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General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter3 (search)
g that position, he encountered the escort of a Federal foraging-party. Finding this body of troops much stronger than his own, he thought it necessary to draw off his foraging-party, and, to cover its withdrawal, attacked the enemy, and kept them engaged until his trains were safe, when he fell back with his escort. He was undisturbed in this movement, and his adversary withdrew also very soon after. Cutts's battery did excellent service in this affair. Three brigades under Brigadier-General Loring, transferred from Western Virginia to the Valley district, reported to Major-General Jackson in December: the first, commanded by Colonel Taliaferro, early in the month; the two others, Brigadier-General S. R. Anderson's and Colonel Gilham's, near its close. In the course of the month two regiments were received in the Potomac district, which completed Hampton's brigade; that officer's military merit procured his assignment to this command, but I was unable to induce the Adminis
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 4 (search)
ber being inconsiderable, he succeeded in ten days, without serious fighting. His men suffered very much, however, from cold, and hard marches. In the distribution of the troops of the district, agreed upon by General Jackson and myself, General Loring's three brigades were stationed near Romney, General Meem's brigade of militia at Martinsburg, General Carson's at Bath, and the militia regiments of Colonels Monroe, McDonald, Harness, and Johnson, occupied Moorfield, and different points one, in advance of Romney, to Bath. A week or two after these dispositions were completed, General Jackson received the following order from Mr. Benjamin, acting Secretary of War: Our news indicates that a movement is being made to cut off General Loring's command. Order him back to Winchester immediately. After I had received from General Jackson information of this singular interference, it seemed to occur to Mr. Benjamin that his order should have been sent directly to me, for a copy cam
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 6 (search)
the President returned to Jackson, accompanied b1y Lieutenant-General Pemberton as well as myself. On the 27th Major-General Loring, who was commanding at Grenada, reported that General Grant's army, which had been advancing, was retiring, and ienemy would attempt to approach Vicksburg through the Yazoo Pass, Coldwater, Tallahatchie, and Yazoo, and directed Major-General Loring, with an adequate body of troops, to select and intrench a position to frustrate such an attempt. That officer co consequence of these orders, very judiciously located near the junction of the Yallobusha with the Tallahatchie, Major-General Loring's report. with the usual accessory, a raft to obstruct the channel of the latter. On the 11th the Federal flot after spiking his guns and blowing up his magazine, and marched to Hankinson's Ferry, to cross the Big Black there. General Loring, coming to his assistance with a division from Jackson, by Edwards's Depot, sent a detachment to hold Grindstone Ford
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
extending from the Raymond to the Clinton road-Loring's division on the right, Bowen's in the centre with his four divisions, had been confronting Loring — not venturing to attack, on account of the strength of the Confederate position, while Loring felt himself well employed in holding four divisiotroops into action, General Pemberton directed Loring to join in it with at least a part of his. Thahe troops that had been engaged was covered by Loring with his division; Featherston's and Buford's so near the stream as to render its passage by Loring's division impracticable; so that officer marchis measure was to defend the bridge to enable Loring's division to cross the Big Black. In the ndicated by you. The others, including Major-Generals Loring and Stevenson, preferred a movement bycNair's, from General Bragg's army, joined me. Loring's division, separated from the army in the retint. And these demonstrations being repeated, Loring's division was sent to Benton on the 31st. In[1 more...]
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
e assigned to them the day before, in expectation of an immediate attack-Major-General Loring's division on the right, crossing the Canton road; Major-General Breckennridge's and the Clinton road; and Major-General Walker's between that road and Loring's. Brigadier-General Jackson was directed to observe and guard the fords of Pear but three Federal divisions actually fought, while four were held in check by Loring, or rather, by two of Loring's three brigades. See General Grant's report. Loring's three brigades. See General Grant's report. In looking for the causes of the Confederate reverses in this campaign, it is needless to go beyond Lieutenant-General Pemberton's startling disclosure, that his mov Holly Springs the day before, going southward. To meet this incursion, Major-General Loring was ordered to hasten to Grenada with his division. Next day, however, o following days, they advanced but twelve miles. Upon this information, Major-General Loring was directed to join Jackson with his division, and Ector's and McNair's
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 11 (search)
enant-General Polk had reached that point with Loring's division, prevented any immediate apprehensip road, was met about a mile from the place by Loring's division, and held in check long enough to ed, produced deep sorrow in our troops. Major-General Loring, the officer next in rank in the corps,s were vigorously pressed from right to left. Loring's, attacked in open ground and far in front bpal efforts of the enemy were directed against Loring's right and left brigades, and the left of Harre killed or captured. In the assault upon Loring's left (Cockrell's Missouri brigade) the assaiker's DivisionKilled or taken80 286 In Loring's corps. Killed.Wounded.Missing.Total Feathen his official report, dated July 30th, Major-General Loring estimated that of the Army of the Tennehe left of Hardee's, Wheeler's on the right of Loring's corps, and Jackson's, supported by General S effectives, reached Resaca on the 9th of May; Loring's, of five thousand, on the 11th; French's, of[4 more...]
