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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.16 (search)
: Martin, I come to you with a message from General Lee, who desires me to say that he regrets thatfrom our front and going to City Point, and General Lee should at once return Hoke's Division to Ge, Martin, our information is different, and General Lee expects another attack right here. So our ivision at that very time, and also begging General Lee for the same, as he looked for Grant to attwere in the attack on Fort Harrison made by General Lee to recover that strong position, without sud had some fighting but not very severe. General Lee gave orders that the earthworks should be sand. Kirkland, flushed with pride, thanked General Lee for the compliment to his brigade, but addeA manly statement from a gallant soldier! General Lee replied: General Martin is one to whom Nortaid in my hearing, and made me proud also. General Lee was fond of General Martin, but I believe Pn and Kirkland, in the armies of Beauregard and Lee, was as as effective, as brave, laborious and f[1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Donaldsonville artillery at the battle of Fredericksburg. (search)
brilliant infantry attack had more to do with the successful result. Later in the same year Stuart performed a still greater feat. Whilst McClellan was pursuing Lee southward after the battle of Antietam creek, Stuart, with 2,000 picked troopers and half a dozen light guns, stole round the right wing of the Federals, crossed th for the campaign of 1864, and it is understood that it had attained a remarkable degree of efficiency. In the few cavalry encounters that have taken place between Lee's and Grant's armies, the Confederate cavalry, always inferior in numbers, has invariably come off triumphant, and it is to General Stuart it owes its superiority. onfederacy. Forrest, Morgan, VanDorn, older men, were pupils in his school; and amongst the heroes of the war his name will worthily take its place beside those of Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Personally, J. E. B. Stuart will be, perhaps, more widely lamented than any Confederate general who has fallen. His noble features and manl
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Events leading up to the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
an, in the winter of 1863, a report reached General Lee that a change had been made in the dispositll had told me and said that I had withheld General Lee's order about changing the position of the God's sake do wrong sometimes. Although General Lee was satisfied with what I had done on this Clellan from the Chickahominy to the James, General Lee had dispatched General Jackson, with his owtended to renew the attack on Richmond, and General Lee must remain there. If, on the other hand, th the confident expectation on the part of General Lee that the northward movement of his army wounear Berryville. The following letter from General Lee to General Stuart, written on the 22d of Jusame date, which I have quoted, was sent by General Lee through General Longstreet, who was on the is campaign states that he had submitted to General Lee a plan of leaving a brigade or two, to use have quoted on the same subject, written by General Lee to him about the same time. But the report[51 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.19 (search)
e other and most essential supports ordered to accompany Pickett's advance. General Lee's report, as before quoted, says: The batteries were directed to be pushed fe, and some lack of support for the deferred and attempted advance. What General Lee said. This statement is relieved of its ambiguity by General Lee, who telGeneral Lee, who tells the result as follows: The troops moved steadily on, under a heavy fire of musketry and artillery, the main attack being directed against the enemy's left centand driven back with heavy loss. There is no obscurity in the language of General Lee. The artillery did not render the necessary support, and, in consequence of are from the official records, it will be seen that it was no vain boast of General Lee when he said of Pickett's charge: If they had been supported, as they were tposition, and the day would have been ours. It is perfectly apparent that General Lee attributed the defeat of Pickett solely to the failure of the batteries to a
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.20 (search)
e but himself that he was ever the rival of General Lee and Stonewall Jackson, or that Jackson's fais ride towards Baltimore. He claimed that General Lee had given him authority to cross east of th received no orders to march. The next day General Lee wrote to Mr. Davis: Reports of movements ofn the correspondence during this period between Lee, Longstreet, and Stuart this is the first intim. But in his letter of the 22d, to Stuart, General Lee indicated no route—he merely ordered Stuarthe was at Hagerstown. So his spy only told General Lee what he already knew. It could not have bemust, therefore, have been in default. But General Lee was not present in the battle; he arrived j now says that Cashtown was the place where General Lee ordered the concentration. He did not say s a reconnoissance, then what is a battle? General Lee had not ordered any reconnoissance, and thebe sounded even in the middle of a combat. General Lee was in a state of duress when he arrived on[30 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Meade's temper. (search)
