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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
ich was not long, there were no drugs in the dispensary, or I shudder to picture the consequences. This department was constantly undergoing changes, and I suspect that the whole system was intended as part of the education of the young doctors assigned to us, for as soon as they learned to distinguish between quinine and magnesia they were removed to another field of labor. The whole camp was divided into wards, to which physicians were assigned, among whom were three rebel prisoners, Dr. Lynch, of Baltimore, Dr. Martin, of South Carolina, and Dr. Graham, formerly of Stonewall Jackson's staff, and a fellow-townsman of the lamented hero. These ward physicians treated the simplest cases in their patients' barrack, and transferred the more dangerous ones to the hospitals, of which there were ten or twelve, capable of accommodating about eighty patients each. Here every arrangement was made that carpenters could make to insure the patients against unnecessary mortality, and, indeed
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the Confederate States Navy. (search)
Pinkney informed us that he had changed his mind, and would not leave until the arrival of Commodore Lynch, who was on his way to the command of all the naval forces of the West. Having placed the cotton as directed, I returned with Captain Brown to Yazoo City. A day or two afterwards Commodore Lynch arrived. Captain Brown had orders to obey all orders from General Van Dorn, and to make no move without the sanction of that officer. Commodore Lynch, having inspected the Arkansas, ordered me to Jackson, Mississippi, to telegraph the Secretary of War as follows: The Arkansas is very inferwas made in the obstruction. The Arkansas dropped through and below the bar at Sartarsia. Commodore Lynch now arrived from Yazoo City and proposed to go down with us. When he informed Captain Brownl is too small for two captains, if you go I will take charge of a gun and attend to that. Commodore Lynch replied, Very well, Captain, you may go; I will stay. May God bless you! The good old Com
g, singing clubs, etc. I visit Richmond, and see the fortifications of Manassas en route affectation of military rank at the capital gaiety of the place Solons out of place much wisdom thrown-away scarcity and high Price of provisions commodores Lynch and Hollins Major General Pryor. For the next two weeks scarcely any sound was heard but that of axe-men engaged in felling trees; and within a very short time we were all well housed in log-huts, covered with layers of straw and mud. Twas grand promenade hour; and, in fine weather, the small park and principal streets were crowded. Military and naval officers would sun themselves on balconies, or stretch their limbs elegantly at hotel-doors. Here it was that I first saw Commodore Lynch (late U. S. N.) of Dead sea notoriety in literature, and Commodore Hollins, the hero (?) of Greytown. The first-named was a small, quiet, Jewish-looking man of about fifty; thin, sallow complexion, and curly black hair, small black eyes,
of his profession, or greater ability in council. His property and effects were in Northern hands; he was offered chief command in the field; but he abandoned all, and, bereft of every thing, offered himself to his native State. Johnston, Beauregard, Van Dorn, Evans, Longstreet, Ewell, and a host of others, made similar sacrifices, and for a long time were without any settled rank or command. They had to fight their way up, and have successfully done so. The same may be said of the navy. Lynch, Tatnall, Ingraham, Hollins, and others, followed their illustrious example. Maury — the world-renowed Maury-had all to lose and nothing to gain by joining our cause; but he did so, and refusing the offers and hospitalities of kings and princes, busied himself, industriously, in any department where his services might be of value. Hollins, indeed, brought his ship with him, and was cursed for it from east to west by the North. We cannot expect to do much with our navy at present, but we h
, and even long after starlight, were amusing themselves with cannonading, Commodore Lynch and a few young naval officers were up the Yazoo River, preparing a littleppi, and had run far up the Yazoo River, and were then under the orders of Commodore Lynch. The enemy had detached three of, their finest gunboats from the fleet atships and spectres for crews. But while the enemy were thus inactive, Commodore Lynch was hard at work night and day, ably assisted by young officers and citizened from above, but not below. A few miles still beyond (near Yazoo City) Commodore Lynch had improvised a ship-yard, and was busy in reconstructing Various boats le stick of it. This necessary work having been speedily and well accomplished, Lynch and his officers razed one of the vessels, and began the formation of the ungaiwo large frigates and damaged the Monitor; but, after a little reflection, Commodore Lynch gave her in charge of a Mississippian, late of the old naval service, whos
