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hipping these articles shall file an affidavit with the railroad agent from which shipment is made that the grain shipped is intended for seed only. Mr. Hunter, from the Committee on Finance, reported back the bill for the further issue of treasury notes, with certain amendments. The consideration of the bill involving questions of too much importance for the public car. On motion of Mr. Hunter, the Senate resolved itself into secret session. The doors being re-opened, Mr. Lowis, from the Committee on Post-Officer and Post Roads, to whom was referred a resolution inquiring into the cause of delays on the great Southwest mall route, reported a communication from the Postmaster-General, stating that the delays were caused by the refusal of Robt. L. Owen, President of the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad Company, to run the schedule which had been adopted by the Government, and in use to the 26th of March last. The reason assigned for the refusal was the condition o
Petition. Items --The following parties were received yesterday at the Military prison of the Eastern District, viz: George Thompson, deserter; J. H. Hill, for drawing money from the Paymaster on forged papers; Pennis Lynch, 16th Mississippi, desertion, five soldiers from Lieut. M. Dowell, to be court Marshalled, viz: Lowis. Whalbrook, John O'Brien, Harvey and Harrison Burchett. Eleven white men, (mostly deserters) and one negro, were arrested at five o'clock yesterday morning by Detective Caphart, of the Eastern District, and a guard, in the over H. W. Tyler's old store, corner of 17th and Main streets. Five North Carolina soldiers were received from that State yesterday to be returned to their regiments, viz: Henry Morgan, Lewis Dobay, George Earley, John W. Garner, and Caleb B er. Charles Fisher, tended to thirty days' imprisonment by Court-Martial for stealing a which, was also lodged in prison.
Proceedings of the Courts. Mayor's Court. Tuesday, Dec. 9 --Timothy Cavanagh, arrested on a warrant charging him with keeping an ill-governed and disorderly house, was required to give $800 security for his good behavior, and, falling, was committed to jail. Lowis, slave of Robert Green, was examined and sent on to the Hustings Court for final trial, on the charge of stealing thirteen thousand dollars worth of Confederate States scrip, and other valuable papers, the property of James Smith. Jackson F. Lawrence, charged with drunkenness, disorderly conduct, and drawing a knife in the Varieties Theatre, Monday night, was committed in default of surety for his good behavior. His Honor said he was determined to preserve as good order in such establishments as in churches, and that while he could prevent it nobody should go there to disturb peaceful people who only sought to be amused. He disclaimed the ownership of the knife, but His Honor was of the opinion that the
Negro soldiers. --Four negro soldiers, dressed in full United States uniforms, were brought to this city and lodged in the Libby prison on Sunday night last. These negroes were captured on the 2d of March, near Williamsburg, and were attached to Butter's infantry command, who were on their way to cover Col. Dahlgren's retreat. Maj. Turner, in command of the prisoners in this city, very properly placed them in the same cells in which the officers captured among the raiders were confined. The following are their names: Privates Jas W Corn, co C, 5th U S vols; P F Lowis, co I, 5th U S volge R P Armistead, co H, 6th U S vols; John Thomas, co H, 6th U S vols.
Ran away from the subscriber a negro man, named Lewis, of dark complexion, and nearly six feet tall; quite intelligent, and his pronunciation a little singular; his hands were badly frost- bitten when he left. His wife, whom he expressed great desire for me to purchase, is owned by Mr. James A. Johnson, of Caroline county, of whom I bought the said negro man, Lowis, some months ago; suppose he is now lurking in the neighborhood of his wife. Any information of him will be thankfully received, and a reward of five hundred dollars will be paid for his delivery to me, or his lodgment in jail, that I may get him again. My address is Goochland Courthouse. T. Michaux. fe 22--6t*