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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 2.12 (search)
lywood, in so quiet, secluded a spot that I felt indeed that no sound could awake him to glory again. A simple wooden slab marks the spot, upon which is inscribed--General Stuart, wounded May 11th, 1864; died May 12th, 1864. And there rests poor J. E. B. Stuart, It was in 1852 I first knew him, the date of my entry as a cadet in the United States Military Academy--twenty-three years ago. Having entered West Point two years before, he was a second-class-man at the time — a classmate of Custis Lee's, Pegram's and Pender's. Beauty Stuart he was then universally called, for however manly and soldierly in appearance he afterwards grew, in those days his comrades bestowed that appellation upon him to express their idea of his personal comeliness in inverse ratio to the term employed. In that year, I recollect, he was orderly sergeant of his company, and in his first-class year its cadet captain. I recall his distinguishing characteristics, which were a strict attention to his mili
Heros von Borcke, Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, Chapter 18: (search)
d even the blankets with which I covered my horses were not safe from her voracity. On the 21st we had a visit from Custis Lee, son of our Commander-in-Chief, and aide-de-camp to President Davis, who wished to inspect the battle-field and the tow excellently for pillows, remained as outward and visible tokens of its existence. But the joke lived still, and even General Lee, by no means addicted to the jocular vein, would frequently, on parade or in the battle-field, come out with, Major, wem agreed that camp life was, after all, not so unendurable. On the morning of the 30th our guests paid a visit to General Lee, where I joined them, and we rode off together to Moss-Neck, Jackson's headquarters, a distance, as has been mentionedhimself to look at his watch, it was discovered to be very near the hour when we were all expected back to supper with General Lee. Away we started at full gallop; but though our horses were urged to their topmost speed, we reached headquarters far
ns. These officers and others-including General Custis Lee, son of the General — were captured, andall was the still line of battle just placed by Lee, and waiting calmly. General Lee had rushed hiGeneral Lee had rushed his infantry over just at sunset, leading it in person, his face animated, and his eye brilliant withn him to lead them against the enemy. It's General Lee! Uncle Robert! Where's the man who won't f body of the Federal army was now closing round Lee, and it was only by obstinate and persistent fince continued until the morning of the 9th, General Lee refusing to surrender the army. But his co reduced to 7,800 muskets, and Grant had in General Lee's front 80,000 men, with a reserve of 40,00outhern army was almost completely surrounded. Lee's line slowly fell back before this overwhelminied and wholly unable to realize the idea. For Lee, the invincible, to yield up his sword was an it God in whom he had ever placed his reliance. Lee, the victor upon many hard-fought fields, was a[7 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 15: evacuation of Richmond and the Petersburg lines.--retreat and surrender. (search)
moved up the south bank of the Appomattox. General Lee was not able to concentrate all his troops e naval battalion of Commodore Tucker to General Custis Lee's division. The troops, though suffe in two columns south of Appomattox parallel to Lee's route north of it-one under Ord up the Southsixth Infantry Corps, on a route between Ord and Lee. These movements directly west, if properly madoad, seven miles from Amelia Court House, where Lee was that morningon the afternoon of the 4th, wi late in the afternoon of the 5th. The last of Lee's force, Ewell, it will be remembered, did not elia Court House until noon that day. Still, if Lee's supplies had been there as ordered, he might rdered to be placed at Amelia Court House, says Lee, nearly twenty-four hours were lost in endeavor. There is some mystery about these supplies. Lee ordered them to be sent there from Danville, fos about-Kershaw on the right of the road and Custis Lee on the left, the navy battalion in rear of h[7 more...]
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXVII. June, 1863 (search)
d there, and burnt the bridges which the brigade had been guardingl This is sottishness, rather than generalship, in our local commanders. A regiment was sent up when firing was heard (the annihilation of our weak guard left at the bridges) and arrived just two hours too late. The enemy rode back, with a hundred mules they had captured, getting under cover of their gun-boats. To-day, it is said, Gen. Elzey is relieved, and Gen. Ransom, of North Carolina, put in command; also, that Custis Lee (son of Gen. R. E. Lee) has superseded Gen. Winder. I hope this has been done. Young Lee has certainly been commissioned a brigadier-general. His brother, Brig.-Gen. W. H. F. Lee, wounded in a late cavalry fight, was taken yesterday by the enemy at Hanover Court House. Gen. Whiting's letter about the Arabian came back from the President, today, indorsed that, as Congress did not prohibit private blockade-running, he wouldn't interfere. So, this is to be the settled policy of the go
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 29 (search)
8 I am glad to copy the following order of Gen. Lee: General orders no. 73.headquarters army opeace. But the absence of dispatches from Gen. Lee himself is beginning to create distrust, and . E. Johnston, General. We get nothing from Lee himself. Gen. Cooper, the Secretary of War, an be here in a few weeks? Perhaps so-but, then, Lee may not have quite completed his raid beyond thstern Virginia, has delayed 2000 men ordered to Lee, assigning as an excuse the demonstrations of tngs of the people in New Orleans. July 18 Lee has got over the Potomac with a loss, in crossird Knoxville-and I suspect their destination is Lee's army. But we have a dispatch from Beaureg. A letter from the Commissary-General to Gen. Lee states that we have but 1,800,000 pounds of bliterate the memory of a dozen victories. Even Lee's great name is dimmed somewhat in the estimatigot some twenty locomotives in Mississippi. Lee has retreated as far as Culpepper Court House. [36 more...]