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), How Jefferson Davis was overtaken. (search)
arms around his neck and said: Guard! Do not kill him! At the same instant Corporal Munger, of Company C, mounted, came from another direction and headed Davis. I said to him: Never mind, Munger, I will take care of that old gentleman myself. Lynch and Builard were quite near at the time. Munger was the second man who saw and recognized Davis. Next to Munger was Lynch, who had been foraging around near the second tent, and who had already secured Mr. Davis' bay horse, with the pistol-holsLynch, who had been foraging around near the second tent, and who had already secured Mr. Davis' bay horse, with the pistol-holsters filled with gold coin. The only portion of the face of Mr. Davis which could be seen, when he was disguised, were the eyes and the nose, he covering the moustache, mouth, and beard with the shawl, held closed with one hand. After Mr. Davis was halted, he did not attempt any further disguise, but soon returned to his tent. Andrew Bee. Paw-Paw, October 15th, 1877. Dear Sir:--Your letter, of September 28th, came to hand in due time, but I have neglected to answer it until now. Yo
one thousand raw troops — was but child's play to the immense armada with heaviest metal that Burnside brought against the place. Roanoke Island was the key to General Huger's position at Norfolk. Its fall opened the Sounds to the enemy and, besides paralyzing Huger's rear communications, cut off more than half his supplies. The defeat was illustrated by great, if unavailing, valor on the part of the untrained garrison; by a plucky and determined fight of the little squadron under Commodore Lynch; and by the brilliant courage and death of Captain 0. Jennings Wise — a gallant soldier and noble gentleman, whose popularity was deservedly great. But, the people felt that a period must be put to these mistakes; and so great was their clamor that a congressional committee investigated the matter; and their report declared that the disaster lay at the door of the War Department. The almost universal unpopularity of the Secretary made this a most acceptable view, even while an ef
contracted limits of a razeed tug, or an armed pilot boat. But once there he made the best of it; and how well he wrought in the new sphere, the names of Hollins, Lynch, Buchanan and Tucker still attest. At the time the first Army Bill was passed by Congress, a law was also made securing to resigned naval officers the same ranBarney, and the Yorktown, Captain Tucker, down from Richmond; while he went out with the Raleigh and Beaufort --two of the smallest class of gunboats, saved by Captain Lynch from Roanoke Island. This combined force-four of the vessels being frail wooden shells, formerly used as river passenger boats-carried only twenty-seven dying, not from the blow of an enemy, but from the fault of those who sent her forth unfinished and incomplete! Those trying times recall the conduct of Captain Lynch and his squadron of shells; and of the veteran Cooke in the batteries, on the dark day that lost Roanoke Island. Nor may we lose sight of the splendid conduct
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, April, 1863. (search)
e a small mosquite-tree. Dogs or wolves had probably scraped the earth from the body, and there was no flesh on the bones. I obtained this my first experience of Lynch law within three hours of landing in America. I understand that this Mongomery was a man of very bad character, and that, confiding in the neutrality of the MeMr. Behnsen and Mr. Colville left for Bagdad this morning, in a very swell ambulance drawn by four gay mules. At noon I crossed to Brownsville, and visited Captain Lynch, a quartermaster, who broke open a great box, and presented me with a Confederate felt hat to travel in. He then took me to the garrison, and introduced me tora avis-yet their inquisitiveness was never offensive or disagreeable. Any doubts as to my personal safety, which may have been roused by my early insight into Lynch law, were soon completely set at rest; for I soon perceived that if any one were to annoy me the remainder would stand by me as a point of honor. We supped at
fully solemn compact with the Deity, and set at naught every principle which they profess to hold sacred, by keeping two and a half millions of their fellow-men in bondage. In reprobation of that disgraceful conduct, my humble voice is heard across the waves of the wide Atlantic. Like the thunderstorm in its strength, it careers against the breeze armed with the lightning of Christian truth. And let them seek to repress it as they may; let them murder and assassinate in the true spirit of Lynch law; the storm will rave louder and louder around them till the claims of justice become too strong to be withstood, and the black man will stand up too big for his chains. I hope what I am about to say is not a profanation, but it seems as if the curse of the Almighty has already overtaken them. For the first time in their political history, disgraceful tumults and anarchy have been witnessed in their cities. Blood has been shed without the sanction of the law, and even Sir Robert Peel h