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that they constituted the most forcible portion of his argument. When he first knew the gentleman from Prince George, he stood with him upon the platform of State sovereignty. He had wandered into the sterile fields of the opposition, and afterwards come back; but now, in his peculiar manner, he was here asserting that there was a sovereign nation in this land, and that the States were mere dependencies upon it. If this doctrine were to prevail, then farewell to Republican liberty, for Mr. Lincoln and Gen. Scott could come here with their armies and disperse this Convention. He intended to express his views fully hereafter; but he would say to the war-horse of Prince George, and his friends, that if they succeeded in carrying their doctrine of consolidation, the people would repudiate it. Mr. Carlile, of Harrison, took the floor, and called the attention of the gentleman from Middlesex to the language of the Declaration of Independence; he thought if the doctrines advocated b
The Daily Dispatch: March 28, 1861., [Electronic resource], The measles and Western Cousins leaving the White House. (search)
The measles and Western Cousins leaving the White House. --The juvenile inmates of the White House have nearly recovered from their attack of the measles, and Mrs. Lincoln is again "at home" to her numerous visitors. Mrs. Edwards remains, but the party of friends and relatives who came with the President from Illinois, and were his guests after the inauguration, have left.
he cost of transportation, insurance, and other charges, would still leave a large margin of profit for the importer. The revenue from this source under our present relations would never go into the Treasury of the United States, and consequently that drain would deprive the Government of its main resource and reliance. To permit such a misdirection of our commerce and division of our revenues, would be to surrender the whole substance of Government to an organized conspiracy, and to give up every vestige of public authority." The time for the determination of "the practical question" is close at hand. We shall then see whether or not Mr. Lincoln will make an attempt to collect the public revenue. Our own impression is that he will, and this impression is confirmed by reports of intelligent Virginians who have recently visited Washington, and by the concentration of the largest naval squadron on the coast that has ever been organized since the foundation of the Government.
y! your Washington! (whom shall I name? for the name of your patriots is legion,) to return to the embrace of Great Britain. The divorce has been for infidelity. We crave no re-union. The corruption went to the core. The election of Lincoln, we are told, was according to the forms of law. It is precisely for this reason that we have resisted to disruption. The disease has reached the heart. The orderly action of its vital organs turned out for us as a result the election of LincoLincoln. We accepted the indication. It was too late longer to indulge hope. Are not these positions corrects? Have not the points been rightly stated? Did you not make such points upon your confederates? Have you carried them? Were you long in making them? or will they be long in abandoning them? Upon what ground will you base your surrender? The unimportance of the points involved? Want of sincerity in your demands? Want of justice in making them? Want of spirit to maintain th
Cumberland is a face-looking ship, and will, we understand, go out of commission." No troops have yet arrived at Old Point; we understand a number are expected. Our Norfolk friends are complaining of the course of the Convention in not doing that which will carry Virginia out of the Union at once. Norfolk is beginning to feel the evil effects of not seceding. The Great Eastern, we learn, is to discharge cargo off Charleston harbor, and then come to Norfolk. Good idea, that; as Lincoln would say, "bright id'e." Well, if our Norfolk merchants love the Union better than their State, their city, and their own interests, and show this to the country and to the world, by electing to the Convention a "Union man," they can only blame themselves if the "Great Eastern," or other ships, go, under the advantage of the Southern tariff, to the Southern States, and there discharge, their cargoes. Will Norfolk ever awake from her profound slumber? We sincerely hope she will, and the d
hich amount will be increased as the working of the new system becomes better understood. At New Orleans, I am told, the authorities are collecting an enormous amount of revenue, which, of course, diminishes to that extent at least the power of Lincoln for mischief, and shortens his lever to coerce to a degree never contemplated by him or his coadjutors. Let, then, the submission revilers of Southern men and Southern independence have their way; but future events will prove to them that they ats of war upon the people of the North by the Government of the South; indeed, such as I have spoken with in the subject, have deprecated hostilities, but have at the same time declared earnestly and emphatically that if war was the election of Lincoln, he should have his fill to his heart's content. Davis is to take command in case hostilities commence, and in anticipation of such an event, he has made preparations to an extent little suspected outside of the States particularly interested.
The Daily Dispatch: March 28, 1861., [Electronic resource], Major Anderson ordered to Newport Kentucky. (search)
Fort Sumter. The Charleston Mercury, noting the arrival of Col. Lamon (Lincoln's agent,) there on Monday, says: The city was all agog yesterday, at the announcement that still another ambassador from Washington had come to town, and was in close conference with the Governor. It appears that this last envoy, Mr. W. H. Limon, of Illinois, arrived in the city on Sunday morning, and registered his name upon the books of the Charleston Hotel as from Virginia. He remained quietly at the hotel until yesterday morning, when he sent his card to the Governor, requesting an interview. The nature of his communication has not been made public. About one o'clock, accompanied by Col. Duryea, Aid to the Governor, Mr. Lamon left the city in the steamer Plaster, Capt. Ferguson, and proceeded to Fort Sumter. The title being low, the steamer was unable to reach the Fort wharf, but was met at a short distance by a boat commanded by an officer, who, we understood, was Lieut. After presenti