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e following are the indictments returned by the Grand Jury on Tuesday, to which allusion was made in yesterday's paper. Against John Gaskins, for purloining letters, a true bill, 4 counts. Against Frederick Brooks, a free negro, for stealing letters, a true bill. Against Francisco Padrone Calleros, for being engaged in the slave trade, on board the Storm King, a true bill. Against Joseph Silva, for the same, a true bill. Against Antonio Fernandez, for the same, a true bill.--Against John Lockhart, (Captain of the vessel,) for the same, a true bill. Against the same for a misdemeanor, (connected with the above offence,) a true bill, two counts. The Grand Jury found not true bills in the cases of Henry White, William Warner, James Gillmore and William Spencer alias Cranston, crew of the Storm King. On yesterday, it was ordered that the Clerk of the Court furnish the counsel of Francisco Padrone Calleros and his associates against whom true bills were found, with certified co
rton. In saying this, we are slightly in error--one unfortunate fellow, called, we believe, John Lockhart, was excepted from the general amnesty. --The Government did not choose to put him on trial that a jury would see nothing in a man's wishing to leave so hot a place as the Guinea coast. Lockhart was then sent to the county jail for safe-keeping, and since then the agents of the nearly decepleasant to travel at other people's cost, but we submit, that all this extra exertion, to make Lockhart a permanent resident as a Penitentiary convict, savors rather more of spite than a desire to seof $246. It was a costly illustration of the beauty of law. Let us not have a repetition. Now, Lockhart is entitled to a trial. The U. S. Attorney will be here from New York on the 23rd, and should nto respectable darkies, let it so appear, and the penalty of so doing be exacted. If not, let Lockhart go hence without delay. The prisoner is certainly entitled to a show of hands before a jury of
Federal Court. --The trial of Captain John Lockhart, for alleged participation in the slave trade aboard the brig Storm King, on the African coast, in August, 1860, will be commenced on Monday morning, before Judge Halyburton, in the above Court.
The Trial of Capt. John Lockhart is expected to commence before the U. S. Court to-day.--His alleged offence is being engaged in the transportation of negroes from the coast of Guinea.
The Trial of Capt. John Lockhart, for misdemeanor, (in being a passenger on board a vessel engaged in the slave trade,) was commenced before Judge Halyburton yesterday, in the U. S. District Court. His counsel objected to the first count in the indictment, which was decided by the Judge to be of no account, and the instrument was quashed.--A grand jury was ordered to convene at 5 o'clock to make another presentment, --Prisoner was offered bail, if he chose to avail himself of it.
The Trial of Capt. John Lockhart. for alleged complicity in the slave trade, was postponed yesterday, in the United States Court, until to-day.
United States vs. John Lockhart. --The defendant in this case having been indicted for misdemeanor in being aboard the Storm King when that vessel was found near the coast of Africa with a number of negroes on board, the case was called yesterday for trial in the Federal Court, Judge Halyburton presiding. A jury was empaneled and sundry witnesses sworn. Dr. Bledsoe, Assistant Surgeon in the Navy, testified that he was on board the San Jacinto when the Storm King was captured. Accidentally found a lot of papers in a trunk having no lock, placed near the gangway.--Saw the papers afterwards in the hands of Lieut. Broom, of the Marines, when leaving the cabin. He had been sent to search for documents. They were given to Capt. Dornin. Witness identified papers in Court as a portion of those he saw. One Cranston, a sailor on board the Storm King, testified that he joined her in New York. She left the 2d of May, 1860. Could not say what nation she belonged to. Signed articles.
Trial of Capt. John Lockhart. --The trial of this prisoner, before Judge Halyburton, for complicity in slave trading operations on the African coast, was resumed yesterday. The prisoner's counsel made the following points in their argument to the jury: 1st. That it was not proved that Lockhart was a citizen of the United States; 2d. That the United States had not proved the nationality of the vessel; 3d. That it has not been proved (as must be the case to insure conviction) that tLockhart was a citizen of the United States; 2d. That the United States had not proved the nationality of the vessel; 3d. That it has not been proved (as must be the case to insure conviction) that the prisoner was found serving on board, by guiding, steering or directing her movements; 4th. That it has not been proved that the prisoner was anything more than a passenger on board the Storm King, away from home, anxious to reach it, and having no other mode of conveyance than the vessel; 5th. That it has not been proved that the vessel was bound on a voyage, from one foreign country to another, which must be done to ensure a conviction. After able argument for and against the prisoner
peared. The music and military went off up town, but a large crowd had meanwhile gathered, manifesting a determination to hear somebody; so Messrs. Gor-don and Newton gave them a few secession touches. We believe this satisfied the popular clamor. Mr. John Septon appears at the Theatre tonight, and the managers offer an attractive bill for the termination of his brief engagement. A glance at the bill for the evening will furnish convincing proof that a good performance will be given. In the Federal Court, the jury in the case of Capt. John Lockhart are still unable to agree on a verdict. In the Hustings Court, the case of the people vs. Lea and Brannon was given to the jury last evening, but at night, reporting themselves as unable to agree, they were given in charge of the Sergeant, and the prisoners were sent back to jail. We regret to say that the condition of the venerable Judge Hopkins was still such, last evening, as to leave little hope of his recovery.
Jury discharged. --Judge Halyburton, of the United States District Court, on yesterday, discharged the jury sworn to try Captain John Lockhart for misdemeanor, in being on a vessel having Africans on board. The jury stood 11 for acquittal to 1 against. Afterwards all of the jury signed a paper, requesting the Judge to admit the prisoner to bail.--The application will be made to-day.