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Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography 153 3 Browse Search
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant 131 1 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4 30 0 Browse Search
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 14 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 3, 1861., [Electronic resource] 12 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 8 0 Browse Search
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General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 1 (search)
ith that of Napoleon, who had a bow mouth, which looked as if it had been modeled after a front view of his cocked hat. The firmness with which the general's square-shaped jaws were set when his features were in repose was highly expressive of his force of character and the strength of his will-power. His hair and beard were of a chestnut-brown color. The beard was worn full, no part of the face being shaved, but, like the hair, was always kept closely and neatly trimmed. Like Cromwell, Lincoln, and several other great men in history, he had a wart on his cheek. In his case it was small, and located on the right side just above the line of the beard. His face was not perfectly symmetrical, the left eye being a very little lower than the right. His brow was high, broad, and rather square, and was creased with several horizontal wrinkles, which helped to emphasize the serious and somewhat careworn look which was never absent from his countenance. This expression, however, was in
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 2 (search)
created for Grant Grant's first meeting with Lincoln in command of all the armies interview with of General Grant was sent to the Senate by Mr. Lincoln on the 1st of March, and confirmed on the 2 to become one of the most uncommon of men. Mrs. Lincoln occupied a position on his right. For a ti modestly with the rest of the crowd toward Mr. Lincoln. He had arrived from the West that eveninghistorical characters had never met before, Mr. Lincoln recognized the general at once from the piclightly forward, and his eyes upturned toward Lincoln's face. The President, who was eight inches oln was standing, and presented him to her. Mrs. Lincoln expressed much surprise and pleasure at thel went to the White House, by invitation of Mr. Lincoln, for the purpose of receiving his commissios. He then spoke of his experiences with Mr. Lincoln, and the very favorable impression the Presnd have to be whipped all over again. Said Mr. Lincoln: I thought the best way to get rid of them [2 more...]
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 3 (search)
staff-officers sitting by listening, telegrams were received from Washington saying that Sherman had advanced in Georgia, Butler had ascended the James River, and Sigel's forces were moving down the valley of Virginia. These advances were in obedience to General Grant's previous orders. He said: I don't expect much from Sigel's movement; it is made principally for the purpose of preventing the enemy in his front from withdrawing troops to reinforce Lee's army. To use an expression of Mr. Lincoln's, employed in my last conversation with him, when I was speaking of this general policy, If Sigel can't skin himself, he can hold a leg while somebody else skins. It is very gratifying to know that Hancock and Warren have made a march to-day of over twenty miles, with scarcely any stragglers from their commands. Telegrams were now sent to Washington announcing the entire success of the crossing of the Rapidan, and saying that it would be demonstrated before long whether the enemy inte
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 11 (search)
ar, 152; and in the Crimea, 600; and that in the campaigns thus far in our own war more men had died from sickness while lying in camp than from shot and shell in battle. He could not select his ground for fighting in this continuous siege of fortified lines; for, though he and his chief officers applied all their experience and skill in endeavors to maneuver the enemy out of strong positions before attacking him, his foe was often too able and wily to fall into the trap set for him, and had to be struck in positions which were far from Grant's choosing. When Lee stopped fighting the cause of secession was lost. If Grant had stopped fighting the cause of the Union would have been lost. He was assigned one of the most appalling tasks ever intrusted to a commander. He did his duty fearlessly to the bitter end, and triumphed. In thirteen months after Lincoln handed him his commission of lieutenant-general, and intrusted to him the command of the armies, the war was virtually ended.