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 12 (search)
iaferro's, moving on to its place on the extreme right. McLaws's division, struggling through the thicket, reached the ground to which it was ordered just in time to see the repulse of the enemy by Hoke, after a sharp contest of half an hour, at short range. Soon after the firing on the left ceased, a similar assault was made upon Stewart, whose troops, like those on their left, had already constructed breastworks. This attack was directed mainly against Stewart's own corps, commanded by Loring, and Clayton's division, by which it was received as firmly and repelled as promptly as that just described had been by Hoke's. Lieutenant-General Hardee was then directed to charge with the right wing-Stewart's troops and Taliaferro's division, as they faced-obliquely to the left; and General Bragg to join in the movement with his brigades successively, from right to left, each making the necessary change of front to the left in advancing. As it could be seen that the Federal first
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
d four hundred. Troops near Jackson, including Loring's division and Maxcy's brigade of Pemberton's ters of General Bowen, near Grand Gulf. Major-General Loring concurring with General Bowen as to the division --that is to say, the wagon-train of Loring's division on the right of the train; that of ompelled it to retire. I then directed Major-General Loring to move forward and crush the enemy inately. I could, however, learn nothing of General Loring's whereabouts; several of my staff-officerntil after I had ordered the retreat, that General Loring, with Featherston's brigade, moving, as I the west bank, and to hold the crossing until Loring's division, which was directed to bring up thel Scott, of the Twelfth Louisiana regiment, of Loring's division, halted about half a mile from the obedience, I was informed, to orders from General Loring. Inferring from this that General Loring ce the forces to support Vicksburg between General Loring and that place, and merely observe the fer[41 more...]
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Memorandum for Colonel Browne, Aide-de-camp. (search)
th Carolina, May 1, 1865. 1. The effective strength of the Army of Tennessee, as shown by the tri-monthly return of the 1st of May, 1864, was: Infantry, thirty-seven thousand six hundred and fifty-two; artillery, two thousand eight hundred and twelve (forty thousand four hundred and sixty-four); cavalry, twenty-three hundred and ninety-two. This was the entire strength of the army, at and near Dalton, at that date. 2. The movement from Dalton began on the 12th of May. On that day Loring's division, Army of the Mississippi, and Canty's division, joined at Resaca, with about eight thousand effectives. French's division, same army, joined near Kingston several days later (about four thousand effectives). Quarles's brigade from Mobile (about twenty-two hundred effectives) joined at New Hope Church on the 26th. The cavalry of the Mississippi Army, which joined near Adairsville, was estimated at three thousand nine hundred effectives; and Martin's cavalry division, which joined
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Report of Hon. L. T. Wigfall in the Senate of the Confederate States, march 18, 1865. (search)
If General Hood, by the term at and near Dalton, refers to the forces after this date received by General Johnston from General Polk, he is again in error as to numbers. It was not till the 4th of May that General Polk was ordered to move with Loring's division and other available force at your command, to Rome, Georgia, and thence unite with General Johnston. On the 6th, the day on which General Hood says this army lay at and near Dalton, waiting the advance of the enemy, General Polk telegraphs to General Cooper from Demopolis: My troops are concentrating and moving as directed. On the 10th, at Rome, he telegraphs the President: The first of Loring's brigade arrived and sent forward to Resaca; the second just in; the third will arrive to-morrow morning. . . . French's brigade was to leave Blue Mountain this morning. The others will follow in succession; Ferguson will be in supporting distance day after to-morrow; Jackson's division is thirty-six hours after. Yet General Hood a