Browsing named entities in Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States.. You can also browse the collection for Looney or search for Looney in all documents.

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lonel Stanley, of the Ninth Texas, did the same thing with the same result. Lieutenant-Colonel Jones, of the Seventeenth Louisiana, says that, just before the retreat, having collected some two hundred stragglers into line, General Ruggles ordered them to advance, and adds: The general at this instant rode in front of the lines, and, seizing the flag from the hands of the color-bearer, gallantly led them to the charge. In this charge he was assisted by Colonel S. S. Heard. Colonel Looney, Thirty-eighth Tennessee, says of Captain John C. Carter: At one time he took the flag, and, urging his men forward, rendered me great assistance in moving forward the entire regiment. Major Caldwell, of the Twelfth Tennessee, says in his report: Private Fielder took charge of Companies B and G, which were left without a commissioned officer. He led these two companies all day in the thickest part of the battle. Colonel Mouton, of the Eighteenth Louisiana, says in hi