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 12 (search)
rt of the battles they were less. Our reinforcements had amounted to just about the same number as the losses. It was estimated from the best sources of information that Lee had also received reinforcements equal to his losses, so that the armies were now of about the same size as when the campaign began. All the reinforcements organized in the North and reported as on their way to the front did not reach us. There was a good deal of truth in the remark reported to have been made by Mr. Lincoln: We get a large body of reinforcements together, and start them to the front; but after deducting the sick, the deserters, the stragglers, and the discharged, the numbers seriously diminish by the time they reach their destination. It's like trying to shovel fleas across a barnyard; you don't get 'em all there. General Grant said during the discussion: I was with General Taylor's command in Mexico when he not only failed to receive reinforcements, but found that nearly all his re
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 15 (search)
Chapter 15 Lincoln's first visit to Grant's camp Lincoln at the front some anecdotes by Lincoln movement against the Weldon Railroad Swapping horses Sheridan Returns where Pocahonthe officer, and in the laugh at his expense Mr. Lincoln and the general both joined heartily. Gat any time. General Grant presented to Mr. Lincoln the officers of the staff who were present,nd Meade's commands were most interesting. Mr. Lincoln wore a very high black silk hat and black tve witnessed it unmoved. In the evening Mr. Lincoln gathered with General Grant and the staff id rather have a single photograph of one of Mr. Lincoln's jokes than own the negative of any other I replied, That is a trace. Oh, remarked Mr. Lincoln, that recalls what the poet wrote: sorrow hhe harness he didn't mention. That night Mr. Lincoln slept aboard the boat which had brought himthe river as far as it was safe to ascend. Mr. Lincoln was in excellent spirits, and listened wit[5 more...]
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 18 (search)
r the battle of the Wilderness, I said: This is the grandest act of his life; now I feel that the rebellion will be crushed. I wrote him, saying it was a bold order to give, and full of significance; that it showed the mettle of which he was made, and if Wellington could have heard it he would have jumped out of his boots. The terms of Grant's despatch in reply to the announcement of the capture of Atlanta gave us great gratification here. I took that and the noble letter written by President Lincoln, and published them in general orders; and they did much to encourage the troops and make them feel that their hard work was appreciated by those highest in command. After a while lunch was announced, and the general invited me to his mess, consisting of himself and his personal staff. Among the latter I met some of my old army friends, whom I was much gratified to see again. The general's mess was established in the dining-room of the house he occupied, and was about as democrati
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 19 (search)
anding General Butler joined the party, and pointed out the objects of interest along his lines. Mr. Stanton then spoke with much earnestness of the patient labors and patriotic course of the President. There had been rumors of disagreements and unpleasant scenes at times between the distinguished Secretary of War and his chief; but there evidently was little, if any, foundation for such reports, and certainly upon this occasion the Secretary manifested a genuine personal affection for Mr. Lincoln, and an admiration for his character which amounted to positive reverence. Mr. Stanton wore spectacles, and had a habit of removing them from time to time when he was talking earnestly, and wiping the glasses with his handkerchief. His style of speech was deliberate, but his manner at times grew animated, and he presented a personality which could not fail to interest and impress all who came in contact with the great Carnot of our war. The next morning, after breakfast, the Secr
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 22 (search)
ce with enough force to weaken the fort. However, they can use an old boat which is not of much value, and we have plenty of damaged powder which is unserviceable for any other purpose, so that the experiment will not cost much, at any rate. Mr. Lincoln, in assenting to it, said facetiously: We might as well explode the notion with powder as with anything else. On December 3 General Grant wrote Sherman a letter, which he sent down the coast, to be delivered as soon as the Western commandera reply to Thomas, dated midnight, as follows: Your despatch of this evening just received. I congratulate you and the army under your command for to-day's operations, and feel a conviction that tomorrow will add more fruits to your victory. Mr. Lincoln, on hearing the news, telegraphed Thomas: You have made a magnificent beginning. A grand consummation is within your easy reach. Do not let it slip. Logan had proceeded as far as Louisville when he heard the news of Thomas's first day's f
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 24 (search)
ion, and were on their way to endeavor to have a conference with Mr. Lincoln. The desired permission to enter our lines was granted, and Bab gladly welcome peace if it could be secured upon proper terms. Mr. Lincoln had directed Mr. Seward, the Secretary of State, on January 31, n from one who was in authority, and said he would feel sorry if Mr. Lincoln did not have an interview with them, or with some of them. Thisonference lasting several hours aboard the President's steamer. Mr. Lincoln stated that peace could be secured only by a restoration of the e first which might possibly lead in the end to union, but which Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward thought would amount simply to an indefinite poste ear of corn, gave rise to a characterization of the costume by Mr. Lincoln which was very amusing. The next time he saw General Grant at Chens's greatcoat Oh, yes, answered the general. Well, continued Mr. Lincoln, soon after we assembled on the steamer at Hampton Roads, the ca