Browsing named entities in James D. Porter, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, Tennessee (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Logan or search for Logan in all documents.

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al Gregg, misled by the information received from General Pemberton, made his dispositions to capture a brigade of the enemy; but instead of a brigade, encountered Logan's division. He was attacked by three brigades commanded by Brig.-Gens. John E. Smith, E. S. Dennis and John D. Stevenson, with three batteries, and a considerable force of cavalry. Besides all these, General Crocker's Seventh division was hurried into position to support Logan, and finally the whole Seventh army corps, 23,749 strong, commanded by Maj.-Gen. John B. McPherson, was disposed for battle. This great array was met by General Gregg with an aggregate present of 2,500 officers and which burst during the action. General McPherson reported that after a sharp and severe contest of three hours duration the Confederates were driven back. General Logan referred to the battle as a terrible conflict that raged with great fury for at least two hours. The marvel is that Gregg, fighting almost ten times his numbe
hose distinguished for coolness, gallantry and successful conduct through the engagements and in the rear guard on the retreat. He continued in division command, after this battle, of his own brigade, Lewis' Kentuckians and Finley's Floridians, and was commissioned major-general February 23, 1864. Throughout the Georgia campaign he commanded a division of Hardee's corps, so often and so bravely in action; at Resaca handsomely repulsed the enemy from his front; at Dallas vigorously assailed Logan's intrenched Fifteenth Federal corps with his single division; on July 22d led the flank movement under Hardee which brought on the famous battle of Atlanta. In the ill-fated campaign under General Hood, which brought General Bate and his men back to their native State, but with circumstances of suffering and disaster, he led his division, now including Jackson's brigade, from Florence, Ala., November 21st; marched with Cheatham's corps to Spring Hill, where he was in readiness for orders t