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heir temerity by all the sufferings that Spanish arrogance and vindictiveness could inflict. Albert Sidney Johnston's brothers, Darius and Orramel, shared in the hazards, the hardships, the victories, and the calamitous consequences of this expedition. Fever, privation, and Spanish prisons, brought them to early graves. In 1817 General Mina, a Spanish republican, made another gallant but unsuccessful attempt to revolutionize Texas, but was finally captured and shot. Again, in 1819, Colonel Long with 200 or 300 Americans made two attempts, which ended in their own destruction. After the separation of Mexico from Spain, in 1821, the changes in the Central Government merely changed the masters who oppressed this distant and suspected province, until 1823-24, when the constituent Cortes created the Federal Union of the Mexican Republic, and constitutional liberty seemed about to dawn on that unhappy land. In the mean time, however, Texas had taken a step forward that rapidly l
hole matter is a question of good faith, which must be kept sacred with savages as well as with others, the reader will pardon a complete though succinct statement of all the facts, cleared from the confusion of outside considerations. A small band of Cherokees, led by Richard Fields, a half-breed, emigrated from the United States to Texas in 1822. They easily extorted a permission to settle from the Mexicans of Nacogdoches, who had been dispersed and cowed by the recent invasions of Colonel Long. Fields is said to have visited the city of Mexico to obtain a grant of lands, and to have returned satisfied with some vague and illusory promises. In 1825 he was joined to John Hunter, a white man, who, whether fanatic or impostor, had varied experience and much address, and who went to Mexico on the same mission. The constitutional right to make such a grant residing in the State, and not in the Federal Government, his request was refused. Fields and Hunter made a treaty with the F
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 2: birth.-career as officer of Engineers, United States army. (search)
es murdered by them. From that point he was ordered to Washington and made assistant to the chief engineer, an agreeable change, for it brought him near the home of his wife. A fine horse carried him every morning from Arlington to his Washington office and back every evening. He loved his chosen profession, and was rising rapidly in it. Now he could combine equestrianism with engineering, and he was happy, and must have been sometimes merry, for his late lamented military secretary, General Long, narrates an incident of his inviting Captain Macomb, a brother officer, to get behind him on horseback one evening on his return to Arlington. Macomb accepted the invitation, and the two gayly rode along the great public avenue in Washington, passing by the President's house, bowing to Cabinet officers, and behaving in rather a hilarious way generally. It is difficult for a soldier of the Army of Northern Virginia to picture his commanding general in a scene such as has been described.
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 11: Chancellorsville. (search)
s bestowed on account of meritorious service. He had graduated at West Point seven years later than Ewell, and was an artillery officer in the United States Army. His bravery at the first Manassas, around Richmondwhere he drew the first blood-at second Manassas, Harper's Ferry, and at Sharpsburg, had been conspicuous, and drew to him the attention of his commanding general. In October, 1862, eight months before the army was reorganized, General Lee wrote Mr. Davis, recommending that Generals Long- street and Jackson be made corps commanders, and saying: Next to these two officers I consider A. P. Hill the best commander with me; he fights his troops well and takes good care of them, but two corps are enough for the present. In a published article since the war, General Longstreet has stated that General Lee would not recom- mend General D. H. Hill or McLaws, both of whom ranked A. P. Hill for the Third Corps, because they were not Virginians, which is not true, and does General
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 12: Gettysburg. (search)
t Longstreet would be ordered to make the attack early next morning. General W. N. Pendleton, his chief of artillery and his honored and trusted friend, has put on record that General Lee told him that night, after he [Pendleton] returned from a reconnoissance on the right flank, that he had ordered General Longstreet to attack on the flank at sunrise next morning. Hill, in his official report, says, General Longstreet was to attack the flank of the enemy and sweep down his line. And General Long, of Lee's staff, writes, in his opinion orders were issued for the movement to begin on the enemy's left as early as practicable. Lee's plan of battle was simple. His purpose was to turn the enemy's left flank with his First Corps, and after the work began there, to demonstrate against his lines with the other two in order to prevent the threatened flank from being re-enforced, these demonstrations to be converted into a real attack as the flanking wave of battle rolled over the tro