f Centreville. It was then well known that General Lee had recently detached Longstreet to the assood it, and pointing out the probability of General Lee's inferiority of numbers, closes with the f: * * * If General Meade can now attack him (Lee) on a field no more than equal for us, and do sith the importance of immediately attacking General Lee, the President's letter was transmitted by upon the first favorable opportunity. But General Lee had projected his movement so unexpectedly in this short campaign, for it appears that General Lee was far inferior in strength to the Union ae nearly double his enemy, for in that campaign Lee was on the offensive in dead earnest. The resulegraphed Halleck asking for information of General Lee's movements, and announcing that it is imponability to procure accurate information of General Lee's movements, or divine his intentions, answout suggestion or comment from Washington. General Lee, his purpose accomplished, slowly retired t[7 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.22 (search)
General Lee and the battle of Gettysburg. [from the Richmond Dispatch, December 8, 1895.] He e purpose, and to that extent reflects upon General Lee's capacity as a commander. This aspect of the manner and its bearing upon General Lee's reputation as a soldier, of course, has not been consthere was not the remotest element of chance in Lee's march on Gettysburg, as I will presently showarmy to converge on Gettysburg. A man of General Lee's consummate knowledge of the science of waan be no dispute about it; it is settled by General Lee himself beyond all controversy, and it is sand subsequently the Union army, arrived at General Lee's headquarters, in Chambersburg, with the i receiving this disturbing information that General Lee's first impulse was to bring Ewell back and Ewell, of a copy of the foregoing order of General Lee, with verbal instructions to move back, and in unison. This formal statement by General Lee made at the time, together with various ord[4 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
ly after this a number of men, some deserters from Stoneman's command and other worthless characters, led by two desperate men, Wade and Simmons, completely terrorized a large portion of Wilkes county by their frequent raids. In order to fully understand the situation, the condition of the country at that time must be taken into consideration. Almost every man fit for military service was in the army, and the country was almost completely at the mercy of the robbers. It was thought after Lee had surrendered and the soldiers were returning home that these depredations would be discontinued, but they were not. These marauders were divided into two bands. One, led by Simmons, had its headquarters in the Brushy Mountains, and the other, led by Wade, had its headquarters near the Yadkin river, in Wilkes county. The bands at times operated together, but it is principally with Wade's band that this article is to deal. The house which Wade had chosen and fortified was situated near
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.25 (search)
witnessed the day before. The news was at once telegraphed to the Navy Department at Washington, and immediately the telegraph-wires waxed warm with orders to Admiral Lee, commanding the North Atlantic blockading squadron, and to the commandants of the Boston, New York, and Philadelphia navy-yards, to send out vessels in pursuit Stonewall Jackson had made his last, but splendid, march around Hooker's right flank at Chancellorsville, doubling him up, and leaving him hors de combat, and General Lee, with his victorious legions, was marching triumphantly into Pennsylvania. The ironclad Atlanta had been sent out from Savannah, Ga., with a view to raising thid on the Northern cities, and demonstrations were being made in various directions to tighten the tension and prevent reinforcements from being drawn off to oppose Lee's advance. No wonder, then, that affairs looked dark and gloomy, and that the pulse of the Northern cities beat uneasily. Meantime, the Tacony played havoc al
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.29 (search)
thing better illustrates the name and character of Virginia than the lives of those three eminent Governors of the State—Smith, Wise, and Floyd. Although old men, they all three entered the army, and led the youth of their State where the battle raged hottest. Some years after this I served with Governor Smith in the Legislature, and learned to love and admire him more and more. Passing through Buckingham, a citizen showed me a tree on the roadside, just beyond the court-house, where General Lee had slept on his way to Richmond the previous night. That evening, after we had crossed over into Amelia, we met some Yankee marauders, who, presenting pistols, halted us and wanted to know whether we were bushwhackers. They informed us that they had just taken a pistol from a Confederate colonel in front of us. This colonel proved to be my good friend, Major W. F. C. Gregory, of Wise's staff. They wound up by insisting on our taking a drink in token of amity, which we reluctantly did,