the charge on which the prisoner was arrested, the Mayor said the case had not been made out, and discharged the party from custody. The amount obtained from the State Treasury by means of the alleged forgeries exceeds $14,000. Judge Lyons's Court.--This Court convened again yesterday for the trial of criminal cases and the transaction of civil business. Several letters of administration on estates of decedents were granted, but no criminal was arraigned for trial. --The Grand Jury assembled pursuant to adjournment, and retiring into the Sergeant's office, listened to testimony in a large number of cases, and returned into Court with some twenty five indictments, for various offences, against parties now in custody.
Arrests. --The city police yesterday caged four men, giving the names of Patrick Boyle John Connell, James Lyons, and Patrick Conley, for getting drunk and behaving disorderly in the street. Last night two of the armed police came across and brought to the cage a large wagon bucket full of brown sugar, which they found in 17th street, where it had been set down very probably by some darkey who imagined he was pursued.
D. J. Barner, of the same tenement, gave bail for their appearance Saturday. --All the rest of the parties, including the negroes were sent to jail. Emeline Jones, one of the parties found in No. 149, was one of the girls found at Ann Thomas's recently, and held to bail for her good behavior.--The Mayor declared her former recognizance forfeited. The examination of Richard Mundin, for unlawfully entering the house of Jno. Johnson, the barber, was postponed. Hustings Court--Judge Lyons presiding.--A jury in this Court acquitted on Wednesday night the two youths, Thomas Collier and Richard Morris, charged with entering the restaurant of John McPherson, near the Old Market, and stealing $2,200. Both the prisoners possess no enviable reputations as "bad boys," but the testimony in the case against them was not sufficient to ensure conviction and they were acquitted. Mr. D. Ratcliffe appeared for them. Yesterday Albert G. Short, a North Carolina soldier, was tried for
xter, alias Jenny Reed, (formerly an inmate of Alice Ashley's house,) was arranged for getting drunk and fighting in the Colum Hotel. The testimony showed that the woman straggled in the place, behaved disorderly, and showed some practice in the "manly art." She was sent to jail in default of $500 bail for her good behavior. Thomas Smith, charged with getting drunk and firing a pistol in the street, was sent to jail in default of a voucher for his good behavior. Patrick Boyle, James Lyons, John Connel, and Patrick Conley, charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct in the street, were committed to jail. Hustings Court, Friday, Nov. 28 --Judge Wm. H. Lyons presiding.--William Fitzgerald, charged with shooting at Thomas Fitzgerald and hitting Patrick Murphy, found guilty of misdemeanor by a jury Thursday night, and ordered to be put in the city jail for two weeks and fined $10, was today sentenced by the Judge in accordance with the jury of the case. John T. El
Ala, from the committee on the Quartermaster and Commissary Departments, stated that the committee would lose no time in making the investigation demanded. Mr. Lyons, of Va., asked that the following letter might be read which was done by the Clerk. Mr. Davis, of Miss., objected. Mr. Lyons moved a suspension of the Mr. Lyons moved a suspension of the rules, with a view to have the letter read, and the motion prevailed. Richmond, Jan., 24, 1863. Dear Sir: --We notice in the newspapers of this morning, that the subject of our contract with the Government was introduced in Congress on yesterday. We beg you to say for the as now, as we have already stated in a puhe Government — to wit, the Commissary General--that such a course would be prejudicial to the public interests. Very respectfully, Haxall, Crenshaw & Co. Hon. Jas. Lyons, House of Representatives. Mr. Haldwin, of Va., called up a resolution offered by him yesterday, requesting the Secretary of War to inform the House
The Daily Dispatch: April 4, 1863., [Electronic resource], Congressional election in Virginia. (search)
idates in the several districts, so far as we have been able to obtain them. There may be other candidates of whom we have not learned, and others may announce themselves previous to the day of election: 1st District.--M. R. H. Garnett present member, and again a candidate; opposed by Lieutenant Governor R. L. Montague. 2d District--John R Chambliss, present member, declines a re-election. Robert H. Whitfield and Col. Wm. A. Parham are announced as candidates. 3d District--James Lyons, present member, and again a candidate. No opposition yet announced. 4th District--Charles F. Collier, present member, No opposition announced. 5th District.--Thomas S. Bocock, present member. No opposition announced. 6th District--John Goode, Jr, present member, and again a candidate. No opposition announced. 7th District.--James P. Holcombe, present member, it is understood, will not be a candidates for re-election. No announcements made that we are aware of. 8th
The Daily Dispatch: April 15, 1863., [Electronic resource], Letter from Vice-President A. H. Stephens--his views about the war. (search)
Fifty Dollars Reward. --Will be paid for the apprehension of a boy named William. He is a light mulatto, seventeen years old; he was dressed in heavy gray cloth, with a long jacket; he is a good cook. James Lyons. ap 8--6t*