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
Liberty Hall Academy, 405. Ligny, battle of, 424. Lincoln, Abraham, elected President, 83; mentioned, 96, 103, 136, 137, 157, 166, 169, 170, 175, 176, 177, 197, 207, 218, 219, 221; warning to Hooker, 240; mentioned, 243, 262, 264; Grant and Lincoln meet, 382; Lincoln in Richmond, 382; assassination of, 400. Little Napoleon-McClellan, 214. Little Round Top-Gettysburg, 274, 280, 282, 283. Logan, General John A., mentioned, 24. Lomax, General L. L., in the Valley, 370. Long, General, mentioned, 28, 276. Longstreet, General, James, notice of, 47; mentioned, 138, 139, 148, 158, 165, 180, 181, 190 , 191, 192, 193, 203, 205, 208, 220, 222, 226, 260, 262, 264, 265, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 283, 284, 294; sent to the Southwest, 313; wounded in the Wilderness, 331; return to duty, 365; joins General Lee, pursued, 387. Loring, General, mentioned, 116, 118. Loudoun Heights, Va., 202. Louisa Court House, 177. Ludwell, Hannah, mentioned, 6. Mackenzie, General, Ro
Lt.-Colonel Arthur J. Fremantle, Three Months in the Southern States, July, 1863. (search)
s yell in a manner peculiar to themselves. The Yankee cheer is much more like ours; but the Confederate officers declare that the rebel yell has a particular merit, and always produces a salutary and useful effect upon their adversaries. A corps is sometimes spoken of as a good yelling regiment. So soon as the firing began, General Lee joined Hill just below our tree, and he remained there nearly all the time, looking through his fieldglass-sometimes talking to Hill and sometimes to Colonel Long of his Staff. But generally he sat quite alone on the stump of a tree. What I remarked especially was, that during the whole time the firing continued, he only sent one message, and only received one report. It is evidently his system to arrange the plan thoroughly with the three corps commanders, and then leave to them the duty of modifying and carrying it out to the best of their abilities. When the cannonade was at its height, a Confederate band of music, between the cemetery an
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 38 (search)
here are rumors of the enemy accumulating a heavy force at Suffolk. The guard at Camp Lee are going in the morning to Lee's army; their places here to be filled by the reserve forces of boys and old men. This indicates a battle on the Rapidan. April 16 Rained all night% and in fitful showers all day. We have more accounts (unofficial) of a victory near Shreveport, La. One of the enemy's gun-boats has been blown up and sunk in Florida. By late Northern arrivals we see that a Mr. Long, member of Congress, has spoken in favor of our recognition. A resolution of expulsion was soon after introduced. Gen. Lee has suggested, and the Secretary of War has approved, a project for removing a portion of the population from Richmond into the country. Its object is to accumulate supplies for the army. If some 20,000 could be moved away, it would relieve the rest to some extent. Troops are passing northward every night. The carnage and carnival of death will soon begin!
ashington City. As in his first report, every operation or need of the army and of the War Department was presented with a lucidity of style and statement that made his official communications models of what State papers should be, and necessarily increased his reputation as a far-seeing and able Minister. His care extended to the utmost parts of the United States. General George W. Jones, of Dubuque, Ia., says: In 1853 or 1854, while I was in the Senate of the United States, Colonel Long of the Engineer Corps came to Dubuque to inspect the improvement of the harbor, under an appropriation I had procured. He was applied to by Mr. Charles Gregoire, my wife's brother, for a change in its construction. He declined to make the change asked for, but advised Mr. Gregoire to get me to ask the Secretary of War, Mr. Davis, to authorize the change in the survey. Before I left home Mr. Gregoire came to me, and submitted to me the plans and maps of the harbor improvement.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 5: the Chattanooga campaign.--movements of Sherman's and Burnside's forces. (search)
fight, moved off in the darkness over the mountains, and fell upon another supply-train of wagons and railway cars at McMinnville. These were captured, together with six hundred men; and then a large quantity of supplies were destroyed. There, after the mischief was done, he was overtaken by General George Crook, Oct. 4. with two thousand cavalry, and his rear-guard, as he fled toward Murfreesboroa, was charged with great spirit by the Second Kentucky Regiment of Crook's cavalry, under Colonel Long. Wheeler's force greatly outnumbered Long. They dismounted, and fought till dark, when they sprang upon their horses and pushed for Murfreesboroa, hoping to seize and hold that important point in Rosecrans's communications. It was too strongly guarded to be quickly taken, and as Wheeler had a relentless pursuer, he pushed on southward to Warren and Shelbyville, burning bridges behind him, damaging the railway, capturing trains and destroying stores, and crossing Duck River pressed on t