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXX. September, 1863 (search)
ower to delegate the authority to appoint. Gen. Lee is still here (I thought he had departed), no neither were greeted with cheers. I suppose Gen. Lee has lost some popularity among idle street wa Lee. September 4 There is a rumor that Gen. Lee (who is still here) is to take the most of hiay be, however, that this is a ruse, and if so, Lee is preparing for another northern campaign. quarter? September 5 It is believed that Lee, with a large portion of his army, will proceedrcements thither. But I fear for Virginia when Lee is away! Meade must have a large army left behrhaps we shall soon have reports from it. Gen. Lee, it is said, takes two corps d'armee to Tenne. C., yesterday, that he had heard nothing of Gen. Lee's orders to march a portion of his army to Te may be very true; but, nevertheless, 18,000 of Lee's troops (a corps) is already marching thitherwy by having read to them an order from Brig.-Gen. Custis Lee (son of Gen. R. E. Lee), an order to t[1 more...]
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 32 (search)
e defense of the capital. In the absence of Custis Lee, Col. Brown, the English aid of the Presidenecretary Seddon permit this? October 13 Gen. Lee's cavalry are picking up some prisoners, sevethe innumerable brood of blockaderunners. Gen. Lee has sent down between 60Q and 700 prisoners ceating toward Washington City, hotly pursued by Lee. They were near Manassas, the first battle-fieleat of the enemy. It is to be yet seen whether Lee captured more prisoners than Meade captured. It is said we lost seven guns. But how can Lee achieve anything when the enemy is ever kept informe that river. What if Meade retreated to entice Lee away from Richmond, having in preparation an exially increase our salaries. October 21 Gen. Lee telegraphed last night that our cavalry had rCapt. Warner says he is now feeding them. Gen. Lee writes on the 19th inst., that it is doubtfuls Meade has superior numbers. If he remains, Gen. Lee will advance again, provided he can get quart[16 more...]
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXII. November, 1863 (search)
des. letter from Gen. Howell Cobb. dispatch from Gen. Lee. State of the markets. letter from A. Moseley. vicinity, and a bad state of things generally. Gen. Lee has written three letters to the department, datednkets may be had in the same way. November 3 Gen. Lee writes that he will endeavor to protect the workme his best regiments of cavalry, be revoked. In Gen. Lee's recent campaign beyond the Rappahannock, our los fixing a maximum of prices. Every night troops from Lee's army are passing through the city. Probably they hawas under the necestity of reading a dispatch from Gen. Lee, announcing the surprise and capture of two brigadue day! November 11 No news. I saw, to-day, Gen. Lee's letter of the 7th instant, simply announcing theilding in the ports of France. I have written Custis Lee, the President's aid, that but one alternative no by the blockaders. That makes two this week. Gen. Lee dispatched the President, yesterday, as follows:
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 37 (search)
ven in his office. The last dispatch from Gen. Lee informs us that Meade, who had advanced, had eir prisoners in our hands. It is cruelty to Gen. Lee! It is already rumored that Gen. Butler hontinued, he cannot supply half enough meal for Lee's army. He has abundance in Georgia and South Meade would order a general advance, to check Gen. Lee. What all this means I know not, unless it be corn left North Carolina nearly a week ago for Lee's army, and about the same time 400,000 pounds . If this be so, it is very good policy. Gen. Lee is still here, but will leave very soon. m the railroads. The belief prevails that Gen. Lee's army is in motion. It may be a feint, to prom the South. This gives rise to a rumor that Lee will fall back, and that the capital will be beesident himself only acted in accordance with Gen. Lee's suggestions, noted at the time in this Diarross. A copy of this was immediately sent to Gen. Lee. It is said that Gen. Longstreet is march[11 more...]